Progress is Being Made with the Program

I don't understand the repetitive year 14 statements (not just above, but by many folks). Is the assumption that the program should plateau at a certain elevated level and never fall off?

This is Iowa goddammit! It doesn't matter that you can watch 30 games a week and see every single team play through mistakes, down years and overpaid coaches...that's all allowed because they're not OUR teams! It doesn't matter that this team has shown improvement over last season's craptastical only matters that we're not undefeated, running the spread and needing a coach who pi$$es his pants and leg humps guys after every play...
Well it is pretty clear from the comments on who is content with were the program is right now.. Sorry if it offends you that some fans just want a little bit more.

In other words, nobody is agreeing with your ridiculous opinion so now you want to make it seem like you are a better fan than all of us who are happy with the substantial progress that is being made.
Sorry man but if you can't see how much better this team is compared to last year you must not have a clue what to look for.

The QB play is much better. For a first year starter in the Big Ten it is downright impressive.

The dline controlling the line of scrimmage. Something that did not happen often last year.

The LB's are all having their best seasons as Hawkeyes.

It has been a struggle to figure out who to give the rock to, and there has been inconsistent performances by the defensive backfield and the wide receiving core. However, both of those groups are relatively young and inexperienced. This team is much better than it was a year ago, and if they can get some momentum going to finish the season strong they could be a pretty confident team heading into next season.

Regarding your hard-on for the D. Ohio State and Braxton Miller say hello.
Bottom line for me is about playing good football with a sprinkle of entertainment. I do not have a set 'x' number of wins mark for each season. Too many unknowns are in play each season that can make for a good 6-7 win team or a lousy 6-7 win team.

I feel like for the most part this team has played good football and provided some entertaining moments this season. Much improved over the debacle the season before. We needed a little more offense is the big issue.

I have always liked the brand of football KF believes in. I hate the spread, massive gimmicks and programs that change uniforms every game. Give me Stanford and Alabama football any day which is what we do also. Substance over style. We just need to do it better and get a few more difference makers.

I agree give me Stanford and Alabama, we are not them, and we are moving away from them more towards Oregon with our wretched read option that the QB never keeps. I think we should revert back to the Stanford/Alabama.Wisconsin method. I am also in favor of ditching zone blocking.
It is like being stuck in a bad marriage, but Ferentz somehow does just enough. However, I will be quite impressed if we finish the regular season at 8-4. Iowa has a good chance against Michigan. I don't think we will beat Nebraska and finish the regular season 7-5.

If this were any other place with the coin Kirk is making, he would be long gone, but this is Iowa that land of job security for average results.

An 8 or 9 win season next year is like going 6-6 or 7-5 with that joke schedule.

But, it was a win today and at least we are not the clones or the panthers.

Not so...
If Ferentz had the same results at ISU as he has at Iowa, they would have renamed the University, the field, the stadium and most of the streets after him. In addition to that he would be paid $8,000,000 a year for the next 20 years.

I base that on what they are currently paying Mr. Rhoads. (2 million a year for 10 years)
Lost 3 Big Ten conf games by an average of 10+ pts. While I think the defense has improved in the front 7, considerably, we could be back to square one with replacing all 3 LBs next season. I'll go out on a limb and throw out this, right now, "What do you expect, none of them have started a game in their careers. There's going to be growing pains". That's going to be repeated, ad nauseam. I like to get out ahead of the pack on the excuse train. I will wait until the end of the season to make a judgement. We have a chance to beat 2 teams with a winning record, to close out the season and prepare for a Bowl game. That would go a long way toward restoring this fan's faith.
Lost 3 Big Ten conf games by an average of 10+ pts. While I think the defense has improved in the front 7, considerably, we could be back to square one with replacing all 3 LBs next season. I'll go out on a limb and throw out this, right now, "What do you expect, none of them have started a game in their careers. There's going to be growing pains". That's going to be repeated, ad nauseam. I like to get out ahead of the pack on the excuse train. I will wait until the end of the season to make a judgement. We have a chance to beat 2 teams with a winning record, to close out the season and prepare for a Bowl game. That would go a long way toward restoring this fan's faith.

The teams we have beaten have a combined record of 20-38.

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