possibly unpopular: discussion about the fans

Guys, I'm not saying that all of the fans were awful. I'm saying that there were a lot of ignorant comments made today. Significant booing. Lots of calling for "benching Stanzi."

In some ways, I agree with Jon. I can't blame fans for being somewhat negative about Iowa's peformance. However, I stand by my earlier statements. I DO blame people for saying "Stanzi sucks" and "bench Stanzi."
I'm almost 41 years old, and I've been going to games since I could walk. I know what I'm talking about.

I'm just asking for fans (who ACTUALLY attend games) to be respectful. If you don't attend games, this doesn't apply to you.

If you weren't wondering whether or not Vandenberg was going to come into the game at some point late in the 3rd/early 4th quarter, you were probably in the minority.
Okay, so I've been going to hawk games for many years, and I have to say that I was quite disappointed with the fans today (except in the 4th quarter for obvious reasons). Here's why.

1. I thought they were generally pretty quiet early in the game.
2. They seemed to wait until the team made plays until they got into the game.
3. I heard a lot of booing.
4. I heard guys saying "Stanzi sucks"

I could go on, but you get the point. We are an undefeated team. Many acted like "old school" Michigan fans who wait for the players to excite them.

We've never been 9-0. My hope is that the fans will be truly rocking Kinnick next week.

It seems to me that fans, in recent years, look to games against PSU, Mich, and OSU as the "big" games. However, when Iowa takes care of Minny, UW, NW, Ind, Purdue, etc. they have great years.

Please don't be lame fans next week. That's all I'm asking.

It is not isolated. We have many, many idiotic, spoiled rotten, judgmental fans.

Booing this team, calling for Stanzi to be benched, calling out KOK, etc. is just pathetic, but not surprising at all. And it isn't just the young, or the drunk. Believe me. Plenty of older, sober negative nellies in the stands. One older lady was yelling as to what it took for a QB to get benched....shortly thereafter that QB had thrown two straight TDs......

Really embarrassing the attitude of fans in the stands. Almost an entitlement attitude.
Not trying to single you out, Racer but I've heard this story line before so many times it makes me puke. Of course no one likes the booing but how many ever did something about it.

Two years ago that crap started in my section and on that particular day I had particularly successful pregame. When it started I stood up and told about 15 rows to "Shut ..... Up! You don't boo kids and that I didn't want it around me." In any case, I had several people people thank me for my outburst and diatribe that day but the most important thing is that it hasnt happened in my general area since.

You can make a difference if you want to. The complainers are as bad as the booers if they don't do anything about it.!!!!


Butkus - you are correct. It has been my experience if you call someone out, they will shut down. Also, you will have someone nearby thank you for doing so! I know I've done my part, and was thanked by an elderly gentleman nearby.
these men should be able to handle any booing during the game they are not kids! I don't boo well, not my team but i wanted to. I really don't have a problem with. you cn whine all you want it's not going away.
If you can't boo on Halloween then when can ya'? Just sayin' . . .

Booing our own team? Never-ever.
Just a few thoughts on the crowd at today's game ...

2. I believe the crowd was a reflection of the game being played on the field. When Iowa was playing bad, the crowd was out of it. When the Hawks turned it on, the crowd was fired up. It was an odd game and I think the crowd really couldn't really believe what they were seeing.

I was at the game and I would say this is a fair assessment. We couldn't believe what was happening on the field for the first 3 quarters of the game. Then, the pass to McNutt to start the 4th quarter scoring and it was like someone turned on a switch and the crowd went nuts.
First of all to the poster who quieted booing fans a while back, you are absolutely right, be part of the solution!!

