PAC 12=Classless

Many people just except disrespect or give in to the "But it is the world we live in so just put up with it" But think about this…What if it wasn't the world we live in?

I guess it comes down to that whole free speech thing that many have fought for, in some cases died. So if this wasn't the world we live in I guess we'd be speaking Japanese or German?
I guess it comes down to that whole free speech thing that many have fought for, in some cases died. So if this wasn't the world we live in I guess we'd be speaking Japanese or German?

Freedom of speech is a privilege and with that freedom comes great responsibility and respect. I have seen in recent years that precious gift of freedom that many men and women fought for has been manipulated.
Freedom of speech is a privilege and with that freedom comes great responsibility and respect. I have seen in recent years that precious gift of freedom that many men and women fought for has been manipulated.

You mean, right, right?
Like I said, Iowans are stuck in the '50s.
Freedom of speech is a privilege and with that freedom comes great responsibility and respect. I have seen in recent years that precious gift of freedom that many men and women fought for has been manipulated.

I don't feel the Stanford band crossed that line. Granted, what they did was extremely disrespectful but it was irresponsible of the Rose Bowl officials to allow it. Once you turn over the PA system to them and allow them on the field to play they are open to say and do pretty much anything they wanted. These are a bunch of 18-22 year old young men/women that were allowed to troll on one of the, supposedly, grandest stages ever and they took full advantage of it.
I don't feel the Stanford band crossed that line. Granted, what they did was extremely disrespectful but it was irresponsible of the Rose Bowl officials to allow it. Once you turn over the PA system to them and allow them on the field to play they are open to say and do pretty much anything they wanted. These are a bunch of 18-22 year old young men/women that were allowed to troll on one of the, supposedly, grandest stages ever and they took full advantage of it.

I agree with you ssckelley the Stanford band ordeal was mild. I guess it just opened up a conversation about Freedom of Speech. In my mind Freedom of speech comes with responsibility and when I see it being abused and manipulated to hurt others and in some cases our public security (not Stanford band) it just gets me fired up.
Gotta love lurkers.

Folks, come on. It's a halftime show. Of a football game. One in which we got slaughtered.

The bigger issue, to me, was that "fake fumble" stunt they pulled and our staff and teams' dismal failure to respond to it.

The rest of the half should have featured nothing but chop-blocks, crack-backs and helmet-to-helmet hits, with a little bit of "Let Bogdanski through" mixed in. Maybe pull a McGahee on McCaffery's leg. ANYthing but what we did (in response).

Bands will do what bands will do. That's why the planet needs geeks,nerds and guys like ThunderHawk and OK4P in order to to fill out the bands.

But our staff and team took that "trick" play lying down, THEN made zero attempt to answer. Our QB got abused. Our WRs ran half-a&&ed routes and quit on them all day. F**k the Stanford band. Let's all--team and staff especially--get some sack and come back with a frigging growl next time.
I was at the game and enjoyed the week. A couple of observations. Number one, Stanford University and its fans as a whole was not and is not classless. I feel McCaffrey could have named his yardage in this game if he wanted, he did have a spectacular touchdown called back as well. Christian McCaffrey is a first class player, he knocks you down and picks you up. Humble....personified.

Secondly all of you commenting about Arizona fans are correct. The game in Tucson showed that the fans have zero class and are nothing more than a joke, it was disgusting. In fact to see people yell and curse at Iowa fans (average age of about 70 for a road game), has never been so vial at any event I have attended in my 60 years of living. I have felt safer at Raider games in Oakland.

Yes indeed, the Stanford band is classless.(broken record here, that is there act unfortunately) The equivalent of this behavior would be as though our band would have had a character dressed up as Tiger Woods lookalike and had a bunch of hookers parading around it. Of course that would never happen, because when you are raised in Iowa, and go to The University of Iowa you are inherently full of class.
Damn, it really appears that most Hawk fans are a bunch of overly sensitive nancies.

Tell me how you posting crap like this over and over adds to the conversation? You found the performance amusing, we get it. Unfortunately for you not everyone feels the same way.
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I was pretty unimpressed by Stanford fans. Before the Big 10 championship if you asked me who would have better fans between MSU and Stanford I would have said Stanford. However, the MSU fans were far more respectful and friendly. I was sitting in the heart of them at the game, but not one person talked **** or was rude. On the flip side I was right on the edge of the Iowa and Stanford sections in one of the end zones, and their fans were just arrogant the whole game. Some even walked by and said "overrated" to us instead of just being happy with their victory. None of the Stanford fans around us even made an effort to communicate.
I sat next to the Stanford section in the end zone and I thought they had zero personality. Very boring bunch.
The Stanford "marching band" halftime show had nothing at all to do with the football game (other that taking place at halftime). Their troll job was awful; ill conceived and poorly played. Here on this board there are many who are MUCH better at trolling than that "marching band" is.

Sorry brother Knight, but based on the "outrage" all over social media over the "performance", I'd say their troll job went exactly how they wanted it to.
The Stanford "band" should not have been allowed in the Rose Bowl. The road ban should extend to bowl games.
The Stanford Band has been disbanded until the spring of 2017. Suspended for violation of Universities policies after several campus policy violations. It cited violations of the alcohol suspensions as well as the travel ban.

Couldn't happen to a better band! Lol
Stanford's band is an design. That's their schtick. No biggie. They don't pretend to be anything like a traditional college marching band with its roots tied to the college of music of its University. Its more like a drunken frat party thrown on a football weekend.

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