Penn st, ncaa sanctions?


Well-Known Member
Can the ncaa really punish penn st football program for harboring a predator or any other acts involving sandusky? Not asking if they should because I know how ****** everyone is, but CAN the ncaa do anything?
An analyst on CNN just said it best: Shame on Penn State. If enough sentiment builds, the ncaa, a governing body of some kind, might feel compelled to do something.
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Can the ncaa really punish penn st football program for harboring a predator or any other acts involving sandusky? Not asking if they should because I know how ****** everyone is, but CAN the ncaa do anything?

I don't even know if the NCAA has any guidelines to work by in these situations.
I don't believe so unless one of the boys went on to receive a scholarship to play for Penn State in some capacity.
I don't believe so unless one of the boys went on to receive a scholarship to play for Penn State in some capacity.

Wow, that would be something wouldnt it? Say for example another victim came out and said Sandusky.offered him a football scholarship if he kept his mouth shut about the abuse. That would be messed up.
Even if there are no NCAA sanctions against PSU, there is still a very real possibility that PSU suffers financially from litigation in a really big way.
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Can the ncaa really punish penn st football program for harboring a predator or any other acts involving sandusky? Not asking if they should because I know how ****** everyone is, but CAN the ncaa do anything?

There are ongoing investigations of PSU and how much the admistration knew, turned their heads, etc.

There is already Grand Jury testimony that people within the athletic department, including Paterno, knew about allegations against Sandusky many years ago.

If it can be proven that people within the athletic program knew of this and covered it up. Good night PSU. That is lack of institutional control.
I believe the NCAA will hit them with a lack of institutional control. There's just too much evidence that the people at the top lost control of the program. It is now public knowledge that there was a cover-up of Sandusky's conduct and it's so much worse than simply ignoring evidence of payments to players. The evidence implicates the former president of the university as well, so it extends to the top of the institution, a case could be made that it created an environment of danger for players, administrators, or students.

I hate to see it because it is bad for the conference if Penn State gets hit with sanctions, but unfortunately the actions here merit punishment. The only thing that could save them is if the NCAA itself decides it has no jurisdiction in these types of matters - which is unlikely since they have broad powers, ample evidence, and a public sentiment urging action.
Even if there are no NCAA sanctions against PSU, there is still a very real possibility that PSU suffers financially from litigation in a really big way.

The litigation against PSU will be in the $100Ms. Nearly every child that was in the 2nd mile program that ever went to the campus with Sandusky will file suit. This is going to get very ugly for PSU.
To answer your question, yes. Lack of institutional controls in place, and although they have been closed mouthed about it, they did indicate they would wait until all criminal proceedings were over.

In any event, my opinion only, is that certain members of the PSU administration should be tried criminally.
Well, if Ohio State can get off with little more than a slap on the wrist for their rule violations, then I'd be surprised if any sanctions were placed on Penn State.

Now....if this were a Hawkeye coach....that's a different story.
If Jerry Standusky abused 10 different childs over 15 years , How long have University been covering it up . They put themselves above the law and cover it up for 15 years or longer.It`s really mind boggling beyond anyone`s understanding!
The NCAA regulates fair athletic competition between universities. They impose penalties on schools whose behavior gives then an unfair competitive advantage. Did PSU do this to gain a competitive advantage?
The NCAA regulates fair athletic competition between universities. They impose penalties on schools whose behavior gives then an unfair competitive advantage. Did PSU do this to gain a competitive advantage?

by covering this up, it kept Paterno and PSU at the top of the heap for many, many years. after paterno found out about it initially, and nothing was done, then he was in cover-mode to protect his backside from legal action.

so in a round about way, yes.

PSU will get hammered by civil lawsuits.
by covering this up, it kept Paterno and PSU at the top of the heap for many, many years. after paterno found out about it initially, and nothing was done, then he was in cover-mode to protect his backside from legal action.

so in a round about way, yes.

PSU will get hammered by civil lawsuits.

They have to change their name to Brokeback State University:D

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