Paul Rhoads sent Kirk a text asking for some spending $$

Its okay if he has a price...I'm just saying ISU will match it. Only the NFL could make him an offer he couldn't refuse...or perhaps...a VERY select group of big schools like OSU, Penn State and Texas. Lets just say, I think we're safe with regard to those schools.
Its okay if he has a price...I'm just saying ISU will match it. Only the NFL could make him an offer he couldn't refuse...or perhaps...a VERY select group of big schools like OSU, Penn State and Texas. Lets just say, I think we're safe with regard to those schools.

You really think ISU could match another mid to upper level school if they came knocking for PR after this year? ISU is screwed for cash. Why do you think it was a godsend that McD got hired away from his contract. You overestimate the "hometown" factor from Rhoads. Let's take some of the Big 10 teams that will probably be looking for a new coach this year like Illinois, Minnesota, or even Michigan. If they came around and doubled or even tripled his salary he would be gone in a flash, and there would be nothing ISU could do about it because they don't have the money.
Its okay if he has a price...I'm just saying ISU will match it. Only the NFL could make him an offer he couldn't refuse...or perhaps...a VERY select group of big schools like OSU, Penn State and Texas. Lets just say, I think we're safe with regard to those schools.

Lets stop with the BS that you know him any better than Adam, and focus on reality. If someone came to Rhoads and offered him 3.5 million a year - he's out the door and you know it. ISU can't match that.
So you don't think he's as firmly entrenched in Ames as Chizik was?

I see what you did there. While it's obvious Rhoads doesn't view the ISU job as a stepping stone like Chizik did, this is also his first coaching job, and Ames is a tough place to win. If he gets ISU to a bowl game this year, his agent will be getting some phone calls.

Like I said above, ISU is SOL if somebody puts 3.5 million on the table in front of Rhoads. When it comes to playing with piles of money, ISU plays in the shallow end of the pool.
I heard his response was "Negative on the cash, but if any of your kids want government subsidized housing I can hook them up."
I heard his response was "Negative on the cash, but if any of your kids want government subsidized housing I can hook them up."

I heard he said " If you ever want to be on the coaching staff for a successful program, I might be able to find room for you as team gopher."
You really think ISU could match another mid to upper level school if they came knocking for PR after this year? ISU is screwed for cash. Why do you think it was a godsend that McD got hired away from his contract. You overestimate the "hometown" factor from Rhoads. Let's take some of the Big 10 teams that will probably be looking for a new coach this year like Illinois, Minnesota, or even Michigan. If they came around and doubled or even tripled his salary he would be gone in a flash, and there would be nothing ISU could do about it because they don't have the money.

There is a 0.0% chance that Minnesota could hire Rhoads away from ISU. Michigan and Illinois are technically possible, but it would take a boat load of cash and that's not going to happen for a second year coach unless he wins the Big 12 or something close.
Shada, what the he!! are you talking about...who said that I know him? I don't know him any more than you are best buds with Kirk Ferentz...not at all sure where you pulled that garbage out of your rect al cavity.

And if someone popped in and offered him 3.5 million...ISU would match it. Such an offer would mean Rhoad's had been tremendously successful...and so had ISU. In spite of what someone else falsely asserted, ISU's fundraising is doing VERY well...better than they have been since the late 70's. There is nothing a mid level BCS program could offer in terms of salary, that ISU couldn't match. Its just that simple.
Shada, what the he!! are you talking about...who said that I know him? I don't know him any more than you are best buds with Kirk Ferentz...not at all sure where you pulled that garbage out of your rect al cavity.

And if someone popped in and offered him 3.5 million...ISU would match it. Such an offer would mean Rhoad's had been tremendously successful...and so had ISU. In spite of what someone else falsely asserted, ISU's fundraising is doing VERY well...better than they have been since the late 70's. There is nothing a mid level BCS program could offer in terms of salary, that ISU couldn't match. Its just that simple.

You said that the only Rhoads would leave is if either an NFL team or a heavy hitter in the college game came after him - you don't know that. You have no idea what his price is.

What I do know is that if someone came and put 3.5 million on the table this coming offseason, he'd be out the door. ISU can't put up that kind of scratch, not right now anyway.
This thread is wildly representative of the Iowa/ISU rivalry. Two class act coaches having some fun with each other and the respective fan bases getting into a slap fight.

Can't we all just get along and have some corn together?
Rhoads seems like the real deal and a great guy to have leading a program at one of our state's institutions. Much better than the carpetbagger he replaced.

Kirk tears up at least 2 or 3 times a season, and thats just what is caught on camera. Its one of the reasons we love him.

There are very few schools that could/would offer a coach $3.5M. The only Big Ten coach who makes that much is Ferentz, and I don't think that takes effect for a couple years.