Impressions on offense

Good listen. Thanks.

I think the offense just became collectively paralyzed last year. In the same way that success breeds more success, sucking tends to lead to more sucking. BF had no answers, and his Dad was no help. Even if BF didn't suck, which he clearly did, sometimes a group needs a fresh voice to regroup and perform at a high level. There is a lot of starting experience on the offense. I am not expecting miracles, but I am expecting competency and some scoring. We won't have to win 10-9 against NW.
Not long ago the offensive line was young and their bodies were not developed like an upper-classman's. I expect a lot of improvement this year.
Good listen. Thanks.

I think the offense just became collectively paralyzed last year. In the same way that success breeds more success, sucking tends to lead to more sucking. BF had no answers, and his Dad was no help. Even if BF didn't suck, which he clearly did, sometimes a group needs a fresh voice to regroup and perform at a high level. There is a lot of starting experience on the offense. I am not expecting miracles, but I am expecting competency and some scoring. We won't have to win 10-9 against NW.
This is reason #1 BF should never have been brought back in 2023. BF was already admitting in 2022 he had done the best he can do and it just wasn't working. He had no answers. BF knew better than anyone he should have let go after 2022. One last thing he tried, he tried bringing in better players from the portal in 2023 but that didn't work out either.
This is reason #1 BF should never have been brought back in 2023. BF was already admitting in 2022 he had done the best he can do and it just wasn't working. He had no answers. BF knew better than anyone he should have let go after 2022. One last thing he tried, he tried bringing in better players from the portal in 2023 but that didn't work out either.


Not just that but the audacity of the head coach to suggest that his tradition of waiting till the end of the season to reevaluate his coaching staff, is simply absurd.

Does being statistically the worst offense in college football mean anything coach? How many years of that do fans need to suffer through???

Tim was a talented QB which will allow him to coach up the QB room. He has many years of coaching under his belt having to do with the offense.

I don’t expect miracles but you will see a definite uptick in the offense. Bet the farm on that! No more putting square pegs in round holes.

Thank you Beth!!!
I don’t expect miracles but you will see a definite uptick in the offense. Bet the farm on that! No more putting square pegs in round holes.

Thank you Beth!!!
I'm hoping for an offensive ranking in the double digits (99th or better). Anything above that is gravy!
This is reason #1 BF should never have been brought back in 2023. BF was already admitting in 2022 he had done the best he can do and it just wasn't working. He had no answers. BF knew better than anyone he should have let go after 2022. One last thing he tried, he tried bringing in better players from the portal in 2023 but that didn't work out either.
Oh, I don't see you getting arguments on this board on this take, and I seem to recall we were all pretty uniform back then that BF did not deserve another year last year. Hell, if Beth had no forced KF's hand, I bet he would have run it back with BF this year. That is the difference between having a feckless yes man like Barta versus a true leader like Beth. Sometimes you have to tell the Emperor that he is wearing no clothes......
Oh, I don't see you getting arguments on this board on this take, and I seem to recall we were all pretty uniform back then that BF did not deserve another year last year. Hell, if Beth had no forced KF's hand, I bet he would have run it back with BF this year. That is the difference between having a feckless yes man like Barta versus a true leader like Beth. Sometimes you have to tell the Emperor that he is wearing no clothes......
There is no doubt BF would’ve been back this year if not for Beth. And if Tim can get us down to double digit offensive ranking I’d take it. Would be a 23% improvement over the past two years.
There is no doubt BF would’ve been back this year if not for Beth. And if Tim can get us down to double digit offensive ranking I’d take it. Would be a 23% improvement over the past two years.

Not just been back but I think he had like a $100,000 pay raise coming. Money is money with some people whether it’s earned or not.

Not to be confused with Parker who deserves every penny and dime he is given.

If not for the law firm of Parker and Parker the last generation would be saying Kirk who???
Oh, I don't see you getting arguments on this board on this take, and I seem to recall we were all pretty uniform back then that BF did not deserve another year last year. Hell, if Beth had no forced KF's hand, I bet he would have run it back with BF this year. That is the difference between having a feckless yes man like Barta versus a true leader like Beth. Sometimes you have to tell the Emperor that he is wearing no clothes......

Well put. And I'll ad that KF just didn't seem to recognize the reputational risk of having a bad O year in and year out. Just baffling. I think he's still facing an uphill struggle with recruits at QB and WR.

Many coaches around the country would recognize the impact this kind of thing could have on recruiting. Not Kirk.
Well put. And I'll ad that KF just didn't seem to recognize the reputational risk of having a bad O year in and year out. Just baffling. I think he's still facing an uphill struggle with recruits at QB and WR.

Many coaches around the country would recognize the impact this kind of thing could have on recruiting. Not Kirk.
No doubt that KF had a blind spot here. The biggest blind spot was not seeing the damage this was doing to his son's coaching career. If he nudged him out after '22 he could have still found a decent job and could have explained things away with injuries, young players, bad QB selection, etc. But, running it back in '23 just cemented BF as a national joke and made him pretty toxic on the market right now. He is still young and can reforge a path. But, sometimes as a leader, you not only have to recognize that an employee is hurting the organization, but you are hurting them by keeping them in place.
No doubt that KF had a blind spot here. The biggest blind spot was not seeing the damage this was doing to his son's coaching career. If he nudged him out after '22 he could have still found a decent job and could have explained things away with injuries, young players, bad QB selection, etc. But, running it back in '23 just cemented BF as a national joke and made him pretty toxic on the market right now. He is still young and can reforge a path. But, sometimes as a leader, you not only have to recognize that an employee is hurting the organization, but you are hurting them by keeping them in place.
Yes this is the most baffling thing to me. Kirk allowed his son to fall and fall for years and hard and actually waited to be forced to the door by a new but a real AD, not an enabler/lackey like the prior one. Makes his fall much farther because of the delay in the inevitable. I am guessing life will be easier in the long run for Kirk without worrying about your own son failing on your watch. I think it will be good for both and hope Brian gets his coaching ship righted.
I mean, are you guys gonna make me do this now?
I only let myself do this twice a year. About spring game time and then in the 2-3 weeks leading up to the opening game. we go..

Offensive line is a year older.
Some tight end experience coming back.
Receivers are still sketch, but we have some who's shown a little spark.
Runningbacks always serviceable.
And we have a quarterback situation that will be better than last year as so-and so will be more experienced and/or we have a transfer from Michigan.
With our defense...
And there's no way our offense can be any worse....

This could be a pretty special year.

Dammnit. You all made me do it again.

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