Poor Nebby

Lots of interesting talk in Lincoln about the next coach. A few were off the wall saying Shaka would come because of the new facilities and arena, coupled with deep pockets. Well, that ain't happening. Ben Howland? Turned them down ... Marshall at WSU? Nope ... Altman? Not interested ...

So now, they are looking at Rob Jeter at UW Milwaukee has said he is interested, and possibly the Colorado State coach, Tim Miles seem to be the only realistic names throw around. Interesting is the fact Miles has more Nebraska kids playing for him at CSU, than Nebraska has on their roster. And CSU made the NCAA's this year.

But the one thing I can not get through the locals heads is the fact that Tom Osbourne may actually be a detriment to this coaching search. Every coach out there knows Nebraska has been a dead end job for ... well, forever. And every coach knows you are not going to turn this around, especially with what little Nebraska has back next year. So you really need a long term commitment from the AD.

Problem is, Osbourne is not a young man, and no one knows for sure how much longer he will stick around. And we all have seen often enough how a new AD has every coach he did not hire on a short leash.

Therefore, as a coach, I would stay as far away from Nebraska as I can, or I would insist on an extremely large buyout essentially guaranteeing my tenure, or at least a nice soft landing.

I keep telling them Lickliter is available, though ... I mean, c'mon ... former National COY ... LOL
Living in Omaha I hear alot of the names supposedly on the list. So far I have heard: Bruce Pearl, Larry Eustachy, Steve Alford, Altman, Shaka (VCU) and Marshall (Wichita State). Marshall and Altman have both supposedly said they aren't interested and Shaka looks to be the front runner for Illinois. I think Pearl or Eustachy would actually be a really good hire for them and I can only hope for Alford. From the radio shows the last couple of days its starting to sound like they aren't getting interest from anywhere they probe. The funny thing is all the fans that are calling in are saying stuff like 'we need a big name coach, someone who has coached at the top level, someone who has gone far in the dance, etc, etc,' which I just don't see happening. None of them want to consider a midmajor coach who hasnt gone to the Sweet 16, for whatever reason they think they are above that. Look at what McCaffery has done at Iowa so far, he was an off the radar guy but is shaping up to be a great fit.
Why should it surprise you that they think they are above that? That is what a lot of Iowa fans thought when we hired our coach. Maybe they think they need. More of an established name because someone less than that won't make it there. After all, wasn't that less established type of guy Doc Sadler?

Actually, I think Eustacy would be a great hire for them and I think he would stay there as long as they would have him if he went there. On top of all of that, he wouldn't be coaching in the same conference he left and that might prove helpful, too.
come on guys i have worked in nebraska for years all over as electrician. nothing wrong with nebraska and the people that lives there! and naturally i love having nebraska in our conference. its perfect fit, perfect rival......
Rival? If you know Husker fans, you should know that the Hawks are essentially a non-entity to them, not even worth mentioning....

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