Pelini vs. Nebraska soap opera

I absolutely love it.

As someone who despises all things Nebraska how much better could it get. Coach gets throws university under the bus...University and former coach both look bad in the end.

Let the transferring begin.

Totally agree. This couldn't have happened to a better University. Nebraska fans are so arrogant. I have a feeling these events are going to keep them in their place for several years to come.

They fired a coach that half of the fan base wanted to keep. Then they made a hire that made virtually everyone in the college football world shake their head. Then the coach they fired chose to throw them under the bus instead of walk off silently into the night. It's awesome. Pure awesomeness.
he was fired because of the crap that is beaux pelini. see example in original post.

He's been on the hot seat quite a while based on performance. If he had won more games and had fewer blowout losses they wouldn't have fired him. He was either 9-4 or 10-4 every season for 7 years with zero conference championships and that's not good enough to keep you off the hot seat at Nebraska. They fired Solich after a 9-3 season and that was also based on performance.
Bo likely didn't have support this year (if that is really the case) because he should have been fired a year ago already and the A.D. spent the last year getting his ducks in a row.
Bo has always been a media nightmare waiting to happen but in my opinion he was always honest and totally supportive of his players. I'm sure the initial reaction by Nebraska fans will be to pile on and immediately trash him for being such an idiot. Perhaps after the smoke clears they should take a moment and look closely at some of the comments that Bo is making here. I'm not saying that Bo is 100% right, but I doubt that he is 100% wrong. The response from UNL looks like it was written by a room full of lawyers which tends to support some of Bo's comments regarding the AD.....
Bo has always been a media nightmare waiting to happen but in my opinion he was always honest and totally supportive of his players. I'm sure the initial reaction by Nebraska fans will be to pile on and immediately trash him for being such an idiot. Perhaps after the smoke clears they should take a moment and look closely at some of the comments that Bo is making here. I'm not saying that Bo is 100% right, but I doubt that he is 100% wrong. The response from UNL looks like it was written by a room full of lawyers which tends to support some of Bo's comments regarding the AD.....

I agree 100%with this. I find it humorous that they even responded to what could simply be viewed as a butthurt coach taking a parting shot at his former employer. Instead the university fires back and adds even more smoke and negative publicity to this whole thing. Ironic part is the players, that seemed to be very loyal to Bo are pulled further into the middle of this. What coach wouldn't want to walk into the rubble from this fallout and attempt to pick up the pieces. If Bo's comments hold up and the players find truth in what was said this could really harm the University's chance at player retention and lead to additional turnover in terms of players leaving.

At the end of the day the Hawkeye fan base and anyone else who despises Nebraska is loving it. Now can we hear what Bo really thinks about the University.
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I'm curious as to who recorded this conversation. Obviously Bo didn't know he was being taped....
Bo likely didn't have support this year (if that is really the case) because he should have been fired a year ago already and the A.D. spent the last year getting his ducks in a row.

So they decided to fire him last year but held off for 12 months. Some Tom Davis parallels, don't ya think? Maybe the same cluster**** we've experienced awaits them?
Good Lord, why the rebuttal? Apparently no one within the university understands the phrase "staying above the fray"
Good Lord, why the rebuttal? Apparently no one within the university understands the phrase "staying above the fray"

ahhhh.....You might have missed that we are talking about Nebraska, here?

I loved the part about Bo saying that his Admins at the school of Nowledge were
mad that he beat Iowa. LOL
9-3 ain't bad. Just sayin'.

He didn't get fired for going 9-3. He got fired for being a complete and total jerk (insert stronger derogatory term here) to the press, alienating nearly all of them. He got fired for saying "We don't need him" about Tommie Frazier, one of the legends of Husker football. (I can't imagine it, but it would be like Kirk saying the same thing about Chuck Long) He got fired for creating an "us against them" mentality on the football team vs the university.

