Poll: Steve Forbes should be hired as the next Iowa coach

Should Steve Forbes be hired as the next Iowa basketball coach

  • Yes

    Votes: 143 79.9%
  • No

    Votes: 36 20.1%

  • Total voters
Again, the entire fallacy of your post is "lead assistant" as if there is some difference in Tony Jones and Steve Forbes at UT..... having worked with them for their entire time at UT, I can tell you with 100 percent certainty, that it's not accurate.


I put it that way, because I have read many times that Tony Jones's position is higer up than Forbes. Thank you for clarifying. Hopefully he gets his interview.
I put it that way, because I have read many times that Tony Jones's position is higer up than Forbes. Thank you for clarifying. Hopefully he gets his interview.

the term "associate head coach" is nothing more than some paint on a door. The office isn't any bigger and the check isn't either..... I've been inside the office.....

Tony and Steve are absolute equals on the staff..... Tony had that title due to the decade he has been with Pearl..... He already had it when Forbes was hired. It means nothing in relation to Forbes.

It's sort of like UK.... John Robic is the "associate head coach" at UK, but Orlando Antigua is the "hot" name who will get a job long before Robic. In fact, the trend these days is to name the "organization" assistant as the "head associate" and keep the "hot" coach off the radar for a bit longer....lol

Marc....if Forbes is such a hot commodity, why are we hearing his name being mentioned for the Auburn, Oregon, St. Johns or DePaul jobs?

Also, there have been many openings in the SEC over the last couple of years and why has he not been hired for one of those jobs? I'm sure the AD's in the SEC are very aware of him.

I don't buy for a second that he's been sitting around waiting for the Iowa or some other perfect head coaching job. I don't think at 45 years of age he would be passing up many multi-million dollar deals. Everyone knows the window is closing from an age stand point on his chance at being a head coach, as very few get their first opportunity when they reach their 50's.

I just don't buy that he's been sitting around waiting for the perfect job.
Marc....if Forbes is such a hot commodity, why are we hearing his name being mentioned for the Auburn, Oregon, St. Johns or DePaul jobs?

Also, there have been many openings in the SEC over the last couple of years and why has he not been hired for one of those jobs? I'm sure the AD's in the SEC are very aware of him.

I don't buy for a second that he's been sitting around waiting for the Iowa or some other perfect head coaching job. I don't think at 45 years of age he would be passing up many multi-million dollar deals. Everyone knows the window is closing from an age stand point on his chance at being a head coach, as very few get their first opportunity when they reach their 50's.

I just don't buy that he's been sitting around waiting for the perfect job.

Ok... I'll play.

Auburn wanted to hire a minority head coach.
Oregon is backed by Nike BIG TIME and will hire a big Nike coach.
St. Johns needs a coach with strong NY ties which Forbes clearly does not have.
DePaul has to have a coach who can fix their poor standing with Chicago Public school coaches.....without that, DePaul won't ever succeed.

Think what you want......Forbes is a great fit for Iowa. I don't know if they will hire him or not, but the fact that he's is "just an assistant" at UT doesn't mean he's not very capable.

Doesn't make sense to Barta. Barta wants the "Kirk Ferentz" of basketball. Problem is he fails to understand basketball and football are different sports!!
How do we know that Forbes isn't "the 'kirk Ferentz' of basketball."??

I believe after all the people who turned down the job already, that this guy is a must hire. So what if is an asst. coach. It appears no head coach wants this job. Get one of the best asst in the country. he listed in the top ten. He wants the job, and we can probably get him fairly cheap. he will work hard, he will have that all important relationship with the players, he will energize the fan base, he will bring an uptempo style to the game again, and he can recruit.
Tubby Smith
Roy Williams
Frank Martin
Billy Gillispie
Scott Drew

is that enough? That's just off the top of my head


Didn't coach k at duke jump from being a booby knight asst to head coach at duke? Maybe i am wrong. If i am someone will catch it.
Tubby Smith
Roy Williams
Frank Martin
Billy Gillispie
Scott Drew

is that enough? That's just off the top of my head


Three of these guys are wrong. The original poster said assistants who were hired as head coaches at a BCS school. Tubby Smith started at Tulsa, Gillespie at UTEP, neither are BCS schools and Drew was the head coach at Valpo when he was hired by Baylor.
Three of these guys are wrong. The original poster said assistants who were hired as head coaches at a BCS school. Tubby Smith started at Tulsa, Gillespie at UTEP, neither are BCS schools and Drew was the head coach at Valpo when he was hired by Baylor.

CUSA was a major conference when Tubby took over at Tulsa. Since then, it's floundered, but in that day, it was big.....

either way, it's a dumb question (no offense to the OP)..... history if full of high major assistants taking head coaching jobs and winning big.

