Positive outlook...potential!!

Stop the "execution" argument. It a total BS way that the coaches shift blame to the players. Quite frankly, it's chicken **** leadership.

If I make a game plan that says, "block all opponents to the ground and run into the endzone", and then the players can't do that consistently, that's on me for have a dumb-*** plan.

A coach has to either pick players that can execute his plan or select a plan that his players can execute. Failure is ultimately on leadership and I'm sick of hearing Kurt push the blame onto the players. It's BS.

Please provide examples of Ferentz statements balming players for losses.

He's not Steve Alford.
Please provide examples of Ferentz statements balming players for losses.

He's not Steve Alford.

Any time he blames a loss or unsuccessful event in a game on "execution", what he's saying is that the players are to blame. Didn't execute = "the plan was good, but the players just didn't carry it out right". So, basically every time we lose or something goes wrong.
I don't think Ferentz has ever blamed the players or singled out anyone. He's constantly saying it's not one play or one guy...that we need to improve as a team, clean up the mistakes/penalties/turnovers...all the little things that make it difficult for them to win games. He refers constantly to the coaches needing to do a better job too. The gloom and doom fanactics have no facts -they ignore them, no proof, no logical arguments. Generalizations and inferred b.s. from an uninformed negative point of view. Noone will listen to them - they make no sense, so they spout off on message boards....the sky is falling...fire everybody....hate...hate. They call themselves fans too - funny stuff!!
"the plan was good, but the players just didn't carry it out right"

That's not the definition of execution. Nobody said the plan was good and the players were at fault. Those are your assumptions. Draw up a play - it does not work. Poor play, poor timing, opposition defensed it well, penalty wiped out good play, play did not work as designed, maybe the players weren't able to make it work. Back to the drawing board. new plays, more practice, more hard work. The Hawks are a team - they win as a team and lose as a team....coaching staff included.
"the plan was good, but the players just didn't carry it out right"

That's not the definition of execution. Nobody said the plan was good and the players were at fault. Those are your assumptions. Draw up a play - it does not work. Poor play, poor timing, opposition defensed it well, penalty wiped out good play, play did not work as designed, maybe the players weren't able to make it work. Back to the drawing board. new plays, more practice, more hard work. The Hawks are a team - they win as a team and lose as a team....coaching staff included.

Whenever he is questioned on strategy, the "execution" argument on trotted out there like clockwork. Just because he doesn't single out individuals, doesn't mean he's not blaming the players. You may not like it, but that's exactly what he's doing. It's shifting the blame. Sorry, but you're dead wrong here.

Also, please tell me your definition of the word, execute. If you think it doesn't mean carry out a plan, I don't know what to tell you except that you should get a dictionary.
I agree it does mean carry out a plan or attempt to carry out a plan. Then you make a huge assumption and say that anyone who uses the word is also placing blame. That's where your dictionary goes goofy. The press is asking all the questions and doing the prodding and like you making assumptions and trying to play the blame game. Like I said above, there's tons of reasons why a plan works or doesn't and if you actually listen to the coach, he points that out over and over and says "we" will work on things. There's only two teams on the field, if something goes awry it's our play or the oppositions play. If it's us then the coaches and players will work on whatever needs to be done - as a team. He never singles out players and deflects the press' constant attempts to. If it's our problem we'll fix it or it's out of our control. I don't see and have never heard the "my plans are perfect" it's so and so's fault crap that you're spouting.
I agree it does mean carry out a plan or attempt to carry out a plan. Then you make a huge assumption and say that anyone who uses the word is also placing blame. That's where your dictionary goes goofy.

Um, yeah, if you use the word execution as the reasoning for things going wrong and you're not the part of the team that does the executing, then placing blame is exactly what you're doing. That's my point.

The press is asking all the questions and doing the prodding and like you making assumptions and trying to play the blame game. Like I said above, there's tons of reasons why a plan works or doesn't and if you actually listen to the coach, he points that out over and over and says "we" will work on things. There's only two teams on the field, if something goes awry it's our play or the oppositions play. If it's us then the coaches and players will work on whatever needs to be done - as a team. He never singles out players and deflects the press' constant attempts to. If it's our problem we'll fix it or it's out of our control. I don't see and have never heard the "my plans are perfect" it's so and so's fault crap that you're spouting.

Yeah, sure, he's far more subtle that. But when you get questions like, why aren't you scoring touchdowns in the red zone, why do teams have such success against you with special team surprises, why are you giving up so many 4th quarter leads, and you come back with execution as an answer, you're shifting the blame.

He doesn't say something so bold as "it's the players' fault". But that reasoning is right there, couched a softer term like execution. I guess you just flat out refuse to see it.
Talented and young linbackers. Exactly except they are neither young nor talented. But alas, they are linebackers.
"Talented and young linbackers. Exactly except they are neither young nor talented. But alas, they are linebackers."

Our three starting linebackers are all juniors - none had the benefit of a redshirt year. They are just starting their 3rd year in the program. We have no 4 year or 5 year linebackers. No seniors on the roster. All the other linebackers are freshman or redshirt freshman or sophs with little or no playing experience. That's a young group no matter how you look at it. All return next year. At years end Iowa will have two linebackers earn post season honors - make 1st, 2nd or 3rd All-Big Ten teams. If you want to claim no talent...whatever?!

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