Penn st, ncaa sanctions?

The NCAA has eluded to "lack of institutional controls" for the entire athletic department.

If the public outcry doesn't die down, I'd expect NCAA sanctions. If it dies down, I'd expect the NCAA to wimp out as per normal.
This has nothing to do with the NCAA's jurisdiction. Golfer was right, those involved are going to be looking at criminal charges if they were indeed covering it up. NCAA should stay out of this.

Then why are they investigating?

They do need to keep themselves aware of all that is brought out by the state investigation, in order to determine if any NCAA rules were broken in the process of committing these crimes. In that case there would be some justification for sanction. In such a case, whatever penalties assessed against Penn State would for actual NCAA rules violations, not a fishing expedition searching for additional punishments.
No. The NCAA's role is to regulate their members adherence to the NCAA handbook rules. This is a criminal matter. The state of PA.'s role is to enforce state statutes. The whole problem was made worse by some individuals not going to law enforcement authorities in the first place...those charged with enforcing state laws...not NCAA rules. If the NCAA opens this pandora's box, then they would need to start looking at schools with any coaches or athletes involved in law-breaking...where would it stop? PSU is going to pay a huge price in prestige,reputation, and of course hundreds of millions in dollars to victims and lawyers...not like they are getting off.

Yep and they just got a verbal from a 5star OT. Sure seems they are paying such a huge price for knowingly allowing a coach/former coach to molest kids for decades.
Punish those who are responsible.
That means the people and their positions, not the program. The football program didn't commit these sick ******* crimes.

The football program was implicit in covering up these crimes and allowing them to go on as long as they did.

And just like when programs are punished for the violations their coaches commit, so too should PSU be severely punished for the violations of their coaches and administration.

If you aren't clear about who has jurisdiction you end up with this:

PSU deserves to be burnt to the ground.
Penn State should have the death penalty on its football program, at minimum. If the cover up spread into other areas of the athletic department and up to the university president then every sport should get the death penalty.

Penn State can go back to just being an institution without sports for all I am concerned. Or become the next Chicago University and drop down to low levels, keeping the research institution part of the B1G consortium.
The people running the football program were implicit in covering up these crimes and allowing them to go on as long as they did.

And just like when programs are punished for violating the NCAA's athletic/academic rules because of their coaches choices, so too should PSU be severely punished for the violations of their coaches and administration.

PSU deserves to be burnt to the ground.
Take Two: Punishment for Penn State? - Big Ten Blog - ESPN

The NCAA is under pressure to take action against Penn State because of the scope and nature of this story, but if it does, it will be an unprecedented step. Was there a lack of institutional control (LOIC) at Penn State that allowed Sandusky to commit some of his despicable crimes on university property? Without a doubt. But not in the context where the NCAA levels its most serious charge against an athletic program. The LOIC charge surfaces when an institution makes blatant major mistakes in relation to NCAA rules compliance. Although it sounds like a blanket term, it really relates only to NCAA rules. And unless the Louis Freeh investigation or other probes show Penn State knowingly violated NCAA rules, I can't see how the NCAA penalizes the football program. I spoke to a source this week who used to be an NCAA investigator, and he explained that it's a jurisdiction issue. The NCAA governs NCAA issues with an NCAA program, not criminal ones. It only imposes the LOIC charge during major rules infractions cases. If a coach gets a DUI or beats his wife, as bad as those things are, they aren't issues where the NCAA imposes penalties. So while LOIC sounds broad and vague, it really is specific in how the NCAA uses it. Could the NCAA and Big Ten take action against Penn State? Anything is possible. But it would be a step outside the jurisdiction, judging by past cases. Maybe such a case merits a step, but programs aren't punished for administrative failure and possible cover-ups relating to criminal activity. If no specific NCAA rule violation surfaces, I don't see how the NCAA takes action.

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