Progress is Being Made with the Program

It’s going to be an interesting end to this season. Considering where the team was coming into the season, I realistically don’t think more could be asked. Michigan and Nebraska have their own troubles. I’m not sure I would favor either over Iowa by much. It would be about as easy to win out, lose out, or split the last two games. The defense seems to be steady enough, good but not great. The offense still has a lot of questions. Can Canzeri spearhead a revived running game that features four serviceable runningbacks? Will Rudock be a little sharper without all the wind they have been contending with in the last three games? The Tight ends have the potential in on any given day, the wide receivers less so.

I wouldn’t bet either way on the last two Iowa games.
17-39. That's the record of Iowa's opponents in which they have beat, nobody with a winning record except Minnesota at 8-2. With them removed you're looking at 9-37. Not exactly the best teams in the NCAA or an accurate representation of Iowa's talent at this point in time.

Look it's a wash... We haven't beat anybody we shouldn't have and we haven't lost to anybody we should have.

Coach Mason says were the best 4 loss team in the nation!!!

So suck it Sparky.
It's funny to watch this. When the Hawks win a game, the Kirk apologists come out and point out the progress being made. When we lose a game the Kirk haters come out and say it's about time for him to go. What a seesaw. And so it will go as long as Captain Kirk is at the helm.

I don't find it funny at all. Nothing wrong with wanting to be more relevant than we currently are and don't bash the fans that have higher expectation.

I'm extremely happy with the win today because this program needs the extra practice a bowl bid will give a program and could be a stepping board to a nice run for KF at Iowa.
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17-39. That's the record of Iowa's opponents in which they have beat, nobody with a winning record except Minnesota at 8-2. With them removed you're looking at 9-37. Not exactly the best teams in the NCAA or an accurate representation of Iowa's talent at this point in time.

37-3. That's the record of the teams that Iowa has lost to. So what's your point?
37-3. That's the record of the teams that Iowa has lost to. So what's your point?

Take away the Wisconsin screwjob against ASU and its 38-2. The Northern Illinois game was absolutely winnable. That's the only loss on the schedule that's upsetting in my opinion, and they are still a damn good team. If Iowa ends with 7 or more wins I would consider it a welcome sign for the future.

This team isn't far away from competing at a higher level. They could really use some playmakers to emerge at both the WR and Safety positions.
Sorry man but if you can't see how much better this team is compared to last year you must not have a clue what to look for.

The QB play is much better. For a first year starter in the Big Ten it is downright impressive.

The dline controlling the line of scrimmage. Something that did not happen often last year.

The LB's are all having their best seasons as Hawkeyes.

It has been a struggle to figure out who to give the rock to, and there has been inconsistent performances by the defensive backfield and the wide receiving core. However, both of those groups are relatively young and inexperienced. This team is much better than it was a year ago, and if they can get some momentum going to finish the season strong they could be a pretty confident team heading into next season.

I agree you nailed it. Go Hawks!
Sorry but it is KF problem not mine. :) I'm just a fan he is the Coach..

Here is the thing that befuddles me. I've been following Hawk football since I was 5. I'm 45 now so do the math. Note... I am realistahawk. The fact is that now matter how badly people, myself included, want the Hawks to be a perennial power it's never going to happen, unless, you get that special program changing couch that changes the tradition of the program to that of a perennial power. I thought after the first 3 year run of top 8 finishes and a couple stellar requiting classes, that kind of bombed, that Kirk was that coach. Nope he is not. That being said though I do believe that realistically he has far outdone what many many others would have been able to do and that alone warrents the money. Now with that said, when he does finally go can the university find that one special man to turn the tradition into a perennial power sort of program? I don't know but I hope so. Enjoy what's coming though cause I think there is one good run left! Go Hawks!
Bottom line for me is about playing good football with a sprinkle of entertainment. I do not have a set 'x' number of wins mark for each season. Too many unknowns are in play each season that can make for a good 6-7 win team or a lousy 6-7 win team.

I feel like for the most part this team has played good football and provided some entertaining moments this season. Much improved over the debacle the season before. We needed a little more offense is the big issue.

