If Fran is truly playing to win this season, then he'll establish an attitude early on that minutes are earned based upon performance.
While commendable, divvying out minutes to get everybody time on the court just isn't smart. First, it's next to impossible for a core group of players to get into any kind of consistent rhythm, and, second, it sends the message that even if you're not performing, you'll get time. That's rewarding mediocrity.
Pemsl just doesn't have the skill set to see the court with any regularity. That said, if he suddenly ups his game and performs early on, he certainly could earn them, just like anyone else. As for Kreiner, I honestly don't see him in the same category as Pemsl. He's got some skills, and, if he has put on muscle as rumored, I could see him getting significant time at the 5 this season. At the very least, he and Garza battling each other in practice will benefit the entire team.