Paging JD Miller

I just ripped this down off of youtube in the event it ever disappears...I have it on the hard drive now.
Which hard drive??
I have like five of 'em in use. I back up my backups and then I back up those backups, then everything gets backed up, and so on and so on.
Sometimes I get a bit dizzy. I have freakin' terabytes stacked on terabytes.
I dont know, its a representation of you, so maybe?

Or maybe not.
I've formed an opinion of you, frank, based on what and how you've posted. Do you care?
Didn't think so.
That's how it works on message boards.
I remember a couple of years back when CW was sitting in for Deace on the morning show. Miller made him look like a fool. If I recall correctly Miller asked CW what the most important stat was for a defense and CW stammered all over himself before finally saying something like yards allowed. Miller then simply corrected him, points allowed Chris, points allowed...
I remember a couple of years back when CW was sitting in for Deace on the morning show. Miller made him look like a fool. If I recall correctly Miller asked CW what the most important stat was for a defense and CW stammered all over himself before finally saying something like yards allowed. Miller then simply corrected him, points allowed Chris, points allowed...


In a game where the object is to score points and prevent the opponent from doing such, you'd think that one would be self-evident.

I always assumed Chrissy Williams a moron. Now I have confirmation.

Nobody in radio is more annoying to listen to than Rod Babers on KVET down here. Worst. Radio voice. EVAR! He actually knows his stuff pretty well, but I just can't stand listening to him.

Nobody in radio is more annoying to listen to than Rod Babers on KVET down here. Worst. Radio voice. EVAR! He actually knows his stuff pretty well, but I just can't stand listening to him.

:eek: :confused: :mad:

Nobody in radio is more annoying to listen to than Rod Babers on KVET down here. Worst. Radio voice. EVAR! He actually knows his stuff pretty well, but I just can't stand listening to him.

I'm confused. What does this have to do with CyFan or Chrissy Williams?