Paki O'Meara?


Active Member
I was just wondering why Paki O'Meara is so far down the depth chart or not getting as much playing time. I remember when they came out and said that yes Jewel Hampton IS hurt and wouldn't play they said Paki was a very capable replacement. Then he fumbled a couple time and the next thing you knew Robinson and Weger were the big dogs. Why is Paki so much in Farenzes doghouse? Because of his fumbleiteze?
I just heard on the radio they are thinking about taking red shirts off kids to replace Robinson??? You'd think they want to try Paki out before you burn a redshirt like that!
I think you can see how Paki and BW are doing before changing
anybodys status. I dont think you have to call into the B10 office or anything.

Mrs Ferentz didnt raise any dummies!!
I'm pretty sure you get 5 years to play 4 so you could still see Rodgers ret shirt next year or the one after just like they are doing with JB. If I was Rodgers I would be begging to get in and play for a team that was competing for a N.C. and with the logjam we have at RB after everyone comes back healthy you better take your chances when they come. Who knows he may show them something in games he does not in practice and be the best we have to offer, and lets be honest, I wanted to see PAki do well just as much as anybody, but he is just not a D1 rb.
He might not be starting but don't tell me he isn't a D1 Back.This guy doesn't complain and does what the coaches ask of him.This kid was very good coming out of high school,in college the talent level is that much better.He'll be just find and I predict he'll help us win Saturday.He gets another chance to help the team and I'm sure he will.
Paki will contribute. He may be returning punts and/or kickoffs. He may spell Wehger. You can count of him to block and to hit the right hole. Look, the Hawks are not sexy, they just take care of business. Paki is a Hawk. He will do the job.
No offense to Paki but he just lacks the physcial skills to be a feature back. He doesn't have the explosiveness, acceleration, or change of direction to be a threat. He is not elusive, doesn't have great balance, and can't run through tackles. None of this means he isn't a great hawkeye or can't be a special teams asset, or serve a limited role at RB. We just can't beat OSU or other good teams if Paki is carrying the rock 15+ times a game.
Simply lack of production. He can't gain enough yards toting the rock. He is a tough football player and I'm glad he's on the team though. We need Mr. Rogers.
You saw last year, Paki was #2 at first then Jewel replaced him. UNI was a prime example of why Paki shouldn't get carries, but unfortunately it may be down to him. Paki is great on special teams, but as others have stated, clearly not a D1 running back.
It's clear KF isn't high on Paki, who's been in our system a while now. KF is a very loyal man, but when he talks about burning Brad Rogers' redshirt it is a clear indication that Paki doesn't have a long leash if he plays like he did against UNI.
Paki doesn't play because he's not good running back. Very Simple. Fumbles are unacceptable. Not getting positive yards is unacceptable. It's really not surprising that he's not getting any PT.
Paki doesn't play because he's not good running back. Very Simple. Fumbles are unacceptable. Not getting positive yards is unacceptable. It's really not surprising that he's not getting any PT.

Vs. Wisconsin:
Car Yds Avg TD Long
B. Wegher 11 1 0.1 0 5

Not dogging on Wegher but when the line doesn't open holes there isn't much you can do. The beginning of the UNI game was the worst offense line performance in a long time at Iowa combine that with some jitters from Paki it won't look pretty. I think Paki will fit in very nicely in his new role and don't be suprised if he turns some heads against IU. Also I keep hearing fumbles, hasn't he only fumbled once, that should have been whistled for forward progress? Every one of our RB's has fumbled. Until then, keep dogging on him :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Check Wegher's ISU stats... then check Paki's
Paki WILL NOT turn any heads. I'm not dogging him. I'm just saying he isn't good. He proved he wasn't good last year at Pitt. and again this year at UNI/ISU. He's slow and doesn't have great field awareness.
Paki-great kid, bad running back.
And no, Robinson hasn't fumbled.
I'm well aware of Weghers stats on his last 30 carries. I'm not 100% sold on him either. But if it comes down to who I'd play I'd take Wegher 100% of the time over Paki. Atleast with Wegher there's a chance that we'll get a first down.
People that think Paki will magically rise to the occasion are delusional.

Vs. Wisconsin:
Car Yds Avg TD Long
B. Wegher 11 1 0.1 0 5

Not dogging on Wegher but when the line doesn't open holes there isn't much you can do. The beginning of the UNI game was the worst offense line performance in a long time at Iowa combine that with some jitters from Paki it won't look pretty. I think Paki will fit in very nicely in his new role and don't be suprised if he turns some heads against IU. Also I keep hearing fumbles, hasn't he only fumbled once, that should have been whistled for forward progress? Every one of our RB's has fumbled. Until then, keep dogging on him :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Check Wegher's ISU stats... then check Paki's
Paki WILL NOT turn any heads. I'm not dogging him. I'm just saying he isn't good. He proved he wasn't good last year at Pitt. and again this year at UNI/ISU. He's slow and doesn't have great field awareness.
Paki-great kid, bad running back.
And no, Robinson hasn't fumbled.
I'm well aware of Weghers stats on his last 30 carries. I'm not 100% sold on him either. But if it comes down to who I'd play I'd take Wegher 100% of the time over Paki. Atleast with Wegher there's a chance that we'll get a first down.
People that think Paki will magically rise to the occasion are delusional.

Nice post, that is delusion, I think slow would be an understatement and I would rate his field awareness as a 1 because I don't think he remembers what the actual field looks like. I would take a hobbled Wegher over O Meara as you noted at least there's a chance of a first down...
Guys RELAX. Paki is a good football player. He does what is asked of him. He will be asked to carry the ball 7 - 10 times. Don't bash Paki O'meara because he isn't good enough. Hopefully he will do his role well.

We have lost our best 2 running backs and we still have Wegher. That is a positive thing.

If Paki struggles this weekend Kirk has stated that they talked to Brad about pulling the redshirt and he was happy to do so.

Go Hawkeyes. One Game at a time!
Paki O'Meara in my opinion is the last person you'd want to replace Robinson. I don't know why everyone is talking about who should replace Robinson in the first place. Wegher IS the replacement. Wgher has the potential to be one of the best Iowa running backs ever. Obviously not this year, but by the end of his career. When's the last time we had a TRUE freshman actually do well. If I recall, his name was Shonn Greene...

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