Predictions for Big Ten Championship Game.......

Iowa game planning and execution is at a season high for this game against a very good opponent. We pass well but run even better. A lot of bending but little breaking. If we plan on winning NC we gotta improve right?

Odd but good score at Iowa 30, MSU 16.
Iowa has to play smart, but aggressive. Id like to see CJ open it up deep early. Some deep play action to Smitty or some hard PA boots to TEs. Keep Sparty honest and that'll open up the run game whether we connect on a deep shot or not. (catching one or getting a PI would be bonus.)

I imagine Canzeri will be the bell cow but if for some reason he isn't seeing the holes, id like to see Wadley get some action with his home run ability. But I imagine Canzeri will play his you-know-what off.

As far as Defense goes, lets hope we get some pressure from our front 4. if not, id like to see a nice blitz package on 3rd downs. The key will be Red Zone Defense. Bend but don't break.

Hawks win 21-20 forcing MSU to 2 redzone field goals makes the difference.
My hope is that Kirk and staff have held back some things in his bag of tricks, both offensively and defensively for this game (and next if things work out.) I REEEEEEEEEly want the Hawks to win this game. My heart wants to say Iowa wins by controlling the lines and with ball control, BUT.. (God, I hope I'm wrong!) my head says Sparty 28-17. :(
The way I figure it is Sparty beat Purdue by 3, Iowa beat Purdue by 20, So lets say Hawks 38-21.

If we extrapolate this out to all common opponents (Purdue, Indiana, Nebraska, and Maryland) Iowa is +52 points and MSU is +45 so we have this game by a touchdown! -- 24-17 Iowa --

But really, I think it will be a three point game going either way. I'll give the edge to MSU now and be pleasantly surprised when I'm wrong. 27-24 MSU.
I just read on ESPN of all places that Iowa is 4-0 vs MSU when both are ranked in the AP. Not sure if that is all time or in the past 20 years or whatever. Interesting factoid. Oh, and I also learned on the Hawkeyesports home page that we hold a 23-20 advantage in the seires which surprised me as well.
I'm hoping the refs don't somehow dictate the outcome....we do always seem to play Sparty close, but then we tend to play most good teams close...I'm going to respect their D and say we win like 27-20 in 2 OTs...tied at 17 in regulation, and both teams getting 3 in the first OT. Iowa scoring the Final TD on a CJ rollout run, with the D getting the int to secure the victory.
This is going to be a typical Iowa - MSU game ... brutal. There will be key injuries -- either Cook or CJ will leave the game.

MSU's DL is so much tougher than Iowa's OL, so, the offense needs to be moving to attack the edges, create some running lanes, keep CJ upright (and in the game) and give him some opportunities to use his legs. Daniels is gonna be ineffective, especially with his tendency to tip-toe and dance. Canzeri will be the featured (and preferred) back; expect some key Wadley sightings, as well.

Iowa has to be +1 or better in TO. King gets his 9th but Hawks drop the ball twice (after some big hits) and MSU is able to get that 1 big play (60 yarder Cook to Burbridge) to seal the deal.

Sparty 27 - Hawks 17.
At least for this game we don't really need to worry about containing a running QB. It's going to be like playing ourselves only we have a running QB threat. Whoever wins the turnover battle wins the game.
I just read on ESPN of all places that Iowa is 4-0 vs MSU when both are ranked in the AP. Not sure if that is all time or in the past 20 years or whatever. Interesting factoid. Oh, and I also learned on the Hawkeyesports home page that we hold a 23-20 advantage in the seires which surprised me as well.

Careful. One of the primary characteristics of a "factoid" is that it isn't true. If iowa is indeed 4-0 when both teams are ranked, then that's just a fact.

Moving on ... MSU is good. But i refuse to pick against 0-loss Iowa, especially with 0-loss CJ taking the snaps. I feel like there are a few Iowa guys on both sides of the ball (CJ, King, Canzeri, T-Smith, linemen on both sides - I'm sure I'm forgetting someone) that are just going to WILL the team to victory.

31-24 Iowa.
Iowa 31-24 sounds good to me also.Practicing inside all week getting timing down is crucial,have to hit open receivers.Protecting CJ is also a concern,has to have time.We need our 6 sec. of hell more than ever for this game,we have to confuse them.Go Hawks let's get to 13-0.
At least for this game we don't really need to worry about containing a running QB. It's going to be like playing ourselves only we have a running QB threat. Whoever wins the turnover battle wins the game.

