Our D = beyond overrated

Defensive performances are invariably reliant on the context of the game. Iowa got caught behind due to fluke plays (i.e. tipped ball converted into pick 6) and special teams blunders. As a result, Iowa was forced to almost exclusively pass.

The result of having to exclusively pass, is that in the 2nd half, our D was stuck on the field a TON. That's in STARK contrast to what usually happens with the Iowa team. Usually we get to pound the rock and eat up clock. That then helps to keep our D fresh ... AND, more importantly, it helps to keep the ball out of the opposing teams hands.

The fact of the matter is that Arizona has a quality O. Thus, whenever you give a quality O like that the ball for such a long time ... they're going to have success moving the ball.

Frankly, I was rather impressed with the overall defensive effort. It certainly could be improved upon ... however, it was still pretty decent.

You don't think AZ played more conservatively because of that lead they had for 3/4 of the game? They would have been much more aggressive in the passing game if the game had been closer (see the last drive where they actually opened things up).
You don't think AZ played more conservatively because of that lead they had for 3/4 of the game? They would have been much more aggressive in the passing game if the game had been closer (see the last drive where they actually opened things up).

Sure. They were more aggressive on D. They were more conservative on O ... they needed to be because they knew that Iowa is a good team and they knew that they needed to bleed the clock some.

They needed to be aggressive on the D, because they likely wouldn't have been able to stop our running game with 7 or fewer guys in the box. They were clearly concerned about us executing our base running game. The problem is that when you stack the box ... you better bring heat on passing downs or else you're just asking to get burned.
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You don't think AZ played more conservatively because of that lead they had for 3/4 of the game? They would have been much more aggressive in the passing game if the game had been closer (see the last drive where they actually opened things up).

Foles threw the ball 39 times. I wouldn't call that conservative.
You can have conservative throwing plays. I saw the AZ QB throw a lot of them tonight.

I understand what you are saying, but having watched Arizona in week 1 and a few of their Foles games last year, they run the lateral and underneath passing game as sort of a running game. I said all week they do this then lull you to sleep to hit plays up the middle deep. They did what they do
Yeah because Iowa allows the underneath, it's called bend don't break.

They dont 'allow it'. It's where they can be exploited. They make a QB be patient and accurate for several plays in a row. that is how you score on them. Most of the time, it doesn't work. Foles is simply the best passer Iowa will face all year
I was impressed with their QB...he picked apart Iowa's zone perfectly.

He is a great thrower. When I watched their Toledo game, I was very concerned.

But as I have said a few times, there is not a QB on Iowa's schedule the rest of the year that can do what he can do with his arm,
He is a great thrower. When I watched their Toledo game, I was very concerned.

But as I have said a few times, there is not a QB on Iowa's schedule the rest of the year that can do what he can do with his arm,

I think physically Cousins might be capable of doing that, too. But he is far more impatient, very prone to forcing passes (a lot like Ricky in that sense).
I think physically Cousins might be capable of doing that, too. But he is far more impatient, very prone to forcing passes (a lot like Ricky in that sense).

He has happy feet at times. Foles never, ever looked rattled. Great poise. He and Mallet might be the two best pro prospects in the class right now
'ONE TD on a real drive'....my point exactly. If this was truly a national title-calibur D they would've stepped up and got a stop after tying the game. You think at Ohio State, 'It gave up ONE TD on a real drive' is acceptable? I think not....the difference between us and the true national powers.

Yeah, Ohio State clearly never allows their opponents to score TDs on real drives.

They got 14 points off of things that I would not be surprised if I didn't happen the rest of the year. A blocked punt? I would bet if I see another blocked punt in an Iowa game the rest of the year... Iowa will be the ones doing the punt blocking.

A pick 6 off of a ball that hit one of our best receivers in the hands? I would not be surprised if that is the last time that happens this season. (Not saying it wont, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.)

Take away those two plays and Iowa wins the game... and I would say by a decent amount, because those two plays not only gave them 14 points... it gave them tons of momentum and really got their crowd into the game.

Also, I think people should take into consideration the multiple times that our D-line was able to get to the QB and their QB was able to somehow get the ball either to one of their players on a falling down prayer pass or a floater pass that luckily(for him) landed safely on the ground.

I also saw their O-line do some holding that went uncalled, I watched closely while I was trying to figure out why clayborne wasn't getting more hits on their QB.

We have some things to work on (play calling, blocking, special teams, and clock management to name a few) but it is the beginning of the season and for Iowa to be playing completely out of their comfort zone on offense and still being successful... I would not be worried.

In my opinion Iowa was and played like the better team today, and sometimes the better team doesn't always win. I am confident that Iowa can have a 1 loss season...and even a 2 loss season is still a success in my mind.

P.S. It was obvious which team is used to winning. Stoops made a complete fool of himself. He acted like a baby and it became apparent that his players take after him. The AZ fans showed just how used to winning they are. They knew they got lucky tonight.

P.P.S. I assure you the sky is not falling for those who are concerned.
clearly you forgot to watch the game.

the d gave a winning performance. special teams...notsomuch.

A winning performance that was a loss? Drink some more Kool Aid. Arizona has a higher ranked defense coming into the game and is higher ranked going out. Overrated Hawkeyes as usual and now all the fair weather fans will bail.
A winning performance that was a loss? Drink some more Kool Aid. Arizona has a higher ranked defense coming into the game and is higher ranked going out. Overrated Hawkeyes as usual and now all the fair weather fans will bail.

Troll, post while you can, because you won't last long.
The truth is not trolling.

No, but spitting it with venom, under the guise of being a Hawk fan, is. And your post history strongly supports the argument that you're a troll, as well.

And the defense did more than enough to win. That's a winning performance for the defense. The rest of the team (particularly special teams) didn't hold up their end. The defense basically allowed 13 points.
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Seriously, Binns steps up and makes a HUGE play & how do we respond....9 play drive for the game-winning TD...

Our D is overrated and soft. Was Clayborn even on the field tonight?

Jon - sweet 12-0 pick.

WOW! We have some crazy fans that come out after a loss. Their defense gave up ONE legit TD (the last drive by Arizona). The first one was on Spec. Teams giving Arizona the ball on the 7. Outside of that, they only have up two field goals.

We played awful in the first quarter, which ultimately led to a loss. Running game was off, but this team is still very good. We'd all be praising them had they have pulled off the comeback, saying how the National Championship talk is back. Reality my friend. Have a bite.
Yeah because Iowa allows the underneath, it's called bend don't break.

Iowa's pass defense actually impressed me. Nothing crazy happened except the pick six by Binns, but Iowa made Arizona one dimensional and if you take away the 3 unfortunate plays in the first quarter this game is probably a two TD win for Iowa.
'ONE TD on a real drive'....my point exactly. If this was truly a national title-calibur D they would've stepped up and got a stop after tying the game. You think at Ohio State, 'It gave up ONE TD on a real drive' is acceptable? I think not....the difference between us and the true national powers.

I recall OSU's D yielding in a lot of critical situations. The bowl loss to Texas they gave up a fourth and five that if they stop, they win. The home loss to USC last year they gave up a game winning drive. They also gave up a game winning drive engineered by Vince Young in Columbus some years back. Remember: The other team has scholarship players on offense.

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