Others have said we need ISU to have a good record....

I think a big factor was the difference in temperature down on the sidelines. Baylor's sideline was in the shade for most of the game while ISU's sideline was in the sun until about 10:00 left in the 4th quarter. At one point the announcers said it was 92°F on Baylor's sideline while it was over 115°F on ISU's sideline. ISU tried to put up some shade tents, but the NCAA said they couldn't which was BS IMO.

The only reason ISU couldn't put up shade tents is because they didn't send notice during the week that they were going to do so. It was a very simple matter, and they botched it. Blame Pollard, or Campbell, or whomever it is on the staff to submit these things. It seems that Campbell just doesn't do the small details very well.
Just in case we have a stellar record. We followed the ISU score on the radio during the drive back from kinnick and only saw the last 6-7 minutes of their game. So what was ISU's problem the first 3 qtrs?

What little I watched Baylor was getting good pressure and flushing Purdy with only a 3 and 4 man rush. Does that make our front 4 seem weak now? What was ISU's problems. And then they get the lead and look like some of KF's team pissing it down their leg. This could be a loss they regret as KState, OU Texas, W Virg, now Okie ST is looking better
For what, though??

The only way to win the Big Ten title is to qualify via your own record and win the game.

The only way to get into the CFP is to win the Big Ten Title.

ISU's record has zero bearing on any of that.

Unless you're talking about the difference between being invited to the Piggly Wiggly Bowl or the Ron's Good Muffler Shop Bowl, ISU's record doesn't mean a goddamn thing.
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ISU will get plenty of wins this year. I know it supposedly helps Hawks if they win, just can’t find myself rooting for them
The only reason ISU couldn't put up shade tents is because they didn't send notice during the week that they were going to do so. It was a very simple matter, and they botched it. Blame Pollard, or Campbell, or whomever it is on the staff to submit these things. It seems that Campbell just doesn't do the small details very well.
A high school classmate of mine works for NCAA compliance at Illinois.

I texted him about the ISU deal and he actually called me back because he was so fired up about the outcry. He said that every NCAA athletic compliance department has binders upon binders of cheat sheets as far as protocol, what is allowed/not allowed, proper channels for getting hold of the right NCAA people, etc. At his particular department at Illinois I guess they have ridiculously detailed checklists before each game to make 100% sure nothing gets missed or forgotten, all the way down to game balls, attire, credentials for staff, media people, all that nitpicky stuff. I would imagine that at bigger programs it's even more crazy.

Apparently they have a giant official list of all equipment and personnel who will be on the sideline of each home game, and any changes to the standard list like heaters, extra gators, snow removal equipment, etc... his boss calls "deviations" and as a department they meet every week to go over them because they can get dinged for not getting it approved. Sounds like the biggest reason is for safety from players maybe running into shit, and for not blocking camera views.

Long story short, this is 101, kindergarten-level stuff that every D-1 school should be on top of and ISU is the one who dropped the ball. Which is probably why Campbell didn't say anything about it because he knew his bush-leaguers fucked up.
The real unwritten rule is, unless you are USC, Texas, Alabama, OSU, LSU, Florida, Gerogia, Auburn, ND, or Oklahoma you aren't ever going to be in.
I see why you’d say that, but in 2015 Michigan state got in and they are a trash program

Never mind MSU getting in, I'm wondering if this means Clemson has to give back their titles? They weren't supposed to even be in the playoff ! !

Maybe it's more of an "unwritten guideline" than an "unwritten rule"?
A high school classmate of mine works for NCAA compliance at Illinois.

I texted him about the ISU deal and he actually called me back because he was so fired up about the outcry. He said that every NCAA athletic compliance department has binders upon binders of cheat sheets as far as protocol, what is allowed/not allowed, proper channels for getting hold of the right NCAA people, etc. At his particular department at Illinois I guess they have ridiculously detailed checklists before each game to make 100% sure nothing gets missed or forgotten, all the way down to game balls, attire, credentials for staff, media people, all that nitpicky stuff. I would imagine that at bigger programs it's even more crazy.

Apparently they have a giant official list of all equipment and personnel who will be on the sideline of each home game, and any changes to the standard list like heaters, extra gators, snow removal equipment, etc... his boss calls "deviations" and as a department they meet every week to go over them because they can get dinged for not getting it approved. Sounds like the biggest reason is for safety from players maybe running into shit, and for not blocking camera views.