For the poster who said we have some uneducated fans....We all hear stupid things in the stands, and it's not limited to Iowa. There are uneducated fans in every venue and I tend to believe that those people are also the most vocal. Today after a pick in the 3rd quarter a guy walked down the Isle screaming at the top of his lungs You guys suck ###!!! Pointing at the team. The guy was really loud, fortunately he was leaving anyway so I guess let him make himself look stupid on his way out the door. Another guy around me suggested for 3 quarters how our coaching staff is just completely lost. Said a couple times they have no idea how to coach todays changing game. This started from the first TD drive 7-0. Really??? After everything this season and since 2000 you have come up with that? It happens and I think alcohol contributes to a lot of that.

As for the crowd today, I was there and I have to say that the whole game was just wierd. It had a strange feel to just about everything that happened today. My son and i tried hard to stay into it but the game just felt wierd. No other way of explaining it. I was however impressed with how I thought the crowd made attemtps to try to get itself back into it at times, especially the student section.
I did not boo during the game, I did however ask my father who was sitting next to me "At some point you have to pull a guy who's thrown 5 picks in a game right?" I didn't yell it of course but you have to think about it. In reality, I don't want to think about one of our other QBs coming into a situation like that having not played many snaps all season, but Holy Mary, 5 picks? Ouch... Just glad we have a defense that could hold on and keep us within striking distance..
There was a civil war breaking out in the north end zone. I was sitting next to some "fans" who, despite being all bent out of sorts for the first half, thought it neccessary to boo the Indiana marching band. Yes, they booed the opposition's band. A gal in front of me turned around and began scolding them, and telling them how pathetic they were making Iowa fans look. In their drunken stoopers (hard to believe, I know) all they could mumble was "it's football lady!" and "ain't 'ya never been to a football game, that's what 'ya do" They also got a few other choice selections in that need not be said. So, for those keeping score:

1) they booed the Indiana marching band, which in no way whatsoever contributed to Iowa being down 21-7 at half

2) yelled at woman who was telling them how rude they were for booing the marching band.

It was sad really. Stay classy.
Not trying to single you out, Racer but I've heard this story line before so many times it makes me puke. Of course no one likes the booing but how many ever did something about it.

Two years ago that crap started in my section and on that particular day I had particularly successful pregame. When it started I stood up and told about 15 rows to "Shut ..... Up! You don't boo kids and that I didn't want it around me." In any case, I had several people people thank me for my outburst and diatribe that day but the most important thing is that it hasnt happened in my general area since.

You can make a difference if you want to. The complainers are as bad as the booers if they don't do anything about it.!!!!


Well, I'm glad you mentioned this. A guy behind me screamed "Stanzi, you SUCK!!" I turned around, told him that Stanzi has lead this team to an undefeated record, and to kindly STFU. Just because I complained about these fans doesn't mean I didn't confront them. You assumed that if I complained, I didn't confront them. You were wrong. Cheers.
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I think some of the fans had the wrong mindset going into the game yesterday.. Iowa was 8-0 Indiana was 4-4. The fans clearly had the mindset that Iowa should have ROLLED the hoosiers and who didn't think that? like many people have said before me "this is why you play the games"

if iowa doesnt start well against Northwestern I would venture to guess you will hear alot of the same things as we heard yesterday
Give Indiana credit they took us fans out of the game for awhile just like we try and do when were playing on the road.I heard a few boos but probably more moans and groans that sounded like booing.For us to come out like we did and stink the place up in all 3 phases of the game and everyone staying until the final gun says something about our fans in a positive way.Were 9-0 so let's move on and get ready for NW.
Just because I complained about these fans doesn't mean I didn't confront them. You assumed that if I complained, I didn't confront them. You were wrong. Cheers.


If you weren't wondering whether or not Vandenberg was going to come into the game at some point late in the 3rd/early 4th quarter, you were probably in the minority.

The thought of benching Stanzi never, ever crossed my mind until some drunken turd behind me screamed for his blood. Seriously? What season have you been watching? If you go back and watch the game on tape, it's evident that a disproportionate number of Stanzi's miscues were influenced by the wind. Luckily, a lot of the officiating breaks went Iowa's way. I want him to succeed, but I'm not going to make excuses for him, either. 5 interceptions is too many, yeah. But it is what it is. You've gotta look past it and see him for what he is. He's a winner, regardless of what he appears to be at times.

