I was at the game and enjoyed the week. A couple of observations. Number one, Stanford University and its fans as a whole was not and is not classless. I feel McCaffrey could have named his yardage in this game if he wanted, he did have a spectacular touchdown called back as well. Christian McCaffrey is a first class player, he knocks you down and picks you up. Humble....personified.
Secondly all of you commenting about Arizona fans are correct. The game in Tucson showed that the fans have zero class and are nothing more than a joke, it was disgusting. In fact to see people yell and curse at Iowa fans (average age of about 70 for a road game), has never been so vial at any event I have attended in my 60 years of living. I have felt safer at Raider games in Oakland.
Yes indeed, the Stanford band is classless.(broken record here, that is there act unfortunately) The equivalent of this behavior would be as though our band would have had a character dressed up as Tiger Woods lookalike and had a bunch of hookers parading around it. Of course that would never happen, because when you are raised in Iowa, and go to The University of Iowa you are inherently full of class.