I'm also MORE impressed with a coach who can win big at a NON BCS school as a first time head coach than one who goes to a school with a name and wins.....

CUSA was a major conference when Tubby took over at Tulsa. Since then, it's floundered, but in that day, it was big.....

either way, it's a dumb question (no offense to the OP)..... history if full of high major assistants taking head coaching jobs and winning big.

I'm also MORE impressed with a coach who can win big at a NON BCS school as a first time head coach than one who goes to a school with a name and wins.....


Conference USA wasn't even formed when he was coaching at Tulsa, what are you talking about?

If you've answered this in a different thread - I apologize, but I was wondering if you had any insight into who Forbes would try to assemble as his assistant coaching staff? Early in this process when his name was mentioned it was indicated he was a great recruiter but a little light on the "x's & o's". I'm not sure that's true... that's just the opinion of some writers when the search began.

Thanks in advance...
Conference USA wasn't even formed when he was coaching at Tulsa, what are you talking about?

Ok... guess I'm a moron.... ain't the first time....haha. Like I said....top of my head.....it's not a good head.

But again, it's not a good question.... top assistants take head coaching jobs and are successful ALL THE TIME.

Ok... guess I'm a moron.... ain't the first time....haha. Like I said....top of my head.....it's not a good head.

But again, it's not a good question.... top assistants take head coaching jobs and are successful ALL THE TIME.


Yes, I agree with your main point though. It is not at all rare for assistants to become successful head coaches. Izzo and Jamie Dixon, both went that route along with many others.
Marc...isn't it true that most assistant coaches who land major conference head coaching jobs get those jobs at the school where they are currently working as assistants? That certainly is the case with Pastner, Martin, Izzo, Painter, etc.

It seems to me there is either a long history with those assistant coaches with the university or they were already prepared to continue a system that was already in place.
Marc...isn't it true that most assistant coaches who land major conference head coaching jobs get those jobs at the school where they are currently working as assistants? That certainly is the case with Pastner, Martin, Izzo, Painter, etc.

It seems to me there is either a long history with those assistant coaches with the university or they were already prepared to continue a system that was already in place.

why say "major conference jobs"..... Iowa isn't any better than some of the mid major head jobs that top assistants take every year. Being in a "major conference" doesn't make the job any better.

There are lots of jobs in "non major conferences" that I'd take over "major conference" jobs.

The point is, top assistants take jobs and succeed all the time.

Of course he wants to, but again.....can anyone name a current head coach, successful in his dread job, that made this kind of jump to a top conference from the position that Forbes currently holds? Please be more specific help me understand this.

Bruce Pearl has known Steve Forbes since Pearl was on the staff at Iowa, and Pearl had wanted to work with Forbes for years, before he hired him. Look at what Tom Izzo has done, he was a former assistant coach at Michigan State. Mike Davis took Indiana to the NCAA Finals a few years back, and he was an assistant. Pearl himself was a cast away assistant, who wound up at DII Southern Indiana after he was at Iowa. Then Pearl gradually rebuilt his name and eventually had success at UW Milwaukee. Forbes also helped Billie Clyde Gillispie turn Texas A&M around. Don't be tricked by this DI "Head Coaching" thing. Look at Bo Ryan: the guy was a DIII coach for years. He is one of he best in the country. Also remember Steve Fisher, an assistant who took Michigan to the NCAA title in 1989. Michigan's coach at the time, Bill Frieder, took the Arizona State job after the regular season, and wanted to stay with Michigan through the NCAA's. Bo Schembechler got miffed, and said, " I want a Michigan man coaching Michigan!" Schembechler cut Frieder loose before the NCAA's, and Michigan won it all under assistant Steve Fisher.
Doesn't make sense to Barta. Barta wants the "Kirk Ferentz" of basketball. Problem is he fails to understand basketball and football are different sports!!

Well, Ferentz was an assistant, then a head coach at a small school, then an assistant again. He coached for a total of 21 years before being named the head coach at Iowa. He came to Iowa at the age of 44, loves it, and wants to stay. Not a lot of people would say he was their number 1 choice for the job.

Forbes was an assistant, then a head coach at a small school, then an assistant again. He has coached for a total of 21 years. He is 44 years old and wants to be at Iowa. Not a lot of people would say he is their number 1 choice for the job.

Kind of eerie, probably just a coincidence, but still...
Marc....umm, because Iowa is in the Big 10 and that is a major conference. Since that's the job we're talking about, I think it would be important to hire a guy who could lead a major conference team. Just because I run a $50 million dollar company doesn't mean I should be the choice to run Intel or Google. I mean I'd love the pay raise and that would certainly be my dream job, but it doesn't mean I'm qualified to handle the responsibilities that go along with running one of those companies.

The same can apply to running a mid-major program versus a major conference program.

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