But that worry is quickly replaced by the fact that Cook is the best QB Iowa has faced all season but a wide margin. Good pocket passers can pick Iowa's D apart just as easily as a running QB can.
Let me check a few bags before I predict.

Going into Friday’s game I was less than 50/50 about Iowa winning. I saw how the D had been gashed recently. I saw how the passing game had not been as good as it was earlier in the year. I saw Nebraska’s athletes and knew how explosive they could be. And I saw that Nebraska had a run D comparable to Iowa’s.

Since this has been such a great season, hitting 12-0 was huge. I was happy even giddy for hours after that game on Friday. Given where things are now, I’ve reached the point of contentment. Emotionally I am now playing with house money, to quote Scot Dochterman.

I don’t think Iowa is as talented as OU, OSU, Clemson or Alabama. They are closer to MSU but still MSU’s passing game is excellent and their WR’s are NFL caliber.
Sometimes you need to pay attention to “what everyone is saying”. Right now, everyone is saying that Sparty beats Iowa. I get that. At the same time, I find it hard to picture Iowa leaving Indy a loser.

So I will sit back and watch. This could be a tight slobber knocker like so many MSU-Iowa games. On the other hand this could be like those Rose Bowls and the USC Orange bowl, big moment and big loss. And still it could be like that Illinois game in 90 where Iowa explodes and blows our minds with a blow out.

I’m ready for anything. I want Iowa to win its final game of the year.
I think one of the keys is how the OL controls MSUs front 4/7. MSU will blitz and their front 4 are always tough. Exposing the LB/TE match-up will be key but it you watched during the NE game they picked up on the play and were cheating a safety up and almost picked off one of the passes. CJ needs to watch that. I am a little nervous about the mobility of CJ and the pressure MSU brings.

Out defense has to change something to get pressure on Cook. If he has time it is going to be a long game. We need to go back to how the D was playing earlier in the year. If they are content with playing like they have the past 4-5 weeks Cook will carve us up.

I would like to see a little more Wadley too. He hits the hole fast and reminds me of Freddie Russel. He is small so it is hard for the LBs to pick him up as quickly. We also need Smith and VanDy to have BIG games. This will open up the run game and vice versa with the pass.

I am nervous as a long tailed cat in a rocking chair store but I think Kirk has MSUs number and Tyler Sash's mojo carries them through.......

Iowa 24-21
But that worry is quickly replaced by the fact that Cook is the best QB Iowa has faced all season but a wide margin. Good pocket passers can pick Iowa's D apart just as easily as a running QB can.

What I was getting at is that a non-threat to run should allow a little more flexibility in pass coverage. Is he the best passer? I guess only time will tell. he is just getting over a bad shoulder so maybe a well placed hit might hinder his game a bit.
This is going to be a typical Iowa - MSU game ... brutal. There will be key injuries -- either Cook or CJ will leave the game.

MSU's DL is so much tougher than Iowa's OL, so, the offense needs to be moving to attack the edges, create some running lanes, keep CJ upright (and in the game) and give him some opportunities to use his legs. Daniels is gonna be ineffective, especially with his tendency to tip-toe and dance. Canzeri will be the featured (and preferred) back; expect some key Wadley sightings, as well.

Iowa has to be +1 or better in TO. King gets his 9th but Hawks drop the ball twice (after some big hits) and MSU is able to get that 1 big play (60 yarder Cook to Burbridge) to seal the deal.

Sparty 27 - Hawks 17.

MSU's DL is so much tougher than Iowa's OL? Iowa along with Arkansas, Alabama, Michigan State, Notre Dame and Stanford is a finalist for best O-line in the country. I doubt they aren't as tough as MSU.
For any who think Connor Cook is so much greater than the rest of the Big Ten QBs, here are the stats:

[h=4]Passing Yards LEADERS - All Players[/h]
1Nate Sudfeld, QBIND21936160.731848.8722459153.9
2Tommy Armstrong Jr., QBNEB21038354.828567.555211611127.2
3Wes Lunt, QBILL27048156.127615.75314618111.5
4Jake Rudock, QBMICH22935864.027397.76417917138.9
5Connor Cook, QBMSU19433757.627308.17424412146.7
6Mitch Leidner, QBMINN21837757.824786.657131014119.1
7Joel Stave, QBWIS20734360.424707.245101121124.0
8Christian Hackenberg, QBPSU18434553.323866.97716538123.8
9C.J. Beathard, QBIOWA18430360.723547.88114319139.3
10Chris Laviano, QBRUTG18730760.922477.358161224131.8

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