Purdue Post-Game Presser

We don't really need someone of that caliber to be competitive. People keep saying that our players are garbage, but that is not what my eyes tell me. My eyes say the talent is there.

Look at Holtman at OSU. EVERYONE thought they lacked the talent to compete. New coach, 1 off-season and a focus on defense and bam they are burning through the leauge. This team has enough to do the same. However I no longer believe Fran is capable. If we don't let him go and hand these kids off to someone who can win with them right away then this program will nose dive.

Giving Fran more time is just squandering the players we have. Think if we give Fran another season. We will be loaded for 1 season with a bare cupboard behind it and very little time for a new coach to recruit to fill that many holes. If we dont cut Fran loose this seasons end we for sure wont ever see these players true potential and no matter how medicore Fran eventually gets this team to play it will for sure be underperforming.
Sorry. "everyone" did not think OSU lacked talent. OSU has always had talent. They lacked coaching under Thad Matta, for the last few years. Tate, Williams and Diop are all 4* talented SRs. That aside, I agree with you about Fran. It's time to cut him loose.
Sorry. "everyone" did not think OSU lacked talent. OSU has always had talent. They lacked coaching under Thad Matta, for the last few years. Tate, Williams and Diop are all 4* talented SRs. That aside, I agree with you about Fran. It's time to cut him loose.

Iowa has 3 4* players too. I already said Diop was better right now then anyone we have, but Williams and Tate? Those guys all helped OSU skid to letting Matta go. They aren't exactly stars bro. Diop has finally taken his game to the next level, but even without him OSU would still be winning alot because everyone is playing at a high level together.
Iowa has 3 4* players too. I already said Diop was better right now then anyone we have, but Williams and Tate? Those guys all helped OSU skid to letting Matta go. They aren't exactly stars bro. Diop has finally taken his game to the next level, but even without him OSU would still be winning alot because everyone is playing at a high level together.
That's coaching....bro.
Nope. Wrong again. I blame the coach AND the players. I just won't name the players like some folks.

Problem is, the coach could sit the starting five, and it wouldn't matter. The next five haven't shown much, either.

You can blame the coach all you want. But if the players are uninspired enough NOT to give effort, show grit, etc., then I ask one question of any/all of them: Where the hell is your dignity?

Bad coaching can lead to losing. It should never lead to players sacrificing their own self-worth to the point where it is now. I don't care how much a player doesn't like a coach. Not giving effort, or simply not giving a crap when you get embarrassed by an opponent or an opponent schools you because you half-assed it, is ridiculous.

So its an EXECUTION problem ... (hmmmm, where have I heard that before)
Franny needs more time to get "his guys" in. RELAX

LMAO!!!!! That’s fair after all they have already given the football coach 18 years to get his guys in and his average wins per year is equivalent to his third year as the coach. So collectively his results are what they were three years in, but let’s keep that going for another ten years until Kirk has to walk to his car in the parking lot with the help of a walker.

One day some of you will wake up to that too. Neither program is going anywhere. Like a vehicle stuck in a snow bank spinning its wheels.

Barta should be the first to go. Tomorrow wouldn’t be soon enough.

I have loved following the Hawkeyes since knee high to a grasshopper and after fifty years of doing that Iowa’s overall athletic program is at a level I have never seen before. Why in God’s name is Barta still here especially given the law suit results?

Look I know most of you love the Hawkeyes as much as my family and I do. We all get frustrated with each other every now and again. In the end we all want to win more. It’s a tough call to know when to cut people loose especially if they have personality traits that you find admirable. There is always the risk of becoming what Illinois is going through right now. No one on this board would want that to happen to the Hawkeyes except for maybe a few cyclone fans that may be posing as Iowa fans on this forum.

I realize what Jon said once to a few posters who were over reacting about getting a grip and getting a life as it’s just a game. He is absolutely right. At the same times that’s all the reason not to fear because in the end you really don’t have anything to lose. Why not go for trying to be the best you can be?

