possibly unpopular: discussion about the fans

I think the defense amped the crowd up more than the offense. Each time they took the field everyone stood up (even if for a little bit).

I will say that a lot of the fans in the South corner endzone (opposite side from the students) cheer, but they don't stand. That area reminds me of Carver sometimes. The people seated higher up tend to stand, but those in the middle don't.

I sat more than I wanted to because I didn't want to be "that guy" who ****** off everyone else. People were nice around me and I was respectful in sitting.
You have your opinion, I have mine. Either that or you're misinterpreting what I'm trying to say, which I thought was pretty clear.

I understand perfectly what you said, which was this:

What I'm trying to say is that if you weren't wondering whether or not Kirk was going to pull the plug on Ricky at some point in the second half, that you're probably in the minority.

No, I didn't for a millisecond wonder about that at all, and I'd still be shocked if anyone that has watched Iowa football the past 10 years under Ferentz wondered that either. There was simply no way that was going to happen.
I understand perfectly what you said, which was this:

What I'm trying to say is that if you weren't wondering whether or not Kirk was going to pull the plug on Ricky at some point in the second half, that you're probably in the minority.

No, I didn't for a millisecond wonder about that at all, and I'd still be shocked if anyone that has watched Iowa football the past 10 years under Ferentz wondered that either. There was simply no way that was going to happen.

Then like I've also said, you were probably in the minority yesterday.
The crowd was pretty good to start the game, but tailed off.....not having anything to cheer for didn't help.

Yes, I was upset at Iowa's play for the first 3 quarters. The team came out flat and the offense played like they were in a fog. But I never booed.

However, count me a one who thought Stanzi should have been pulled after INT #5 (how wrong I was...but it won't be the first time). Not many QB's would still be playing in a game after throwing 5 INT's.
My section had some boo birds. I told the guy next to me I hated to see it. He agreed...but then said something interesting. He told me the team the last few years the team hasn't reacted positively to silence, but they have to some boos and complaining from the fans.

I don't know if this is true or anything. Just found it interesting. I would still never boo or even be very critical at the game(in front of my television I am a real ***** tho).
I know I am really anal about football. But some people who couldn't attend the game gave some my brother in law and I and 2 of my friends their seats. They sit around the same people and said you will enjoy the seats but not the company. They were correct. I was surrounded by some of the most football ignorant people I have ever had the displeasure to be associated with. Generally people assume that it is people around my age (32) and younger who are the problem at games but these people were all at least 45 or older. They had nothing but negative things to say about players when they knew their names and were absolutely terrible with their knowledge of the game. One guy blamed Paki O'mear constantly and while I have been tough on him I defended him the entire game as he did nothing wrong vs. Indiana and certainly wasn't the problem Saturday. Some of the ignorance displayed by our fans is unacceptable and like a previous poster said "if you don't have something nice to say, it is better to say nothing at all." I am sure I have my emotional outbursts and know my first impulse on the drag route pick was to yell finish your route Davis, but then on the replay I noticed he ran into a ref. I am glad I didn't scream that outloud. One of the offending parties around me is teaching that behaviour to his kids and I feel terrible for them. One more generation of spoiled and negative Hawk fans in the stands.
My section had some boo birds. I told the guy next to me I hated to see it. He agreed...but then said something interesting. He told me the team the last few years the team hasn't reacted positively to silence, but they have to some boos and complaining from the fans.

I don't know if this is true or anything. Just found it interesting. I would still never boo or even be very critical at the game(in front of my television I am a real ***** tho).

Were you at the Western Michigan game in 2007? Since that game, Iowa has lost 4 games by a total of 12 points. That was a turning point and I think the fans booing and anger was a big part of it. When the Hawks go out and play like crap in front of a lesser opponent on senior day, you have to voice your displeasure. Ferentz was in danger of losing fan support and he knew it, that knowledge helped him overcome his fear of playing younger players and in part, paved the way for Stanzi and several other younger players to start getting time over verterans. The results have been pretty darn good, I'd say.
i noticed from row 79 ALOT of people sitting on their hands for most of the game. Me im the guy standing up the entire time and yelling my head off prior to every defensive play.

but yeah, i think the crowd was more caught up in the weird roller coaster that the game was. Cuz i seriously cant recall many times that ive heard kinnick rock as loud as it was for the Mcnutt/DJK tds.
i noticed from row 79 ALOT of people sitting on their hands for most of the game. Me im the guy standing up the entire time and yelling my head off prior to every defensive play.

but yeah, i think the crowd was more caught up in the weird roller coaster that the game was. Cuz i seriously cant recall many times that ive heard kinnick rock as loud as it was for the Mcnutt/DJK tds.

What section are you in? I stand the whole game, too, and pound the sheet metal to oblivion on big defensive plays. I saw some guys in our section almost get into fisticuffs over some people down low trying to stand on a key third down and some old timer telling him to sit down.
THere are always going to be pockets of 'someone sucks', no way that's ever going to stop.

Iowa's offense sucked the air out of the stadium for three quarters. I cannot fault the fans for having a hard time staying up.

The booing is bush league, anytime it happens.

