PAC 12=Classless

Wow. A lot of Iowans with thin skins, it seems. I'm as proud of an Iowan as anyone else but this reaction is exactly what the Stanford band wants. It was a freakin' halftime performance, folks, by a band famous for being irreverent (how DARE they?). You might consider seeing them as a breath of fresh air in a sea of staid and sometimes boring military-style university band programs. Meanwhile, formulating impressions of a great university or an entire state based on a college band performance and a few random comments on message boards is downright silly. BTW, I wouldn't gloat too much about the state of governance in Iowa, given the shameful tactics employed by the current governor in terms of the Medicaid fiasco and lack of support for public education.

I don't consider being insulting, childish and immature a "breath of fresh air", but then I apparently have different values than you do.
Stanford fan bought me a $14 beer because I had "spirit". Didn't have any issues surrounded by Stanford fans, all were respectful and most were engaging.

The Rose Bowl issue wasn't the Stanford football team, nor was it the Stanford fans. It was their so-called "marching band".
Ask a black person.

Sorry, ThunderHawk, but I work with a number of different minorities and foreigners. Many actually like the small town here; all feel welcome. Don't know how that's being "stuck in the '50s". And I'll meet with anyone after work for a cold Sam Adams!
I stayed at the same hotel as the Stanford band. You dudes that are bent out of shape over this are being trolled by a bunch of 18-21-year-old nerds. If Iowa hadn't crapped the bed, this wouldn't have been as big of a deal. Be mad at the coaching staff.

The Stanford "marching band" halftime show had nothing at all to do with the football game (other that taking place at halftime). Their troll job was awful; ill conceived and poorly played. Here on this board there are many who are MUCH better at trolling than that "marching band" is.
Wow. A lot of Iowans with thin skins, it seems. I'm as proud of an Iowan as anyone else but this reaction is exactly what the Stanford band wants. It was a freakin' halftime performance, folks, by a band famous for being irreverent (how DARE they?). You might consider seeing them as a breath of fresh air in a sea of staid and sometimes boring military-style university band programs. Meanwhile, formulating impressions of a great university or an entire state based on a college band performance and a few random comments on message boards is downright silly. BTW, I wouldn't gloat too much about the state of governance in Iowa, given the shameful tactics employed by the current governor in terms of the Medicaid fiasco and lack of support for public education.

Nope. I consider them a slap in the face to true marching bands which require mental focus and military-style precision. I watch the DCI National Championship each year, and if any band came in with the Stanford "marching band" type of show, they would never even qualify. The DCI Champions are what marching bands should strive to be.

To put it in football terms, Stanford has a B-team junior high level band... and they should strive to be like the NFL champions.
Stanford's band is all about this kinda stuff. They're a parody, and they've been suspended a number of times before.
There is a Stanford fan on the other site that supports running up the score. I told him he would be singing a different tune had Hogan been injured on that bomb. His response? "It wouldn't bother me much".

There is a Stanford fan on the other site that supports running up the score. I told him he would be singing a different tune had Hogan been injured on that bomb. His response? "It wouldn't bother me much".


We have a Mr. Nice Guy for a coach that wouldn't ever think of running the score up on anyone. I think that mentality has rubbed off on the Hawk fans. There are times I would really like to absolutely demoralize a team.........then I remember when we were so were so bad it really hurt to get our nose rubbed in it. To each his own if you want to run the score up. If you do I hope it comes back at you 10 fold.
I was over on the Stanford CardBoard forum site earlier in the week and got turned off by them well before the band stunt. These people think they are ALL so intellectual and put themselves on quite the pedestal and there is nobody smarter than them. That said, probably 80% of them are like me and have never been on the Stanford campus. All you heard on that board was how smart they are and the Iowa farmers had no chance.

This coming from people of a state that is damn near if not bankrupt which our fed gov probably bails out. They were just such hypocrites. I just wanted to say think of that when your eating your food every day. Think of that when your eating the tacos at the local taco joint that is run by illegals that your state has let in & supports.

