Pollard Makes Barta look ridiculous

Pollard is a douche and only the ISU Lil Brother fan base would love his Lil Brother attitude and demeanor.
Pollard is a total jackass. I get that some of you don't like Barta but touting Pollard is beneath you.

Barta is an idiot, but I will never ever tout that D-Bag Pollard. He is a lying smarmy POS, and the fact that the ISU fan base worships him just shows how slavishly devoted that entire fan base is of being Lil Brother 24/7.
Pollard is a total jackass. I get that some of you don't like Barta but touting Pollard is beneath you.

Pollard hired prohm and Campbell and despite his personality issues, those were some good hires and ones that i would never trust barta to pull off, so I respect that and he deserves props for that.
I'll translate what Pollard was trying to say: "You've proven that you're better at football or everything else lately, so I'm going to explain to you the only thing we seem to be better at than you, whining and playing the victim."

I would have guessed contract negotiation. And seriously Barta doesn't need Pollard to look ridiculous.