I have seriously tried to not criticize anyone for their opinions on any of the forums I have been on. I don’t pretend to know everything and often times some of you have helped me to see your way of thinking. This year was an example as I actually started to buy in on how some of felt Fran was starting to build this program. I expressed doubt on more than one occasion going back as far as after his third year as coach.

One, I didn’t like what appears to be an unstructured offense. I jokingly have been calling it YMCA ball. A lot of times it reminds of the pick game I played at the YMCA. No structure on either ends of the floor. You all see how other teams seem to dissect our defense and break it down and end up with easy baskets close under the hoop. That is the result of well thought out plays the break down defenses. Lute Olsen was a master at this.

Two, the rotation of so many players is outrageous as it destroys continuity and causes confusion on what each players role is on the team. Your our main rebounder, your our penetrator and ball distributor, your our go to guy when we really need a score, your our defensive lock down player when we need to slow the opponents leading scorer, your our leader that pulls the team together and tells them we have to move it up a notch as far as effort on both ends of the court.

When it happens it’s a beautiful thing to watch. Those of you who are young missed out on this master piece display when Iowa made it to their last final four. If our leading scorer, Ronnie Lester, hadn’t have gotten hurt early on in the first round of the final four we could have had a national championship. That team had everything I listed above PLUS A LOT OF HEART. They were nicknamed the IRON MEN because hey mainly played just seven guys. They were just average players with the exception of Ronnie. He was our superstar guard that made it all happen. That year I saw one of the best coaching jobs that I have ever seen since from an Iowa coach. By far Tom Davis’s first season team had way more overall talent but it was Lute’s ability to formulate team chemistry and to get the most out of his players abilities offensively and defensively that made that final four team so great. Some times I can close my eyes and still hear the field house echoing “LUTE! LUTE! LUTE! LUTE!

On a final note I am saddened at the way we played today on a day that we dedicated to the memory of Chris Street. Absolutely pathetic.
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Alrighty then.

Double I wasn’t picking on you. In fact I am not sure if you were being serious or just being sarcastic. Most major programs in the country would not give a coach over eight years to prove themselves. Some only four or five.

Some want to give Fran a pass because of how bad the program was when he took over. I think that is legit up until year five. Now all the players are your guys and you have had five years to build recruiting in roads and establish yourself. Sure every one can have a down year or rebuilding year however you should still be competitive and finish in respectable way. A bad a rebuilding year may mean 5-11 in conference with players showing improved ability as the year moved on. THAT COULD STILL HAPPEN and I can only hope it does. It’s just that with every loss the chances of that seems to be disappearing in the rear view mirror.

I wasn’t sounding off on you as I seriously thought you were just joking around. Were you? There is no circumstance that would justify a coach taking ten years to get his players into the program. I wasnt trying to insult you but I actually started to laugh when I read your post. If you were serious please explain your point of view and maybe I will agree. I am very open to hear other people’s perspectives. I may actually agree and change my mind.

PC and others actually had me getting excited about this year. I had pointed that Joc would be a HUGE loss as you just don’t lose the top scoring guard in the conference and not feel the loss. Some had pointed out the Joc’s defense was lacking at times so I looked at that and thought maybe they had a point there. Still I just felt it would be a hard thing to replace him. Yet they put up a convincing argument and Instarted to buy into it. I think pretty much everyone in hawkeyeland anticipated a great season. The so called experts said other wise and I believe were picking us to finish eleventh. We may by the end of this year be hoping to get that. It these guys don’t start to pull together the only team below us may be Illinois and that may be ifffy.

Is it really possible that we could go 1-15 in the conference? Yikes!!! If Barta fires Fran if that happens who really could complain? Iowa really really needs a spark plug in this team. I find it hard to believe that another set shooting guard is going to be the answer. We seriously need a penetrator that can break down defenses and also guard our defensive perimeter.

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