Long story short, this is 101, kindergarten-level stuff that every D-1 school should be on top of and ISU is the one who dropped the ball. Which is probably why Campbell didn't say anything about it because he knew his bush-leaguers fucked up.

This doesn't fit the Cyclone victim complex though.
Never mind MSU getting in, I'm wondering if this means Clemson has to give back their titles? They weren't supposed to even be in the playoff ! !

Maybe it's more of an "unwritten guideline" than an "unwritten rule"?

Yeah, forgot about Clemson. They're in the conference, too.
For what, though??

The only way to win the Big Ten title is to qualify via your own record and win the game.

The only way to get into the CFP is to win the Big Ten Title.

ISU's record has zero bearing on any of that.

Unless you're talking about the difference between being invited to the Piggly Wiggly Bowl or the Ron's Good Muffler Shop Bowl, ISU's record doesn't mean a goddamn thing.

Didnt the last two Big 10 champs get left out of the CFP? IIRC the answer is yes, OSU got beatdown by Iowa and Purdue in back to back years which bounced them last year and I think PSU won the title two years ago with one loss/maybe two and a close win against Iowa
Didnt the last two Big 10 champs get left out of the CFP? IIRC the answer is yes, OSU got beatdown by Iowa and Purdue in back to back years which bounced them last year and I think PSU won the title two years ago with one loss/maybe two and a close win against Iowa
Ok, now tell me

1) How ISU’s record (the topic of your post) has any bearing on anything

2) How a Big Ten team gets into the playoff without winning the conference. I never said the winner is automatically in, I said there’s no way in without winning the conference.

ISU’s record means absolutely nothing other than possibly having a very small impact on where the AP poll puts Iowa, which in turn doesn’t mean shit for Iowa’s chances of winning the west division, the B1G, or the playoffs, which are the only three things that matter.
I think a big factor was the difference in temperature down on the sidelines. Baylor's sideline was in the shade for most of the game while ISU's sideline was in the sun until about 10:00 left in the 4th quarter. At one point the announcers said it was 92°F on Baylor's sideline while it was over 115°F on ISU's sideline. ISU tried to put up some shade tents, but the NCAA said they couldn't which was BS IMO.

I agree ISU screwed the pooch with not getting the tents approved, or whatever the issue was. It does not look good on the NCAA, however. And if an ISU player would have gotten heat stroke or something theyre stand on player safety would look a little weaker.

As for their issues on offense, from what i saw, is that find something that works and then completely abandon it. I thought we were lucky to sneak out of that one with a win, they continue to make stupid mistakes ontop of poor offense management.
In defense of the ISU athletic department how were suppose to know it might get hot in Waco in September on artificial turf.....er...never mind.
2) How a Big Ten team gets into the playoff without winning the conference. I never said the winner is automatically in, I said there’s no way in without winning the conference.
Well obviously Iowa is not Ohio St, but the Buckeyes went to the playoff in '16, despite not winning their division (PSU beat WIS in B1G CC).
The reason Iowa needs ISU to have a good record is so we have confidence that Iowa has beaten someone with a pulse. Until Saturday, that was ISU. That Baylor team is garbage. ISU isn't good, and Iowa only beat them by one point.

They had one job. And they couldn't do it. Now I'm questioning Iowa's performance after a record setting yardage effort. I hate the Clowns!
There is more "the better team lost" the better team lost talk over on their boards. Apparently their TE said they haven't lost to a better team yet. I also enjoy the "how many wins will we get this year" thread if you want free entertainment.
I looked at the Baylor thread, one of their posters said that Baylor's pressbox was built to magnify the sun's heat on the visitor sideline LOL
The reason Iowa needs ISU to have a good record is so we have confidence that Iowa has beaten someone with a pulse. Until Saturday, that was ISU. That Baylor team is garbage. ISU isn't good, and Iowa only beat them by one point.

They had one job. And they couldn't do it. Now I'm questioning Iowa's performance after a record setting yardage effort. I hate the Clowns!

We won on the road in a very hostile environment that was extra jacked because GD was there. We did that despite missing 5 starters and our top 2 backup DB's.

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