PTL Draft

Cougs is a great passer. He also could bring the other teams center out of the middle to the three point line. He and Basabee will be interesting together if Cougs can draw people to him and dish to Bassabee. We would still need to get a lot of turnovers in the press to keep Cougs from being a defensive liability from what I have seen. Keep the gym in North Liberty hot and let him sweat off some lbs!:)
Cougs is a great passer. He also could bring the other teams center out of the middle to the three point line. He and Basabee will be interesting together if Cougs can draw people to him and dish to Bassabee. We would still need to get a lot of turnovers in the press to keep Cougs from being a defensive liability from what I have seen. Keep the gym in North Liberty hot and let him sweat off some lbs!:)

You make a great point about bring the center out of the middle but cougs has to be the least athletic C in the PTL this year doesnt he???
Cougs is a great passer. He also could bring the other teams center out of the middle to the three point line. He and Basabee will be interesting together if Cougs can draw people to him and dish to Bassabee. We would still need to get a lot of turnovers in the press to keep Cougs from being a defensive liability from what I have seen. Keep the gym in North Liberty hot and let him sweat off some lbs!:)

Athletic guards that can put pressure on the ball can significantly help a post's defense. Hopefully, with the added players (fresh legs) and a perceived upgrade in athleticism, our total defense will look a lot better this coming year. Plus, I do believe Fran said he's willing to fit his system to his players. Zone?
Playing a zone defense seems realistic. Against teams that have bigger size, IMO, it is the only way for Iowa to stay competetive. Giving guards more freedom to help out in the middle might help to force turnovers with big men having to pass back outside, when the guards drop down for token pressure or a double team. This of course assumes defensive rotation on the perimeter.
"There aren't a lot of good big men," PTL director Randy Larson said of why Cougill was picked first. --

And Cougs is not one of the "good big men". That guy is completely off his rocker.
"There aren't a lot of good big men," PTL director Randy Larson said of why Cougill was picked first. --

And Cougs is not one of the "good big men". That guy is completely off his rocker.

Maybe not in your opinion, but i would take Randy's over yours anyday.
No mention of Archie? Any others from the 2010/11 Hawks roster that didn't get mentioned?
Archie was taken in the 3rd round.
Brommer is on the same team as Gatens.
Marble was picked in the 4th and is on Cougill's team.
Stoermer is playing with Cully Payne.
McCabe, Stokes, and May are all on a team.
Basabe by himself, with Murphy.

I haven't heard anything about Cole.
I think you forgot to put "unfounded" in front of it. "Uneducated" and "ignorant" also work.
Seriously, enough with the Cougil slams. Yes we all know he doesn't have an adonis like physique. But he's got some serious skills.

If this kid were 6-10 220 instead of 6-10 260 and put up the same stats as a freshman everyone here would be in love with him. We get it, the kids chubby.
Cougill will be ok. I cant see us running 24/7 I think the coach said he will be switching things up and making ajustments to fit who and how we are playing. He's got a nice game, but needs time to develope into a Big-ten center, very few do this in less than 2 years. Lets encourage him instead of cutting on him.
I'm someone who thinks Cougs has HUGE upside. The guy is fundamentally sound and is a great passer. He's a little undersized and not as quick as some would like him to be but he plays C not PG. If he were 2" to 3" taller he would be my ideal big man because he plays smart. I don't really get all the hate on him right now. Just because he didn't play for Lick doesn't mean he won't play for Fran. I personally would take the opinion of almost any other basketball coach over that of Lick...where is he coaching? He has to be one of a very select few of coaches that coached at a major D1 program, was fired, and then never sniffed another job. Makes you wonder.
i will support the kid because he is a Hawkeye. nothing more, nothing less.

that is pretty much all that matters, I guess.

And, Duffy, for you to say that I am "uneducated" is a very 'uneducated' opinion. Have we ever met? I doubt it. I could be a basketball scout with 19 years experience who has helped find, develop, and promote kids in 47 states and at over 1500 colleges and universities. I could also be the same guy and live in North Liberty, IA.

But, to say I am uneducated and ignorant is like saying, "hey pot, meet kettle."

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