I'm glad this team is a lot more resilient than its fans.

The thought of benching Stanzi never, ever crossed my mind until some drunken turd behind me screamed for his blood. Seriously? What season have you been watching? If you go back and watch the game on tape, it's evident that a disproportionate number of Stanzi's miscues were influenced by the wind. Luckily, a lot of the officiating breaks went Iowa's way. I want him to succeed, but I'm not going to make excuses for him, either. 5 interceptions is too many, yeah. But it is what it is. You've gotta look past it and see him for what he is. He's a winner, regardless of what he appears to be at times.

I'm glad this team is a lot more resilient than its fans.

I've been watching the same season you have, and I am well aware of Stanzi's record as a starter. But that's a different argument than the one I'm trying to make.

What I'm trying to say is that if you weren't wondering whether or not Kirk was going to pull the plug on Ricky at some point in the second half, that you're probably in the minority. Wondering whether or not Ricky was going to get benched (which is what I was saying) is a lot different than saying he sucks.

You also have to wonder about the wisdom of throwing a deep ball into a 20 MPH wind, but that's also a different argument.
Okay, so I've been going to hawk games for many years, and I have to say that I was quite disappointed with the fans today (except in the 4th quarter for obvious reasons). Here's why.

1. I thought they were generally pretty quiet early in the game.
2. They seemed to wait until the team made plays until they got into the game.
3. I heard a lot of booing.
4. I heard guys saying "Stanzi sucks"

I could go on, but you get the point. We are an undefeated team. Many acted like "old school" Michigan fans who wait for the players to excite them.

We've never been 9-0. My hope is that the fans will be truly rocking Kinnick next week.

It seems to me that fans, in recent years, look to games against PSU, Mich, and OSU as the "big" games. However, when Iowa takes care of Minny, UW, NW, Ind, Purdue, etc. they have great years.

Please don't be lame fans next week. That's all I'm asking

Another person telling people how they should act at a game they paid for. If people want to Boo that is their right. I get tired of the holy people always ******** about people reacting however they wish just cause you dont like it.
I've been watching the same season you have, and I am well aware of Stanzi's record as a starter. But that's a different argument than the one I'm trying to make.

What I'm trying to say is that if you weren't wondering whether or not Kirk was going to pull the plug on Ricky at some point in the second half, that you're probably in the minority. Wondering whether or not Ricky was going to get benched (which is what I was saying) is a lot different than saying he sucks.

You also have to wonder about the wisdom of throwing a deep ball into a 20 MPH wind, but that's also a different argument.

After 10 2/3 seasons of Ferentz coaching here, and after the way this season has gone, you're actually going to stick with your statement (bolded above) after being questioned previously about it? There was NO CHANCE that Kirk was going to pull Stanzi. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

How many snaps has the backup quarterback taken...in his college career? Seriously, Vandenburg or Weinke would have led the comeback?

I didn't give that idea any thought, and anyone who has watched Iowa football the last 10 years shouldn't have either. I'm sorry, but your hypothesis just doesn't make sense.
After 10 2/3 seasons of Ferentz coaching here, and after the way this season has gone, you're actually going to stick with your statement (bolded above) after being questioned previously about it? There was NO CHANCE that Kirk was going to pull Stanzi. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

How many snaps has the backup quarterback taken...in his college career? Seriously, Vandenburg or Weinke would have led the comeback?

I didn't give that idea any thought, and anyone who has watched Iowa football the last 10 years shouldn't have either. I'm sorry, but your hypothesis just doesn't make sense.

You have your opinion, I have mine. Either that or you're misinterpreting what I'm trying to say, which I thought was pretty clear.
Did anyone notice that the fans were louder during the band's playing of "Thriller" than they were at any point during the first half? The band rules. Half the people at the game are just there to watch the band.

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