Penn State Football: Seven Reasons To Hate Iowa

This. I hope fans let Pedo State and it's a** clown fanbase have it this weekend.

I generally believe an opponent's fan base deserves a modicum of respect when they visit. There are two teams for whom I will suspend that belief: UConn and Penn State.
I generally believe an opponent's fan base deserves a modicum of respect when they visit. There are two teams for whom I will suspend that belief: UConn and Penn State. I hope PSU fans have a miserable weekend in Iowa City.

What did UCONN fans do to you to deserve your ire?
Seven Reasons to Hate Penn State

#1-jerry sandusky and the way they worship a man who covered up for a known pedophile.

#2- see #1

#3- see #2

#4- see #3

#5- see #4

#6- see #5

#7- see #6

I hate their idiot fanbase. They want to pretend nothing ever happened there. They have no business talking trash about anyone period. The Pedo state boy lovers can go to h#ll.
I generally believe an opponent's fan base deserves a modicum of respect when they visit. There are two teams for whom I will suspend that belief: UConn and Penn State.

I agree with this on PSU, not sure what happened with UCONN. I usually enjoy chatting with visiting fans in and around Kinnick, this weekend I will not be going out of my way to talk to any Pedo State fans. They all disgust me.
I can think of 45 convictions I mean reasons not to like PSU.

This was my favorite section I think

Another “Little Brotherâ€￾As if it’s not bad enough that we had to sit through games against the 2nd best team in Ohio (Ohio), the 3rd best team in Illinois (Illinois) and the worst team in the state of Pennsylvania and Big East (Temple), now we get to watch the second (maybe third- I see you Iowa Western CC) best team in IOWA? By losing to Iowa State, the perennial doormat of the Big 12, Iowa secured their spot as the worst football team in the worst football state in the country.

I didn't realize football in the state of Pennsylvania is that much better at this point. I forgot how good Pitt is this year.
For an encore, all the PSU faithful will drink koolaid together, and go to "heaven" after being persecuted so much here on earf.
I can think of 45 convictions I mean reasons not to like PSU.

This was my favorite section I think

Another “Little Brother”As if it’s not bad enough that we had to sit through games against the 2nd best team in Ohio (Ohio), the 3rd best team in Illinois (Illinois) and the worst team in the state of Pennsylvania and Big East (Temple), now we get to watch the second (maybe third- I see you Iowa Western CC) best team in IOWA? By losing to Iowa State, the perennial doormat of the Big 12, Iowa secured their spot as the worst football team in the worst football state in the country.

I didn't realize football in the state of Pennsylvania is that much better at this point. I forgot how good Pitt is this year.

Did this flatulent bag of adipose tissue remember that Iowa has beaten PSU a LOT lately?
I loved the fact that he brings in his personal views about Iowa that are not sports related. Guess I forgot that Pennsylvania, or PSU for that matter, has no blemmishes of their own that aren't sports related. But when you support a school that stood by and allowed a pedophile to ruin the lives of many for over a decade while trying to cover it up, I guess it's only fair to judge other communities.
Maybe with clicks on his blog, but he's also succeeding at riling up a fanbase right before a night game at Kinnick. The real win comes in the game.

Richard Pryor had a great saying about opinions.

Since Tim doesn't play in a game, clicks to his site is how he wins. So he wins.