Open Practice Quick Hitters

Well, CJ has to show he can get some separation before I'd worry about the NFL. He still has to show me he can juke a LB and get behind him. He's got the physical tools, but he hasn't shown me enough to think he'd be a high pick. I hope I'm wrong and this is the break out year for him, but he's been somewhat underwhelming to this point in his career. When you can't beat out Herman and Derby right away, their must be issues.

Our head football coaches name is Kirk. And I guess I just assumed that legitimate fans of a team would know the name of there head coach. This makes me lol a little bit.

It's been some kind of running joke around here. I don't mind it, but I don't get what makes it funny, either.
CJF has been 'underwhelming' because I feel we haven't truly used him to his strengths. I know that KF has to mold them into complete te's, but in 9/10 bcs conf schools he is starting mid way through frosh year because of the mismatch problems he presents. I have said this for 2 years now, and I believe that we have an OC, in Davis, that will use CJF like an Offense should.

That is all.....

I don't this year will feel midiocre. We aren't good at some key spots

We will be in 2013 or 2014 but this year is going to hurt

I'm hoping for a bowl game in Texas.......I think that is the best we can do

Hope I'm wrong but getting my expectations right makes for a much more enjoyable season
Just saw the breakaway from Bullock on BTN. Good burst through the whole, safeties snuck up and got caught. Everybody wants to see more aggressive defense, need to remember that those are the types of things that can happen.
Just saw the breakaway from Bullock on BTN. Good burst through the whole, safeties snuck up and got caught. Everybody wants to see more aggressive defense, need to remember that those are the types of things that can happen.

The difference is between those that want more blitzing, just to blitz, and those of us that think there aren't many choices expect to do this for the immediate future.
Wait what? Do you have classes with him or something?
I don't have classes with him but I see him around sometimes and talk to him. But I'm good friends with Jordan Cotton because we are in the same year from the same town etc and just from being with him around some of the players a lot you can kinda get a feel for which ones hit the books hard or not and he isn't dumb he just seems like he doesn't care about it all that much.

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