Pryor and others suspended 5 games next year

The players are eligibile for the bowl game because the NCAA determined they did not receive adequate rules education during the time period the violations occurred, Lennon said.
NCAA stupidity and nonsense strikes again!

But man, to sell your Big Ten championship rings before you even graduate? I guess though when you've got 4 or 5 of them, you can spare one. :eek:

Pryor selling his sportsmanship award. Now THAT is classy.
The players are eligibile for the bowl game because the NCAA determined they did not receive adequate rules education during the time period the violations occurred, Lennon said.

That makes sense. Good to see the NCAA be fair and balanced.
They sold their big ten championship rings. Who does that, must have not meant crap to them. That is the part that ticks me off the most. That is some thing that you put in a case and tell your grandkids about.
this is just proof OSU doesn't pay its What a nightmare. I expect at least 2-3 of that bunch to leave early.
NCAA is really digging themselves a huge f'n hole with their findings of these players and then slapping them on the wrist.
Wow. The NCAA is as transparently corrupt as Congress. Don't even try to hide it anymore. Pay to play, y'all.

Also...I'm damn glad fOSU has these players eligible, as I have a fOSU win worth 20 points on my bowl pool.
You seriously have to be the DUMBEST PERSON IN THE WORLD to sell crap and play sports....seriously, do they not tell kids that.

The NCAA is a friggin joke! How can you not sit them for the bowl game????

On the long as it takes Pryor to get into the season, the Big 10 could be rough for OSU next year.
Can anybody explain why they weren't suspended for the bowl game? The NCAA has just opened the door to allow them to skip the suspensions all together and head straight for the NFL and a big pay day.
Dez Bryant loses one year for lying to the NCAA about something that was legal. OSU players are suspended for 5 games for selling rings but can pay in the bowl game. Cam Newton's dad shops him around for $180,000 but its no big deal because Cam "didn't know" about it. Its good to see the NCAA has its priorities in order.

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