
Jiminy Christmas, I forgot how good Pemsl's high school tapes look. I think it goes to show how unhealthy he's been. We've never seen him play above the rim or shoot like that at Iowa. Makes me wonder how much practice time he's had to dedicate toward rehab between the knee and the hernia. I feel horrible for him.
Not to mention that gash in his leg from the baseline chair collision at Hilton. He only missed one game but that had to limit him in practice for a while. He struggled in late December, early January, picked it up for five or six games, then struggled again when Kreiner finally returned. Missing summer workouts and that overseas trip had to hurt.

I'm also guessing that having your femur broken and reset to take pressure of the knee joint in order to play basketball at all didn't feel too good either.
I stand corrected. I googled this on him. He looks so much smoother and more athletic then for some reason too. Maybe some of this was before he started having knee issues? But yeah he was capable of hitting some shots. His confidence must be shot at taking them or something because he just doesn't even attempt them.

It's hard to explain, but one of the reasons why I am skeptical of Fran and his demeanor. I followed it closely. Had bias toward the other kids as I knew him. A lot more athleticism potential, but not as smooth as Pem. Pem was more stocky then. The other kids could do amazing things above the rim and played oft against a 1st team Big player in HS as a former upper Div team starter.

Having completely blown out a knee, I can attest it impacts your shooting, but don't think he blew it out. You can't push off on longer shots as it becomes too much arm. Extra pounds hurt too.
Just the opposite actually. If Pemsl leaves that means Cook stayed, and the bus will look way better that way than if Pemsl stayed and Cook left.

There's a possibility it may work out better having Cook leave for the program overall. We'll certainly take a hit next year, but if Cook is drafted, it's a good look for the program. "Even if we have a down year for extenuating circumstances, we can still get you into the NBA."

The other optimistic side of that coin is getting Pemsl healthy for 2 years. At best, we'll only have Cook for 1 more. Pemsl's also proven that he can get it done against high level competition. He had a number of games as a Freshman and even a few this year where he was the difference, especially on the defensive end of the court. Specifically, I'm recalling the Purdue game his freshman year where he kept Haas and Swanigan in check and all those games where he'd put in 10+ points on 80+% shooting.
Just the opposite actually. If Pemsl leaves that means Cook stayed, and the bus will look way better that way than if Pemsl stayed and Cook left.
I don't disagree, but another one falling off the roster....addition by subtraction.....but still looks ugly with the departure train if you know what I mean. Things not happy right now in the program.
I don't disagree, but another one falling off the roster....addition by subtraction.....but still looks ugly with the departure train if you know what I mean. Things not happy right now in the program.
It just depends on the end result. If Pemsl leaves and Cook is back and they use Pemsls scholly for something other than another 4 or 5 man we should be good. I think a versatile 3 or 1 is what they need the most. Maybe Wieskamp will be a 2/3 guy but it'll be awhile till we know. We just have too many 4s right now cluttering up the roster. So preferably having a Pemsl leave wouldn't be the worst thing ever. But if he and Cook both leave.... I sure hope Nunge and Kreiner take huge steps the right direction along with Garza. There's a lot to play out here yet but I don't see that the sky is falling just yet (considering the season they just had it pretty much already did)
I meant from next season's roster: Ellingosn Sr, Wagner Sr, Cook Jr. And I'll concede, I did go overboard in calling it "horribly young". However, if we're talking about also losing Pemsl, then our starting lineup may well be Bohannon (2), Moss (2), Wieskamp (0), Nunge(0.5), Garza(1) with the numbers in parentheses being years with starting experience. With Cook and Pemsl back, we'd be considered a veteran team. Without them, we'll be about average, leaning toward young...which I agree is an annoying narrative about why we aren't good.

Losing both Cook and Pemsl would be rough, no doubt. In year 9 of Fran's tenure a thin roster would be a reason to be bad, not an important distinction.
I don't disagree, but another one falling off the roster....addition by subtraction.....but still looks ugly with the departure train if you know what I mean. Things not happy right now in the program.

How does it look ugly? We had 2 Jr's transfer out because of playing time in essence, they had/have been passed up. Same thing could be said of Pemsl if he leaves. This is the norm in college BB now, 700 kids a year transfer, that is on AVERAGE of 2 leaving every program and moving on.
How does it look ugly? We had 2 Jr's transfer out because of playing time in essence, they had/have been passed up. Same thing could be said of Pemsl if he leaves. This is the norm in college BB now, 700 kids a year transfer, that is on AVERAGE of 2 leaving every program and moving on.
We have had two seniors over the last two years and now will be 3 in three years if we don’t get a grad transfer.

