Pryor and others suspended 5 games next year

this is just proof OSU doesn't pay its What a nightmare. I expect at least 2-3 of that bunch to leave early.

Herron is not an NFL-caliber RB. Special teamer at best, don't think he'd be drafted.
Posey has skills, probably a 3rd rounder.
Pryor is NOT an NFL QB - will his prodigious ego and self-absorption get in the way of a conversion to an more suitable pro position (ie possession receiver)?
The other two I've never heard of.
I wish someone could explain to me how its against the rules to sell something that is your property. I understand that some people are upset that they sold their championship rings, but I still feel that if it belongs to them why can't they do with it as they please?

And I don't agree with the poster that called OSU a "sleazy program". How in the world does this make OSU a sleazy program? OSU started their own investigation into the incident, the NCAA handed down a suspension, the OSU players will serve it (if they are still around). Sure, they still get to play in the bowl game, I'm confused on that as well, but its not like OSU decided what the penalties would be.
How sleazy that they get to play in the bowl game. If Tressel had any integrity at all he wouldn't play them. So what that they will sit out their beginning of the season scrub games.
I wish someone could explain to me how its against the rules to sell something that is your property. I understand that some people are upset that they sold their championship rings, but I still feel that if it belongs to them why can't they do with it as they please?

Players get so much free crap, it's pretty much common knowledge that you can't use it to open a sporting goods store. I doubt Pryor is dumb enough that he didn't know this was against the rules. If they let players sell stuff, the boosters could just buy them on ebay for thousands each. For example, OSU coaches could recruit kids by saying if you come here and beat UM you get gold pants and they're worth lots of money. If you go to Oregon you'll have 250 different jerseys sell.
Boom would be. 4th-7th round guy but he would be that next year too. Posey. 3rd-4th rounder, Pryor would go 1st or 2nd round on potential and the fact he could be moved to a different position. If Tebow can go 1st round so could Pryor. Mike Adams was a 1st team All-B10 left tackle, behind Carimi he is the best B10 tackle that is draft eligible. Perfect NFL size and long arms. Only started this year though. 2nd round guy probably. Thomas didn't start so he isn't going anywhere. Talk of other Jrs maybe leaving to NFL too (Brewster, Williams).
Pryor and company get 5 games for selling bowl ring and getting free tattoos, AJ Green gets 4 games for selling his own jersey... Cam Newton gets Heisman for receiving $200,000 as a signing bonus. Yeah NCAA that makes sense.. What a freakin joke!

Look I strongly dislike Pryor and I am not surprised by him breaking rules, but the NCAA is incompetent and inconsistent at best.
Dez Bryant loses one year for lying to the NCAA about something that was legal. OSU players are suspended for 5 games for selling rings but can pay in the bowl game. Cam Newton's dad shops him around for $180,000 but its no big deal because Cam "didn't know" about it. Its good to see the NCAA has its priorities in order.

Hmmmmm...... Sounds like it matters how high profile your program is whether or not the NCAA is going to drop the hammer on you! What a pile of ****.
Pryor and company get 5 games for selling bowl ring and getting free tattoos, AJ Green gets 4 games for selling his own jersey... Cam Newton gets Heisman for receiving $200,000 as a signing bonus. Yeah NCAA that makes sense.. What a freakin joke!

Look I strongly dislike Pryor and I am not surprised by him breaking rules, but the NCAA is incompetent and inconsistent at best.

Technically, there's no proof (yet) that Newton accepted a cent. Only that his dad shopped him around, apparently with Cam having no knowledge of that :)rolleyes:). However, the NCAA did rule that his amateur status had been violated. And he's allowed to play (makes sense, right?). Now people are just going to make sure that there's no evidence of a recruit "knowing" about the wheeling and dealing.
Boom would be. 4th-7th round guy but he would be that next year too. Posey. 3rd-4th rounder, Pryor would go 1st or 2nd round on potential and the fact he could be moved to a different position. If Tebow can go 1st round so could Pryor. Mike Adams was a 1st team All-B10 left tackle, behind Carimi he is the best B10 tackle that is draft eligible. Perfect NFL size and long arms. Only started this year though. 2nd round guy probably. Thomas didn't start so he isn't going anywhere. Talk of other Jrs maybe leaving to NFL too (Brewster, Williams).

