Purdue Post-Game Presser

Nope. Wrong again. I blame the coach AND the players. I just won't name the players like some folks.

Problem is, the coach could sit the starting five, and it wouldn't matter. The next five haven't shown much, either.

You can blame the coach all you want. But if the players are uninspired enough NOT to give effort, show grit, etc., then I ask one question of any/all of them: Where the hell is your dignity?

Bad coaching can lead to losing. It should never lead to players sacrificing their own self-worth to the point where it is now. I don't care how much a player doesn't like a coach. Not giving effort, or simply not giving a crap when you get embarrassed by an opponent or an opponent schools you because you half-assed it, is ridiculous.

I do respectfully disagree with you. He brought in players not of the ability to do the job and mixed them with kids that can, but are out manned.

Regardless, it's a mess.

I dont even get what Fran is trying to say here. The Big Ten schedule isn't even half over yet and Iowa doesn't even have a chance at the NIT. We've all "given up" on the team this year
Not sure why booby always attacks me? I mean if pointing out the obvious makes me not a fan then there are quite a few who aren't fans. Smh

I think we all get upset about this and have opinions on the problems. Knowing nothing about his position, we range from.
Not being happy from the beginning with Fran
Skeptical early but like improvement
Those who like his style

Regardless, this is a big mess and not fun.
Fran: Basically we played a great team, got to work on some things, I see some change in some individual players, move on, fans don't give up.
I think we all get upset about this and have opinions on the problems. Knowing nothing about his position, we range from.
Not being happy from the beginning with Fran
Skeptical early but like improvement
Those who like his style

Regardless, this is a big mess and not fun.

I'll be the first to say, I wasn't excited about the hiring. His "history" told me he wouldn't be around long, especially if he was able to turn things around. And part of the reason he laid some "roots", if I had to guess, is the situation with Patrick's health back in 2013-14. And I totally get that, and am in fact glad his family was at Iowa versus a lot of other places for the sake of Patrick's treatment/recovery/overall health. I just don't know if he was using Iowa a stepping stone, or if he is still at Iowa because nothing better has come calling. Then again, that's Fran's deal, and really none of my business. It just crops up in my mind from time to time.

I actually liked the direction of the program, even with the fade that lead to being in a First Four versus getting a higher seed like we appeared to be heading into earlier that season, and the subsequent fades in 2015 and 2016 seasons. I attribute part of those fades to those stupid tours we seem to do every summer. PTL isn't really a negative in terms of court time, just that it isn't anything to gauge where a player or team is. But the tours? I think players are exhausted, physically/mentally/emotionally, by those things. It's basically an extra month to a season.

And seriously, how does playing German club teams, under international rules, prepare a team for a B1G season? Probably similar to how arena football or WWE/XFL football would prepare the football team for a B1G season, i.e., it wouldn't prepare them beyond it being better than sitting around eating smores day after day.

Again, I could compare this to a couple Mr. Davis teams that didn't do so hot back in the day. But those teams were missing guys (been rehashed here over and over), were uber-young, and were total rebuilds. I just don't see those situations applying in this case.

I didn't expect Final Four, but I DID expect a decent team. Losing Jok was certainly significant, but I'm not sure how good this team would be if he was on it. I also can't really gauge whether C. Williams would help, or if that whole situation is a by-product of the bigger overall problem.
Hey, it was a beautiful morning anyway. Didn't see the game good thing. Fran needs the heave ho, sorry if that offends some, but, cut your losses and get someone in here that can get the job done. I'm not giving up on the team, just the coach and his staff
I'll be the first to say, I wasn't excited about the hiring. His "history" told me he wouldn't be around long, especially if he was able to turn things around. And part of the reason he laid some "roots", if I had to guess, is the situation with Patrick's health back in 2013-14. And I totally get that, and am in fact glad his family was at Iowa versus a lot of other places for the sake of Patrick's treatment/recovery/overall health. I just don't know if he was using Iowa a stepping stone, or if he is still at Iowa because nothing better has come calling. Then again, that's Fran's deal, and really none of my business. It just crops up in my mind from time to time.

I actually liked the direction of the program, even with the fade that lead to being in a First Four versus getting a higher seed like we appeared to be heading into earlier that season, and the subsequent fades in 2015 and 2016 seasons. I attribute part of those fades to those stupid tours we seem to do every summer. PTL isn't really a negative in terms of court time, just that it isn't anything to gauge where a player or team is. But the tours? I think players are exhausted, physically/mentally/emotionally, by those things. It's basically an extra month to a season.

And seriously, how does playing German club teams, under international rules, prepare a team for a B1G season? Probably similar to how arena football or WWE/XFL football would prepare the football team for a B1G season, i.e., it wouldn't prepare them beyond it being better than sitting around eating smores day after day.

Again, I could compare this to a couple Mr. Davis teams that didn't do so hot back in the day. But those teams were missing guys (been rehashed here over and over), were uber-young, and were total rebuilds. I just don't see those situations applying in this case.

I didn't expect Final Four, but I DID expect a decent team. Losing Jok was certainly significant, but I'm not sure how good this team would be if he was on it. I also can't really gauge whether C. Williams would help, or if that whole situation is a by-product of the bigger overall problem.

I am confused why you thought this team would be decent.
Fran’s post-game effort looked like his team’s effort. Same ol’ same ol’.
I am confused why you thought this team would be decent.

At the beginning of the year? Two all-B1G freshman returning from last year, others returning who gained experience last year. I didn't expect "great", but I certainly thought 15-18 wins was attainable, possible NCAA bid if things went our way, NIT bid a no-brainer if they didn't.

Returning (coming into season):
Cook, Bohannon, Pemsl, Baer, Moss, C. Williams, Uhl, Wagner, Kreiner, Ellingson. Granted, not all were world-beaters, but all had experience to some degree, and had shown a level of competence and competitiveness on the court. The additions of Garza and Nunge, with C-Mac being touted as a good recruit who would redshirt? Plus, we were hearing/reading that Dailey was showing improvement and would figure into the mix a lot more.

Hard to say, "Nope, nothing there this year". But, it all seemed to spiral with the C. Williams announcement, followed by the Baer injury, the piling on with the early losses in the Caymans, then the two early B1G losses were just insult to injury. The five-game win streak that followed was obviously fool's gold, much like the shellacking of ISU in football in 2016. It looked good, but only for what it was, a big win over a team from a P5 conference, just as the five-game streak was simply a run of five games that incurred no losses, not five games that set the team on a course to a really good season.
Does the team practice shooting at those exact rims or do they put them up for side hoops? The way Purdue shot today they look like they practice more at CHA then we do. What the hell do they work on in practice? Free throw shooting? Maybe some players . Game speed coming off picks to shoot ? Nope game speed on close outs ? Doesn’t look like it either .This team is void of talent but it should still look more prepared to compete.
Q: is your team listening to the lessons you’re teaching them in practice and doing it in the game?

Fran: Yes

Q: how is that?

Fran: because I’ve seen improvement.


I guess cuz you can’t say this team isn’t listening to you because then that means oh-ohhhhh

Why did I see so many assistants pleading with players when they walked to the bench?

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