Paul Rhoads sent Kirk a text asking for some spending $$

No kidding. Thats enough. Something about a coach that runs up and down the field screaming like a little girl that bugs me. It is kinda sad that a win over Nebraska (during a bit of a downturn in their history) brings the head coach to tears. What would happen if they were to beat OU or Texas? Wet pants?

Or it could have been that multiple players were sick and throwing up before the game and both Arnaud and Arob didn't play...
No kidding. Thats enough. Something about a coach that runs up and down the field screaming like a little girl that bugs me. It is kinda sad that a win over Nebraska (during a bit of a downturn in their history) brings the head coach to tears. What would happen if they were to beat OU or Texas? Wet pants?

Seems to me in 2007 when Iowa was having a tough year
KF got pretty emotional when they beat Illinois after a string of 4 consecutive losses. He was in tears during the post game interview
on the filed.

Sometimes overcoming the odds, (be it playing with a 2nd string QB/RB in place you had not won at in years or dealing with off the field situation that
was becoming a big distraction to your program) can bring about an emotional

So I guess you saying KF's reaction to beating Illinois was not appropriate?
... It is kinda sad that a win over Nebraska (during a bit of a downturn in their history) brings the head coach to tears...

Kind of like when wins over mediocre teams like Indiana cause the crowd to rush the field. ;)
That was a great win for ISU and a signature win for Coach Rhoads. I had no problem with his speech and actually felt it was appropriate. We will never know how much of this goes on behind close doors since we are not normally privy to it.
I really like Coach Rhoads. If he sticks around he'll definitely do some good things in Ames. Not Iowa good, but good none the less.
I'd say there's very little doubt that he'll be "sticking around". ISU will certainly pay him whatever it takes...assuming he's succeeding...and Rhoad's dream job is to coach his almost home-town Cyclones.
No kidding. Thats enough. Something about a coach that runs up and down the field screaming like a little girl that bugs me. It is kinda sad that a win over Nebraska (during a bit of a downturn in their history) brings the head coach to tears. What would happen if they were to beat OU or Texas? Wet pants?


Sad? We were 2-10 the previous year. Hadn't won at Nebraska in over 30 years. Were without our starting QB, RB, and had guys puking in the locker room. And we won. How is it sad that a coach is so proud of his guys he cries.

Kirk Ferentz has cried on the sideline after a win. Is that SAD? Or is cool cause he is a Hawk?
If ISU beats OU or UT this year, I'll save Rhoads the trouble and wet my pants for him.

I wouldn't worry about either of those scenarios happening. Those "we got enough fluke plays to last an entire season" games only come along every once in a while.

Sad? We were 2-10 the previous year. Hadn't won at Nebraska in over 30 years. Were without our starting QB, RB, and had guys puking in the locker room. And we won. How is it sad that a coach is so proud of his guys he cries.

Kirk Ferentz has cried on the sideline after a win. Is that SAD? Or is cool cause he is a Hawk?

That's becaues his dad died 4 days earlier, you ******* tool. See the difference?
Kirk is slowly becoming more tech savvy. I distinctly remember him saying at the Big Ten media kickoff that he can send texts but hasn't figured out how to receive them yet. Well done KF!!!

Sad? We were 2-10 the previous year. Hadn't won at Nebraska in over 30 years. Were without our starting QB, RB, and had guys puking in the locker room. And we won. How is it sad that a coach is so proud of his guys he cries.

Kirk Ferentz has cried on the sideline after a win. Is that SAD? Or is cool cause he is a Hawk?


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