Projecting Playing Time for Deep Hawkeye Hoops Squad

Jumping rope with a log chain is impressive. Try it if u don't think so. I may be in the minority but I like Kreiner. He will never be a star but he works his ass off and he is going to have his moments. Home grown and I'm glad he is a Hawk.
Jumping rope with a log chain is impressive. Try it if u don't think so. I may be in the minority but I like Kreiner. He will never be a star but he works his ass off and he is going to have his moments. Home grown and I'm glad he is a Hawk.
Yes. It is impressive. And I like Kreiner as well.
All the guys on the team are stars . Hopefully, Kreiner will have a lot of great moments in the next couple of years. There is a lot of competition, but he will get his minutes.
Not sure what "deep" means then if one thinks that Iowa is deep. Certainly not deep with talent. Otherwise they would have won more games.
Deep or no, talent or no ... Until I see differently, I expect F-Mac to convince himself he can and should go 9-12 deep, every game. We'll see the same disruptive rotational strategy deployed for the last several seasons -- scripted platoon shifts with little regard for game-flow, discombobulated combinations of imbalanced positions, inexplicably long bench-time for hot hands, dogmatic adherence to the 2-foul rule ...

I was really anticipating last year as a last-4 level bubble team and a shoe-in high NIT seed, with this year as a certain NCAA bid and 2019 being no worse than 2nd weekend. Last year was just too much of a gut-punch that just emboldened my cynicism toward F-Mac's undermining philosophies.

No question the effort and toughness - especially on D - must improve but an equally important improvement has to be at the top.
Deep or no, talent or no ... Until I see differently, I expect F-Mac to convince himself he can and should go 9-12 deep, every game. We'll see the same disruptive rotational strategy deployed for the last several seasons -- scripted platoon shifts with little regard for game-flow, discombobulated combinations of imbalanced positions, inexplicably long bench-time for hot hands, dogmatic adherence to the 2-foul rule ...

I was really anticipating last year as a last-4 level bubble team and a shoe-in high NIT seed, with this year as a certain NCAA bid and 2019 being no worse than 2nd weekend. Last year was just too much of a gut-punch that just emboldened my cynicism toward F-Mac's undermining philosophies.

No question the effort and toughness - especially on D - must improve but an equally important improvement has to be at the top.
If Lute Olson strictly adheared to the unwritten two foul rule we would never have gone to the Final Four in 1980. Ronnie Lester and Kenny Arnold played many first half minutes with two fouls. Sometimes it seemed like they got off the team bus with two fouls on them.

If you weren't smart enough or aware enough to be able to play with two in those days, the coaches wouldn't hesitate to play someone who was. Dean Smith was one of the first to pull players after the second foul. It took others a while to catch on but they did.

I saw it again last weekend in AAU. Not fouling when up three late. We had the ball trailing by three. The other coach wanted the foul but wasnt getting it from his team and by the time his player committed it our player was in the act of shooting. He made three free throws, sent it into OT, and we won in OT. The other team even had a foul to give, making even less sense of the whole situation. Why give up a free chance to make the other team reset on offense while you can reset if not change your defense and possibly force a turnover on the inbounds pass? And more time could run off the clock before you foul them again. Also, someone on each bench should know the individual and team foul situations for both teams.
Speaking of the two foul rule that Fran loves. If we're truly going to step up our defensive game this year, I wonder if that will lead to more fouls.
Speaking of the two foul rule that Fran loves. If we're truly going to step up our defensive game this year, I wonder if that will lead to more fouls.

Depends on howcwell they are taught. More reaching and eyepoking will be more. Better positioning will be a wash especially if it cuts down on lazy and desperate fouls.