Terrelle Pryor is not getting drafted in the 1st or 2nd round. You are out of your mind.
Terrelle Pryor is not getting drafted in the 1st or 2nd round. You are out of your mind.

I actually agree with fufred. Tebow had no business being a first-rounder, either. But he was. Pryor will probably be drafted in the first or second round. That's way too high, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.
Players get so much free crap, it's pretty much common knowledge that you can't use it to open a sporting goods store. I doubt Pryor is dumb enough that he didn't know this was against the rules. If they let players sell stuff, the boosters could just buy them on ebay for thousands each. For example, OSU coaches could recruit kids by saying if you come here and beat UM you get gold pants and they're worth lots of money. If you go to Oregon you'll have 250 different jerseys sell.

Ah, I had never thought of it that way. That makes a bit more sense now as to why its against the rules. I understand the thought behind the rule I guess, but I still don't know that I completely agree with it. It just seems backwards to me that selling a single article of apparell (AJ Green) can get you 4 games, yet breaking actual laws can be as little as community service or a 1 game suspension. The NCAA really needs to rethink they way they handle cases.
I actually agree with fufred. Tebow had no business being a first-rounder, either. But he was. Pryor will probably be drafted in the first or second round. That's way too high, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.

We'll all find out in April, I guess.
Lol...u have no idea what u are talking about. U know what Pryor will do at the combine? I'll bet whatever u like on that.....

No, I don't. Neither do you. I'm guessing that "missing open receivers" will figure into the equation in some fashion.
Pryor certainly has as much upside as Smith from Missouri or Randle El from Indiana. I'll be very surprised if he lasts past the 2nd round. I'll be even more surprised if he comes back to tOSU next year...assuming the 5 game suspensions aren't reduced to 2 as I suspect they will be.
he will run around a 4.3 and kill the agility drills. He will be drafted based on potential and the fact that worse case scenario he will play WR. He's 6'6" 230 and runs sub 4.4, yeah guys like that slip to the 3rd round or later.....
The players are eligibile for the bowl game because the NCAA determined they did not receive adequate rules education during the time period the violations occurred, Lennon said.

This is unbelievable. How exactly did they determine that and couldn't you claim this for any violation? So if it is deteremined that Cam Newton knew about the $200k can he just say he wasn't educated on the rules during the time he was recruted? I don't get it.
Pryor and company get 5 games for selling bowl ring and getting free tattoos, AJ Green gets 4 games for selling his own jersey... Cam Newton gets Heisman for receiving $200,000 as a signing bonus. Yeah NCAA that makes sense.. What a freakin joke!

Look I strongly dislike Pryor and I am not surprised by him breaking rules, but the NCAA is incompetent and inconsistent at best.

I agree with you on the NCAA.

But to be accurate, Newton's dad asked for but did not receive money from Mississippi State. Whether he ultimately received something from Auburn, we don't know, there's no proof or even an allegation of that to date.
Boom would be. 4th-7th round guy but he would be that next year too. Posey. 3rd-4th rounder, Pryor would go 1st or 2nd round on potential and the fact he could be moved to a different position. If Tebow can go 1st round so could Pryor. Mike Adams was a 1st team All-B10 left tackle, behind Carimi he is the best B10 tackle that is draft eligible. Perfect NFL size and long arms. Only started this year though. 2nd round guy probably. Thomas didn't start so he isn't going anywhere. Talk of other Jrs maybe leaving to NFL too (Brewster, Williams).

You need to take off your OSU glasses. There is not a chance in hell Pryor goes in the 1st or 2nd round. Guys like him are not NFL QBs. Tebow only in the first round because one coach had a hard on for him. Tebow will be a bust like VY is and like Pryor will be. He'll be a 5th round pick and be used as a backup TE.
I agree with you on the NCAA.

But to be accurate, Newton's dad asked for but did not receive money from Mississippi State. Whether he ultimately received something from Auburn, we don't know, there's no proof or even an allegation of that to date.

Doesn't matter. Soliciting money on the behalf of the player makes him ineligible. The NCAA admitted his dad did this but then changed the rules so Cam could play.

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