Cook and Pemsl leave we’d be looking at what 6 seniors in 4 years? At best. That’s a terrible terrible look for a program.
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How does it look ugly? We had 2 Jr's transfer out because of playing time in essence, they had/have been passed up. Same thing could be said of Pemsl if he leaves. This is the norm in college BB now, 700 kids a year transfer, that is on AVERAGE of 2 leaving every program and moving on.
Think of how many will transfer if they are no longer required to sit out a year, which has been discussed.

The number would be well north of four figures, easily.

I wonder if most high school recruits have to be promised a fair shot at immediate playing time just to sign with a school. Or if they wait until they find one that will.
We have had two seniors over the last two years and now will be 3 in three years if we don’t get a grad transfer after next year.

Cook and Pemsl leave we’d be looking at what 6 seniors in 4 years? At best. That’s a terrible terrible look for a program.
I've been watching this league for forty years. Times change, but in the BIG there is no substitute for senior experience.

I'm not trying to sit on a fence and play Switzerland here. You both have good points. Times change.
Davis used to nurture players along and make sure their senior year was their best, but it's been 20 years since Davis last patrolled an Iowa sideline.
If the older is passed by the younger it's going to put the older in a position they've probably never been in before. And the older is going to be none too happy about it.
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We have had two seniors over the last two years and now will be 3 in three years if we don’t get a grad transfer.

Cook and Pemsl leave we’d be looking at what 6 seniors in 4 years? At best. That’s a terrible terrible look for a program.

Why is that a terrible look? I don't care if we have Sr., Jr., So. or Fr. as long as we are winning. A "terrible look" is what Iowa looked like on the BB floor this year.
Why is that a terrible look? I don't care if we have Sr., Jr., So. or Fr. as long as we are winning. A "terrible look" is what Iowa looked like on the BB floor this year.
I think you kind of answered your own question. Iowa isn’t getting one and done guys, we need to land a few quality players in each class and develop them for four years.

So the reason it is a bad look is because all signs point to next year being our third year in a row missing the dance, which happens to coincide with our third consecutive year of having only one senior. Make sense?
I think you kind of answered your own question. Iowa isn’t getting one and done guys, we need to land a few quality players in each class and develop them for four years.

So the reason it is a bad look is because all signs point to next year being our third year in a row missing the dance, which happens to coincide with our third consecutive year of having only one senior. Make sense?

Makes sense, I am just saying that missing the dance 3 years in a row is the bad look, not if we have Sr. or not. For instance we had a Sr. this year in Uhl, one last year in Pete. I don't really care if we had 1, 2, or 3 Sr. the bottom line is the bad look is missing the Dance, not how many Sr. we have.
Pemsl will be a lot better next year when he puts on the fifteen pounds he lost because of his injury. This past years freshmen will be a lot stronger next year too.
Pemsl will be a lot better next year when he puts on the fifteen pounds he lost because of his injury. This past years freshmen will be a lot stronger next year too.

Cross your fingers and knock on wood, but this will also be his first full offseason in college where he's healthy and ready to focus on improving his game instead of just recovering from numerous injuries.
There's a possibility it may work out better having Cook leave for the program overall. We'll certainly take a hit next year, but if Cook is drafted, it's a good look for the program. "Even if we have a down year for extenuating circumstances, we can still get you into the NBA."

The other optimistic side of that coin is getting Pemsl healthy for 2 years. At best, we'll only have Cook for 1 more. Pemsl's also proven that he can get it done against high level competition. He had a number of games as a Freshman and even a few this year where he was the difference, especially on the defensive end of the court. Specifically, I'm recalling the Purdue game his freshman year where he kept Haas and Swanigan in check and all those games where he'd put in 10+ points on 80+% shooting.

I don't see anyway that Cook gets drafted to the NBA this year. He's very athletic but has too many weaknesses. If he doesn't return, my guess is he makes a run at the D League or goes overseas where he can make six figures for several years like White is doing and what Brunner did. Can make a pretty darn good living doing that.
I think you kind of answered your own question. Iowa isn’t getting one and done guys, we need to land a few quality players in each class and develop them for four years.

True, and the reality is very few schools get the "one and done" guy.

Since the rule inception in 2006, 123 players have gone pro and been drafted after their Freshman year. (roughly 10/yr). 21 of those were at Kentucky...that's 1 out of 6. Duke is next with 10. So two programs accounted for 25% of all the one and done NBA picks. Wow.

BTW there were 10 more that declared and weren't drafted. One guy per year makes a big mistake. (you listening Tyler?)
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