Predict the Starting Lineup to Open the Season

I think Basabe off the bench is better than Basabe starting..I think he came to embrace that role last the end, once you get beyond ego (and I think he has done that), starting is so overblown...if you start and play 15 minutes per game or you come off the bench and play 21, which do you want?

I agree.

Just wanted to see who everyone thought would be announced as the 5 to start the season. With a roster this deep, starting means hardly anything.

The only thing about my previous prediction from last month is the 2 spot.
I just think out of the gate Marble starts at PG, you have Uthoff and White at the 3/4. Woody at the 5.
The 2 will be either Josh or Mike. I like Mike's game better than Josh's, but if Fran wants a "true" 2 to start, it will be Josh. If he wants the best players, it will be Mike. So those that said Mike are probably right on this one, Josh has had a good summer, but I can see him coming off the bench as well.
I agree.

Just wanted to see who everyone thought would be announced as the 5 to start the season. With a roster this deep, starting means hardly anything.

The only thing about my previous prediction from last month is the 2 spot.
I just think out of the gate Marble starts at PG, you have Uthoff and White at the 3/4. Woody at the 5.
The 2 will be either Josh or Mike. I like Mike's game better than Josh's, but if Fran wants a "true" 2 to start, it will be Josh. If he wants the best players, it will be Mike. So those that said Mike are probably right on this one, Josh has had a good summer, but I can see him coming off the bench as well.
Based on some of the comments from pressers or interviews, I don't think Fran is looking at Marble as a true 1. More of a combo 1/2. If that's the case, he'll need Gesell out there as a combo 2/1. I don't think Josh can handle that.

So I see the starting 5 as Marble, Gesell, Basabe, White, Woody. Look for McCabe and Uthoff to spot start from time to time.

Just my 2¢ .. ..

Here's my guess:

PG - Marble
SG - Oglesby
F - Uthoff
F - White
C - Woodbury

Slight chance Gesell takes over the PG and Marble moves to the 2.

I am not sure Oglesby is good enough to start on a Mac team, he sure shouldn't be seeing anything but mop up Minutes this year either.
I am not sure Oglesby is good enough to start on a Mac team, he sure shouldn't be seeing anything but mop up Minutes this year either.

ogelsby is solid

he is competent, sometimes very effective, at the top of the zone

if he actually shoots with his feet set, he's accurate. his biggest enemy last year was his own feet. that may be because he was carrying too much weight that took away some his already limited quickness (he looked a little soft last year), or because he still lacked strength to fight off the defender and be in a good position to catch and shoot. he looked great on the euro trip videos, but my big question is exactly how hard was he having to work off the ball, as opposed to in the conference season.

he's not a pg, but he doesn't cost you with the ball in his hands

he doesn't tend to pick up stupid fouls or unforced turnovers

he was brought in as a shooter and has had a couple of bad years shooting. but, he's not MAC disaster he's made out to be.

all that said, jok will probably take his minutes. for now, jok gets the benefit of a doubt regarding his ability to find ways to score when his shot isn't falling. if josh ain't draining the j, he doesn't add much to the offense.
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Fran's recent quote in the Rothstein interview concerning Marble, White, and Basabe makes things clearer: "They're the three guys that have separated themselves so far."
Woody, Basabe, White, Gesell, Marble
These are most probably the starters. The shooters will get time in the rotation. Remember, it's been said many times that we are going 11 deep. To make that possible, you have to think a Tom Davis type of substitution pattern: every few minutes. Get ready to run.
Well look at you getting all crazy.

G Gesell
G Marble
F White
F Basabe
C Woodbury

This would be my guess unless Gesell is still nursing an injury and then it's a toss up between Ogelsby and Clemmons at the 2nd guard spot. I would rather see Jok at the 2 next to Marble if Gesell can't go. I can't see any reason to play Ogelsby when a player like Jok is on the bench.
This would be my guess unless Gesell is still nursing an injury and then it's a toss up between Ogelsby and Clemmons at the 2nd guard spot. I would rather see Jok at the 2 next to Marble if Gesell can't go. I can't see any reason to play Ogelsby when a player like Jok is on the bench.
1st Basabe played much better off the bench last year. Until I see different, I expect uthoff to start. 2nd Coach Caff has stated several times how good Josh is defensively. I think he will play more than Jok early in the year.
This is a big year for Fran. A lot is expected and it should be. He has the experience and depth and the players by now know his system. Nothing less the a NCAA tournament bid is unacceptable. I expect it to happen. This is the year of the Hawkeye in the Big Ten. If not then there is trouble in river city. This team is good enough to see a sweet sixteen in the dance. Go Hawks!!!!
It seems to me Fran is hinting this to start the season.


I also think we are going to see Gabe and Woody in the line up the same time a lot this season, Fran seems to be hinting this also.
White's shooting will need to improve for him to be a truly effective player at the 3, but I do think that's where he's going to start.

Marble, Gesell/Clemmons
Gesell, Oglesby/Jok
White, Uthoff/McCabe
Basabe, White
Woody, Gabe
It seems to me Fran is hinting this to start the season.


I also think we are going to see Gabe and Woody in the line up the same time a lot this season, Fran seems to be hinting this also.

ironically you spelled Gesell right.
I would think ANYTHING less would be unacceptable, but that might just be me.

Yep, that's what I meant. I expect that when the pundits talk Big Ten title contenders that Iowa will be right there in the mix. Is it tip off time yet????
Yep, that's what I meant. I expect that when the pundits talk Big Ten title contenders that Iowa will be right there in the mix. Is it tip off time yet????
I don't disagree that Iowa will be discussed. But I don't think it will be 'in the mix'. I think the Hawks will be discussed as 'the dark horse' or someone to watch out for. Only because the Hawks haven't been to the dance in awhile. If Iowa had been to the dance on a regular basis, then I believe a team with this deep a bench would be right up there.

Having said that, I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

1st Basabe played much better off the bench last year. Until I see different, I expect uthoff to start. 2nd Coach Caff has stated several times how good Josh is defensively. I think he will play more than Jok early in the year.

Basabe will start at the 4. He won't play any more minutes than he did last season but I think Fran will start his SRs. I could be wrong but Coach has singled out Basabe as playing great right now. Ogelsby does play good defense but so does Clemmons. Fran has stated on several occasions that Ogelsby never misses in practice. That is the primary reason he kept trotting him out there, last season. The fact that he wasn't a defensive liability allowed Fran to keep trotting him out there, hoping he would shoot himself out of his slump.
If Jok shows marginal ability to guard the janitor, he should be on the floor over Ogelsby. Ogelsby is a great "practice" player. I've known many of them in several sports, over the years. When the pressure starts to mount, they fold up like a Coleman tent. It doesn't make them bad people.
Who knows, maybe he will work it out. I have my doubts.
I don't disagree that Iowa will be discussed. But I don't think it will be 'in the mix'. I think the Hawks will be discussed as 'the dark horse' or someone to watch out for. Only because the Hawks haven't been to the dance in awhile. If Iowa had been to the dance on a regular basis, then I believe a team with this deep a bench would be right up there.

Having said that, I hope you're right and I'm wrong.


True. People will put Indiana in the mix but not Iowa because they have been in the mix the last couple years while we have not. But what the pundits say doesn't matter much at all.

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