Here's Iowa which is a pretty healthy state financial-wise than there is California bordering on bankrupt. They have no idea how smart farmers are and the research they do on a yearly basis to forcast and get the best yield. This coming from a guy who has never grown up on a farm & works in an academia setting. Those azzholes lost a lot of respect from me and well before the game. I have a different feeling now when I see or hear the word Stanford, that's for sure!

Don't let Thunderhawk or Bluesman see this. Didn't you know that only smart intellectuals know how important illegal aliens are and what boon to the economy they are. Why you're just a hayseed hick for merely suggesting that California's debt and illegals are somehow correlated...
We have a Mr. Nice Guy for a coach that wouldn't ever think of running the score up on anyone. I think that mentality has rubbed off on the Hawk fans. There are times I would really like to absolutely demoralize a team.........then I remember when we were so were so bad it really hurt to get our nose rubbed in it. To each his own if you want to run the score up. If you do I hope it comes back at you 10 fold.

I would apply this to most games except the following teams. Iowa State, Nebraska, scUM and O$U.
I recall the band from UCSB at the Iowa vs Tennessee play in game for the NCAA's in Dayton. UCSB played first and won if I remember correctly. Each time a free throw was made by their team the UCSB band would stand up and yell Unnnhhh, and give a pelvic thrust for one Free throw made and two thrusts if the second ft was made. At first I thought it was funny then wondered about little kids. I am far from a prude but have been in venues where jerks scream out obscenities for the entire game with a five year old in front of them.

I saw a little hawkeye fan at the BiG championship crying after the game and his family consoling him. So, my only point is, when there are little kids around....."Don't Be a Dick"!
A true sign of being mature and comfortable in one's skin is being able to laugh at one's self.

The Stanford band has been outrageous for years. Take a chill pill folks and enjoy our 15 minutes in the spotlight now and then.
When I saw those fools in the Rose parade the first thing that came to mind was ..........what kind of drugs are those idiots on? Then I find out the rest of the story. They put a different meaning to higher learning.
A true sign of being mature and comfortable in one's skin is being able to laugh at one's self.

The Stanford band has been outrageous for years. Take a chill pill folks and enjoy our 15 minutes in the spotlight now and then.

Maybe practice some of what you preach. Iowa was just in two of the biggest games nationally of the season.......take a chill pill and enjoy the spotlight now and then.
What I don't like about all of this is the amount of attention the Stanford band is getting. I'm sure they will have no problem finding band geeks from anywhere wanting to be part of the next kewl/hip troll job in order to be part of "something". Because of all the attention the media and Iowa fans are giving this the Stanford marching band accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Do you think for a minute if they had come out and given the greatest, respectable, half time show ever that anybody would even mention them?

I don't like what they did and in talking to people at the game what they said over the PA system was also disrespectful. But it is the world we live in and as some have responded in this thread evidently "we live in the 50s/60s" and are "thin skinned" so we should just put up with it.
I'm fine with the Stanford band doing that for in-season games, where their conference opponents are used to it and expecting it. But it's the Rose Bowl. Have a little respect for the tradition of the game and venue.

Also found it interesting that the Rose Bowl committed allowed Stanford's band to take over the PA system for their halftime show. I've never seen or heard of another band doing that. Maybe nobody else has ever asked?
What I don't like about all of this is the amount of attention the Stanford band is getting. I'm sure they will have no problem finding band geeks from anywhere wanting to be part of the next kewl/hip troll job in order to be part of "something". Because of all the attention the media and Iowa fans are giving this the Stanford marching band accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Do you think for a minute if they had come out and given the greatest, respectable, half time show ever that anybody would even mention them?

I don't like what they did and in talking to people at the game what they said over the PA system was also disrespectful. But it is the world we live in and as some have responded in this thread evidently "we live in the 50s/60s" and are "thin skinned" so we should just put up with it.

Many people just except disrespect or give in to the "But it is the world we live in so just put up with it" But think about this…What if it wasn't the world we live in?

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