other college games going on now..

the folx at Nebraska mistook FAU's ineptness for their own prowess. Reality today.. and they probably believed their own press clippings over the week.
the folx at Nebraska mistook FAU's ineptness for their own prowess. Reality today.. and they probably believed their own press clippings over the week.

Yeah, Nebraska fans tend to do that.

I'm watching split screen ISU and Nebraska games. McNeese just took the ball down the field on a 4 and 5 qb draw. Now have it on the 1 first and goal. Getting interesting.
McNeese State punched it in so it's a 3 point game at Nebraska. I can't believe 87 thousand people can be in one place and have that much silence..lol
tie game. McNeese had a touchdown called back for not enough men on line of scrimmage...Come on McNeese!!!
Someone should set up a user name on a 'braska forum with the handle "Pelinni4ever" if they lose. Exponential trolling.
McNeese went Kirk Ferentz on their last drive in regulation, doing nothing to win the game on the road against a more talented team, ala O$U 2009.

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