Playing out of position

If they 'decide' to play D why do you think the D outcome would be different. The real issue is lack of speed which looks like lack of effort. When a player or 2 really cant do it that makes the others have to be less aggressive.

I also dont think some understand Iowa how turtles veing so quick on transition makes the D quite vulnerable to drives and 3s.

Because I watched the rare times last year where they clearly put more effort into that end. It was a noticeable difference.
Because I watched the rare times last year where they clearly put more effort into that end. It was a noticeable difference.

Not being smart, but have you ever played/coached? What seems like effort/lack of is about getting beat and out gunned. These are D1 athletes who didn't come to the Big to get crushed. The effort thing is just not accurate. They aren't even that good on offense. It's about talent and the particular talent is lack of speed/quickness.
Not being smart, but have you ever played/coached? What seems like effort/lack of is about getting beat and out gunned. These are D1 athletes who didn't come to the Big to get crushed. The effort thing is just not accurate. They aren't even that good on offense. It's about talent and the particular talent is lack of speed/quickness.

That's why they aren't good at defense. But it's not why they suck as bad as they do. It sure the hell isn't why they gave up 18-0 runs about every game. D1 athletes quit giving 100% effort all the time in sports. Especially during a tanked season.
That's why they aren't good at defense. But it's not why they suck as bad as they do. It sure the hell isn't why they gave up 18-0 runs about every game. D1 athletes quit giving 100% effort all the time in sports. Especially during a tanked season.

1. Lack of athleticism
2. Coaching
3. Release for transition

Reasons why they are bad at D.

Effort is not in that mix. They would look more engaged if the other 3 weren't issues.
1. Lack of athleticism
2. Coaching
3. Release for transition

Reasons why they are bad at D.

Effort is not in that mix. They would look more engaged if the other 3 weren't issues.

Moss let's his guy go right by him like he's standing still, then turns and jogs after him after he's already by. He literally doesn't even get one step sideways until he man has already taken three steps. There is a zero percent chance that he's that much slower than every single guy he guards due to athleticism.
Moss let's his guy go right by him like he's standing still, then turns and jogs after him after he's already by. He literally doesn't even get one step sideways until he man has already taken three steps. There is a zero percent chance that he's that much slower than every single guy he guards due to athleticism.
1 is accumulatve

2 and 3 apply.

Im sure those tendancies were noticed in recruiting.

Dont blame the kid.
I don’t have all the answers, but I know one thing. If you’re regularly playing a lineup that has Nunge at the #3 and Garza at the #5, you are at an immediate disadvantage from a quickness standpoint. A team that plays a four guard lineup will slice and dice that up, especially when Cook jagged it a lot on defense. Next season, I hope to see more of this type of lineup:

JBo/Grad Transfer
Cook (fully engaged)

This would provide dead on shooters and good distributors at the #1, #2 and #3 spots. The #3 position was a black hole this year. It would create openings for bigs. If Cook has NBA aspirations, he needs a Luka Garza attitude because he would be unstoppable on offense and a menace on defense. Hopefully Garza and Kriener can make improvements in their foot speed and lateral quickness this offseason. I am hopeful Fran pulls the trigger on at least one athletic PG grad transfer or Juco player.
Moss let's his guy go right by him like he's standing still, then turns and jogs after him after he's already by. He literally doesn't even get one step sideways until he man has already taken three steps. There is a zero percent chance that he's that much slower than every single guy he guards due to athleticism.
It starts and stops with coaching, when we get right down to it. Fran has recruited a bunch of players that aren't quick enough to guard their BIG counterparts. Because they can score on the offensive end, he allows them to play major minutes. This breeds laziness on the defensive end, from the whole team. And Fran has allowed that to happen with no consequences by way of lack of playing time.
You have 2 types of problems that lead to the same result.
1). Lack of athleticism = get beat on defense.
2). Lack of effort = get beat on defense.
How does Fran cut the minutes of the players in category 2, while allowing the players in category 1 to keep playing? Especially when I've personally seen some players from category 1, give category 2 effort.
All of the players sitting in these film sessions, see players from both categories get beat on defense. How can Fran allow 1 group to play, while berating the other group and expect to keep his credibility with the team?
It starts and stops with coaching, when we get right down to it. Fran has recruited a bunch of players that aren't quick enough to guard their BIG counterparts. Because they can score on the offensive end, he allows them to play major minutes. This breeds laziness on the defensive end, from the whole team. And Fran has allowed that to happen with no consequences by way of lack of playing time.
You have 2 types of problems that lead to the same result.
1). Lack of athleticism = get beat on defense.
2). Lack of effort = get beat on defense.
How does Fran cut the minutes of the players in category 2, while allowing the players in category 1 to keep playing? Especially when I've personally seen some players from category 1, give category 2 effort.
All of the players sitting in these film sessions, see players from both categories get beat on defense. How can Fran allow 1 group to play, while berating the other group and expect to keep his credibility with the team?