Basically they got tired of his antics and his so-called personality. I'm not sure what kind of personality he has but I've heard that it has to be surgically implanted by a proctologist.
"(Laughing) C’mon man. I mean, s---, fellas, look who he circles himself with. Look at his team of people. C'mon, man. I’d rather f------ work at McDonald’s than work with some of those guys. Not that there's anything bad about working at McDonald’s."

lol. Bunch of gems in there, well deserved I'm sure.
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Wow. I think what we have here is a megalomaniac. It doesn't matter if the AD/administration is guilty of what he said. To address your team in this manner and to use the c*** word and other language about your boss is shocking. What a great role model for young men.

This guy needs some serious help. Good luck sweater vest.


As well as a symptom of pathology, a degree of megalomania is a way of defending against loss in everyday life—a manic defense against the experience of separation and loss.[SUP][11][/SUP] When linked to a position of power, whether military, political, or control-freak bureaucratical,[SUP][12][/SUP] it is likely to lead to miscalculation as a by-product of the subject's conceit.[SUP][13][/SUP]
He's been on the hot seat quite a while based on performance. If he had won more games and had fewer blowout losses they wouldn't have fired him. He was either 9-4 or 10-4 every season for 7 years with zero conference championships and that's not good enough to keep you off the hot seat at Nebraska. They fired Solich after a 9-3 season and that was also based on performance.

The real reason Solich was fired was similar to Pelini's - albeit a bit different - Frank Solich got a Nebby cheerleader pregnant. Fired for 'record' to keep Nebraska 'pristine'. Let's make no mistake about it - Pelini was fired for making NU look less than pristine - albeit not in the same way as Solich.
The environment at Nebby is exactly how it appears to us on the outside. Who the heck is recording him? Does everyone in Lincoln just walk around with tape recorders? They’re just adding to the narrative when they do crap like this and respond with a bitter little email.
Wow. I think what we have here is a megalomaniac. It doesn't matter if the AD/administration is guilty of what he said. To address your team in this manner and to use the c*** word and other language about your boss is shocking. What a great role model for young men.

This guy needs some serious help. Good luck sweater vest.


As well as a symptom of pathology, a degree of megalomania is a way of defending against loss in everyday life—a manic defense against the experience of separation and loss.[SUP][11][/SUP] When linked to a position of power, whether military, political, or control-freak bureaucratical,[SUP][12][/SUP] it is likely to lead to miscalculation as a by-product of the subject's conceit.[SUP][13][/SUP]

Bo will be fine once he gets out of Nebraska. Nebraska has crazy high expectations without the recruiting to match like a Michigan or tOSU. They have been able to defy gravity based on the legacy of Osborne and Devaney but it won't last forever.
The real reason Solich was fired was similar to Pelini's - albeit a bit different - Frank Solich got a Nebby cheerleader pregnant. Fired for 'record' to keep Nebraska 'pristine'. Let's make no mistake about it - Pelini was fired for making NU look less than pristine - albeit not in the same way as Solich.

Never thought of Nebraska as 'pristine'. Maybe it's the white uniforms. Nebraska was a win at all costs team in the 90's and were anything but pristine. See the history of Christian Peter and Laurence Phillips for example. Those guys were running around Lincoln like they owned the place because they did. Forget about team penalties, Nebraska players were above the law as well. It was a good ole' boy network based on Nebraska winning. Maybe that's the image they're going for now but they are still all about winning games, imo.
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The real reason Solich was fired was similar to Pelini's - albeit a bit different - Frank Solich got a Nebby cheerleader pregnant. Fired for 'record' to keep Nebraska 'pristine'. Let's make no mistake about it - Pelini was fired for making NU look less than pristine - albeit not in the same way as Solich.

Sounds like they both got screwed... Maybe Solich in a few more ways then Pelini
Not to mention, horrible coaching hire.

Not sure what looks more immature: Coach ripping on AD and University, or University responding to it. LOL:eek:
I hope you are right, but I'm not going to count on it. On the surface it looks bad, but we just have to wait and see. Riley seems to be pretty good with QB's and WR's, but I don't think he's much of a defensive coach. If there is any karma in the universe, arrogant Neb fans will be wishing for 9-win seasons a few years from now.

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