Minnesota fans were booing Brewster taking a knee with like 40 seconds to go in the half and they were deep in their own territory and they were AHEAD 21-10. MINNESOTA FANS!

Perhaps its just a sign of the times.

Jon, what do you mean by this? I gathered that you are implying that maybe fans aren't as appreciative now a days. If I am wrong please elaberate. Because when I hear things like this, I think so when all the mad dog bottles were being thrown onto the field, and the cheerleaders had to dodge them, was that a sign of the times in the 80's.

I think sign of the times doesn't reflect on fans correctly.
For the boo birds: Just what is it you intend to accomplish? Do you think the team will play better? Do you think booing will increase anyone's self-confidence? What is it you want and how is booing going to help achieve it?
I have season tickets in the north end zone...I too witnessed some people booing, and wishing for us to bench Stanzi. I thought it was interesting how the people doing this were not the regular fans who sit in those seats. I found myself wondering if these were people who have been watching Stanzi all year long, or if they have recently jumped on the bandwagon recently because of the impressive record. Because I thought this performance was pretty classic Ricky Stanzi. The defense saved him by making some big stops, and he came back late in the game and hit the open guys.

Are you really suggesting we bench the QB who has us 8-0 for James Vanderbeck? (Nothing against James, but I would prefer going with the known variable)
I have season tickets in the north end zone...I too witnessed some people booing, and wishing for us to bench Stanzi. I thought it was interesting how the people doing this were not the regular fans who sit in those seats. I found myself wondering if these were people who have been watching Stanzi all year long, or if they have recently jumped on the bandwagon recently because of the impressive record. Because I thought this performance was pretty classic Ricky Stanzi. The defense saved him by making some big stops, and he came back late in the game and hit the open guys.

Are you really suggesting we bench the QB who has us 8-0 for James Vanderbeck? (Nothing against James, but I would prefer going with the known variable)

I wanted a new QB when the ol' 6 shooter was starting at QB. He was a "known variable." I booed the team at the Western Michigan in 2007 hoping Ferentz would change the direction of the program. If the Ol' 6 shooter was still starting and we were working on a 3 year bowl drought, would you be a better fan than everyone else for standing behind Jake and admonishing those who chose to boo? It's pretty hard to knock Ricky, that guy has been money his entire time starting, though.
Were you at the Western Michigan game in 2007? Since that game, Iowa has lost 4 games by a total of 12 points. That was a turning point and I think the fans booing and anger was a big part of it. When the Hawks go out and play like crap in front of a lesser opponent on senior day, you have to voice your displeasure. Ferentz was in danger of losing fan support and he knew it, that knowledge helped him overcome his fear of playing younger players and in part, paved the way for Stanzi and several other younger players to start getting time over verterans. The results have been pretty darn good, I'd say.
If you think Kirk coaches in response to the fans, then I don't think you know who your coach is. Not too many fans are enamored with KOK and there's never been one mention from Kirk that he would change his O coordinator. If you have ever coached anything, you prepare before the game and you don't react to the fans during the game.
If you think Kirk coaches in response to the fans, then I don't think you know who your coach is. Not too many fans are enamored with KOK and there's never been one mention from Kirk that he would change his O coordinator. If you have ever coached anything, you prepare before the game and you don't react to the fans during the game.

I'm not saying he coached to the fans during the game. Not at all. But he sure did during spring ball and when the fall came around by opening up every position. When had he ever done that in the past? He knew he had to shake things up. With those pricy stadium renovations and the three year ticket lock ups for the club and suites, everything is fine if the team is good (competitive and exciting to watch), but if they start dropping to a perennial 6 win team that gets rolled 4 times a year like they were in 2007 and the University can't charge the "donations" for tickets and still sell huge chunks of the stadium out, the entire athletic department could find itself in serious trouble.
I wasn't suggesting the known variable is always the way to go...but when a variable has us 8-0 I stick with them every time.
What section are you in? I stand the whole game, too, and pound the sheet metal to oblivion on big defensive plays. I saw some guys in our section almost get into fisticuffs over some people down low trying to stand on a key third down and some old timer telling him to sit down.

im 108 in the south east corner. and there is a simple way to remedy other people who stand in front of you. stand up your self, and while ur doing that clap and cheer too.
I'm not saying he coached to the fans during the game. Not at all. But he sure did during spring ball and when the fall came around by opening up every position. When had he ever done that in the past? He knew he had to shake things up. With those pricy stadium renovations and the three year ticket lock ups for the club and suites, everything is fine if the team is good (competitive and exciting to watch), but if they start dropping to a perennial 6 win team that gets rolled 4 times a year like they were in 2007 and the University can't charge the "donations" for tickets and still sell huge chunks of the stadium out, the entire athletic department could find itself in serious trouble.
I agree that there may have been a change in the way Kirk looks at his team since the WMU game. I also agree that there may have been some financial aspects that entered in to some of the thinking. However, you mentioned that the booing and anger had a large part of it. I think Kirk knows we should beat WMU at home. I think he knows the team was not as prepared as it should have been. He took it to heart and the coaches and players have executed much better since then. I believe booing the team at home does not make Kirk change anything he does. We can agree to disagree.

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