You would have to explain the difference between effort and ability. The only way a player could get mad at that is if they thought "I can try half as hard and still be just as good of a defender, so that should be good enough". If they have that attitude, then they will just have to deal with it.
You would have to explain the difference between effort and ability. The only way a player could get mad at that is if they thought "I can try half as hard and still be just as good of a defender, so that should be good enough". If they have that attitude, then they will just have to deal with it.
To which the appropriate question is: Why are you giving minutes to players without the ability it takes to defend at the BIG level? If I'm on that team, I want to know why the coach is giving scholarships and starters minutes to players that don't have the "ability" it takes.
These are the situations that cause players to transfer (C Williams) without much notice. Players to question their teammates and coaches. General dissent. The kind of dissent that can take a team with expectations, crumble from the inside out.
Your logic is so flawed. Cook put so much more pressure on the defense than some random average stretch 4 would. There's a reason Cook was by far our best player and couldn't shoot the 3.

Look at all the final four teams this year and tell me what team doesn't play a 3 guard lineup, with a strict stretch 4 and a big. I would love to have Cook back if he can improve the "stretch" part of being the 4 man, or if he's playing the 5 (but still don't think his low post defense is enough for that either). A combination of Nunge/Baer plays matchups with any other B10 team so much better than Cook.
Really? Because we get Tyler Cooks any time we want them? Tell me the last power forward we had that averaged 15 PPG as a true sophomore.

He scored 15 PPG but then turned around on the other end of the floor and gave his opponent 15 as well. He scored 15 a game against stretch 4 "big men" who couldn't body with him under the basket. If you truly wanted defense like i've seen consistently from you on these boards why are you taking the opposite here? We can continue to trade off Cook's 2's compared to Duncan Robinson's 3's but we will lose that battle.

Classic 56 response. Look at the players that played the 4 last year and then tell me who Cook matches up well with on BOTH ends of the floor. I can think of 1, Jackson from Michigan State because he is more of a post-up type but even he can stretch the floor a bit.
Classic 56 response. Look at the players that played the 4 last year and then tell me who Cook matches up well with on BOTH ends of the floor. I can think of 1, Jackson from Michigan State because he is more of a post-up type but even he can stretch the floor a bit.

If that's the case why did Cook play so much against all the other Big Ten teams? Why didn't Fran let him ride the bench and play Nunge and Baer?
Because he scored and we had 10000 other big men that he thought needed minutes? I think we've established why nunge and baer didn't play the 4. I never said I would have benched him this year, but the roster for next year without Cook at the 4 looks like it matches up with other B10 teams. If he expands his game and starts stretching the floor more and puts more effort and guarding perimeter based 4 men. I would love to have him back at the 4.
He scored 15 PPG but then turned around on the other end of the floor and gave his opponent 15 as well. He scored 15 a game against stretch 4 "big men" who couldn't body with him under the basket. If you truly wanted defense like i've seen consistently from you on these boards why are you taking the opposite here? We can continue to trade off Cook's 2's compared to Duncan Robinson's 3's but we will lose that battle.
I absolutely DO want defense. The difference is that I understand Tyler Cook has been playing his man and every man that Bohannon, Moss and Baer allow to drive past them to the hoop. Our defensive problems start with the guards. It damn sure doesn't start in the post. Anyone that thinks otherwise, doesn't know what they are talking about. Replace Bohannon, Moss and Baer with legit BIG guards that know how to defend, then see how well Cook and Garza do defending the post. It's a guard's game. And the guards have to defend or your team won't go very far.
Look at all the final four teams this year and tell me what team doesn't play a 3 guard lineup, with a strict stretch 4 and a big. I would love to have Cook back if he can improve the "stretch" part of being the 4 man, or if he's playing the 5 (but still don't think his low post defense is enough for that either). A combination of Nunge/Baer plays matchups with any other B10 team so much better than Cook.
neither Baer or Nunge handle the ball well enough to be a stretch 4.
He scored 15 PPG but then turned around on the other end of the floor and gave his opponent 15 as well. He scored 15 a game against stretch 4 "big men" who couldn't body with him under the basket. If you truly wanted defense like i've seen consistently from you on these boards why are you taking the opposite here? We can continue to trade off Cook's 2's compared to Duncan Robinson's 3's but we will lose that battle.
Care to answer the question? When was the last PF at Iowa to avg 15 PPG as a SO. It's not a difficult question.
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Classic 56 response. Look at the players that played the 4 last year and then tell me who Cook matches up well with on BOTH ends of the floor. I can think of 1, Jackson from Michigan State because he is more of a post-up type but even he can stretch the floor a bit.
His response is the same as mine. Nunge?Baer are not favorable matchups against any BIG team, at the 4. They can't beat anyone off the dribble. Poor 3 pt shooting (33% and 30% respectively). To be a stretch 4, you have to be at least 37% from 3 pt range. Nunge could develop into a stretch 4 but he's going to have to improve a lot. Baer is what he is, as a soon to be SR.