Projected 2012 starters

IPost who you think will start.
Here is what I think
QB- Vandenberg
HB- Coker. Garmon will get a few carrys
FB- Rodgers
WR- Davis
WR- K-Mart
I will edit this after further research and add all positions.
qb - jvb
hb - coker (garmon and canzeri share #2)
fb - rogers (still trying to figure out who rodgers is)
te - cjf
wr - davis
wr - kmm
slot receiver - bullock
c - ferentz
g - tobin
g - macmillan (if 100%) (could see boffeli get opportunity) (scherff if no one emerges)
t - van sloten
t - not sure on 2nd tackle could be macmillan if 100% because of size and feet. which would open a guard spot up.

s - miller
s - law
cb - hyde
cb - lowery
olb - kirksey
mlb - alston
olb - morris
dl - i have no clue. hope some young soph or rs frosh makes huge strides and we see the emergence of the next great dl.
RB - Coker
FB - Rogers
WR - Davis
WR - KMart
OL - Ferentz, Scherff, MacMillan, Van Sloten, Donnal

DL - Alvis, Bigach, Cooper, Davis
LB - Morris, Alston, Kirksey
S - Miller, Nico
CB - Lowery, Hyde

K - Meyer
P - Kornbrath

***DL, OL, and LB are in no particular order or position.
Lots of time between now and next season. It sounds like there are around 8 guys who could fight for a starting spot on the O-line. We need improvement desperately on the D-line, so it will be interesting to see if anyone can step up and steal a spot.
If McMillan i s good to go, he'll be a tackle. If you don't think Scherff will start, I don't know about you. I think he'll be a guard or the other tackle depending on Van Sloten and Donnal's development.
Austin Blythe will be in the mix at Guard...reports are that they think he's a manchild...and he's gotten bigger and close to 300 pounds already. Scherff will start somewhere too. He got the opportunity to win the job this year...with the two tackles gone, my guess is that Tobin moves outside and Scherff is one of the guards.

If NMac is healthy, tobin could be the odd man out.
Here is some more names that could jockey for starting time.

Staggs at slot receiver Bofelli at G Hitchens at one of the Lbr spots A true Frosh could steal a spot on the D-line and if the Aussie can figure out his mechanics better he could be the punter.

Sleepers: Hillyer, Cotton, Z. Derby, Lomax and maybe the light might come on for Castillo.
Donnal to replace Rieff at T and Scherff at guard to replace Gettis
Donnal has been the backup to Reiff all season long and Scherff has been playing Guard all season long so i think its safe to figure they will stay at the position they played at and practiced at
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Donnal to replace Rieff at T and Scherff at guard to replace Gettis
Donnal has been the backup to Reiff all season long and Scherff has been playing Guard all season long so i think its safe to figure they will stay at the position they played at and practiced at

Bulaga palyed guard before he became a tackle. It's not unlikely that he makes the move outside. To me it all depends on N McM. If he's healthy things change. I could see Blythe getting in as he is hyped by the staff and a huge man, and it would be good experience before he moves to Center the following year.

Also, I think Shumpert will be in the starting lineup for McNutt, when we have a 3 WR set.
Mac Millian is key as he was a solid player teaming up with Reiff on the left side
so i think 6'7 300 + by Donnal at LT, and 6'6 300 lbs MacMillian at LG makes a big and solid left side of the line
Ferentz in the Middle at 6'3 290 lbs
Scherff 6'5 310 lbs at RG
Van Sloten 6'7 300 lbs RT
that is a bigger line and they have all played at those positions
there is that chance, but some felt the same about Dace
all anyone can do is hope
6'7 300 lb lt in Donnal RS SO
6'6 290 lb lg in Tobin RS SR
still is a big left side line
and then you add in
6'3 285 lb Ferentz RS SR C
6'5 310 lb Scherff RS SO rg
6'7 292 lb Van Sloten RS JR rt
some may not have the playing experience but theyall have a minimum of 3 years in the program
so the OL is not that big of a concern, actually the offense will not be that big of a concern
RS SR at QB Vandy has to step up and play like a SR
JR RB Coker is registered for class and KF was not happy about the suspension, goes
into this season as the 2nd leading rusher in the BT and 11th on the Iowa all time list
after 19 games with a overall avg of 20.3 carries per game
JR Rogers should be up to full speed going into the fall rather than waiting to be cleared
RS SR WR Davis has to step up and play up to his billing
RS SO WR KMM has to continue to improve
JR TE CJF showed he is getting it on the blocking side and he provides a secuity blanket that has been missing from this offense

what we need is 2nd rb and a 3rd wr to step up
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