----I cannot believe that Coach Briles lets his players show such emotion....emotion is left for the head coach to dictate...this is unacceptable, what with all the chest bumping and whatnot.
----Those guys sure run fast and jump high...must be something wrong with my Magnavox....better get on the roof and do some adjusting.
---- Whats up with those crazy helmets? That is SURE to kill recruiting...what 2 star would be attracted to that look. It's fact that our ANF sticker, 5 inch high helmet numerals, and knee high white socks attract the inner city youth.
---- What is up with that play calling....simply cannot believe that 3rd and 8 calls for anything more than a 4 yard out or comeback route.
---- Waco must really be happening....surely it can't be the excitement level on the field and in the stands that's attracting this type of athlete.
----Those guys sure run fast and jump high...must be something wrong with my Magnavox....better get on the roof and do some adjusting.
---- Whats up with those crazy helmets? That is SURE to kill recruiting...what 2 star would be attracted to that look. It's fact that our ANF sticker, 5 inch high helmet numerals, and knee high white socks attract the inner city youth.
---- What is up with that play calling....simply cannot believe that 3rd and 8 calls for anything more than a 4 yard out or comeback route.
---- Waco must really be happening....surely it can't be the excitement level on the field and in the stands that's attracting this type of athlete.