I have always liked the brand of football KF believes in. I hate the spread, massive gimmicks and programs that change uniforms every game. Give me Stanford and Alabama football any day which is what we do also. Substance over style. We just need to do it better and get a few more difference makers.
Here is the thing that befuddles me. I've been following Hawk football since I was 5. I'm 45 now so do the math. Note... I am realistahawk. The fact is that now matter how badly people, myself included, want the Hawks to be a perennial power it's never going to happen, unless, you get that special program changing couch that changes the tradition of the program to that of a perennial power. I thought after the first 3 year run of top 8 finishes and a couple stellar requiting classes, that kind of bombed, that Kirk was that coach. Nope he is not. That being said though I do believe that realistically he has far outdone what many many others would have been able to do and that alone warrents the money. Now with that said, when he does finally go can the university find that one special man to turn the tradition into a perennial power sort of program? I don't know but I hope so. Enjoy what's coming though cause I think there is one good run left! Go Hawks!

No, what we really need is that megabooster. In this day and age, a program like Iowa isn't going to become a perennial power without a T. Boone Pickens/Phil Knight-type. We can have mini-runs like 2002-04 and 2008-10, but we're not going to become what Oregon has.
Take away the Wisconsin screwjob against ASU and its 38-2. The Northern Illinois game was absolutely winnable. That's the only loss on the schedule that's upsetting in my opinion, and they are still a damn good team. If Iowa ends with 7 or more wins I would consider it a welcome sign for the future.

This team isn't far away from competing at a higher level. They could really use some playmakers to emerge at both the WR and Safety positions.

I pointed this out in another thread, but there is no guarantee Wisconsin's VERY POOR field goal kicker makes that at ASU to win the game. I think everyone keeps saying they would have won, well we don't know that. They don't have a scholarship kicker, before Borland got hurt, he was going to be taking over the long distance field goal kicking duties. So to say the screw job would make that record 38-2, rather than 37-3 is a bit presumptuous.
This is a stupid post.

In year 14 and being paid 3.9 Millions a year to see a thread titled Progress is being made with the program, is downright sad and stupid IMO.

Honestly, your statement is the sad and stupid one and incredibly arrogant and cynical. The Purdue win was big for the seniors. They worked their butts off to get back to a bowl, and they achieved it on Saturday. If nothing else, progress was made for them, to finish their careers in a warm-weather bowl. If nothing else, be happy for the young men who helped this team show improvement this year. Forget about Ferentz and his salary.

Of course progress was made this year.
Well it is pretty clear from the comments on who is content with were the program is right now.. Sorry if it offends you that some fans just want a little bit more.
Honestly, your statement is the sad and stupid one and incredibly arrogant and cynical. The Purdue win was big for the seniors. They worked their butts off to get back to a bowl, and they achieved it on Saturday. If nothing else, progress was made for them, to finish their careers in a warm-weather bowl. If nothing else, be happy for the young men who helped this team show improvement this year. Forget about Ferentz and his salary.

Of course progress was made this year.

This isn't about the players and this isn't there issue. This is about the state of the Program in year 14 led by the 9th highest paid coach in all of College Football.

At no point did I rip on players and I take great offense to that. I'm extremely happy for the Seniors and the underclassman that they get to go to a bowl.
This isn't about the players and this isn't there issue. This is about the state of the Program in year 14 led by the 9th highest paid coach in all of College Football.

At no point did I rip on players and I take great offense to that. I'm extremely happy for the Seniors and the underclassman that they get to go to a bowl.

I don't understand the repetitive year 14 statements (not just above, but by many folks). Is the assumption that the program should plateau at a certain elevated level and never fall off?
The TEAM has definitely made progress. No doubt about that. The coaching staff overall? Not so much...

I'm sick of the coaching staff hampering the players, whether it being Ferentz' bone-headed clock management skills, or Greg Davis' brilliant play calling. Oh, and I'm glad that our best RB has been riding the bench pretty much all year. Just another example of Kirk being loyal to a fault.

I'm glad we got the win though, and didn't make it close for once. I'm just not very optimistic about the future is all.
The TEAM has definitely made progress. No doubt about that. The coaching staff overall? Not so much...

I'm sick of the coaching staff hampering the players, whether it being Ferentz' bone-headed clock management skills, or Greg Davis' brilliant play calling. Oh, and I'm glad that our best RB has been riding the bench pretty much all year. Just another example of Kirk being loyal to a fault.

I'm glad we got the win though, and didn't make it close for once. I'm just not very optimistic about the future is all.

This... Very well said..

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