Open Practice Quick Hitters

I'm not sure what Jon saw today, but I've seen worse spring practice scrimmages before. This one came with still three practices left, although I guess they aren't done until 4/21.

There were too many times the ball hit the ground. That's a concern. But KF said they hadn't practiced tackling, and I assume that to mean the RB hadn't been tackled hard until today.

I really don't follow much of the media, excepting maybe Mark Morehouse, and hits it on the head. Many unanswered questions. But we already knew that.
hey JD, did either of those long runs come against the first team D? if they did that's good and bad news. good in that we have guys that can house, bad in that our d gave up the house.
Kirk like as in Captain Kirk.....get out of here guy we dont need anymore trolls.
Ya ok troll sorry I know our head coaches name. Accusing someone of being a troll when you yourself have multiple arguments going on in one thread probably isn't the best idea. Nice logic
Nothing i saw or didnt see swayed my thoughts on this season. The DL is going to be challenged. I think they win six or seven. It's a rebuilding year but I will still look forward to it and beyond
So what was the formation I thought I saw. Kind of a derivation of a wildcat from the pro set?

I'm serious here. Did I imagine something, or is this a new wrinkle?
Who cares about trolls? What was that wildcat looking formation?

unless we have a qb no one knows about or the qb wasnt taking the snap and it went right to a wr/rb then it isnt a wildcat. probably just shotgun with a different setup for rbs/wrs than we are used to.

For one, I expected the D Line to get ate up today. They didn't. Part of that was offensive misfires, but I don't think it's gonna be as bad as some are predicting.

The stats (by Morehouse) support your stance as well.

The RBs got 237 yards on 29 carries. This sounds like a TERRIBLE DL until one sees that 142 of those yards came on 2 plays. That means the D is stymying the rushing offense on most series. And this is with 2 likely starters out.

In the pass-game 24 catches yielded 185 yards. Not bad at all (from the D's perspective) although it could be our receivers.

I would rather that this year's D stop offenses quickly on most series, and occasionally give up the big play (prefferably not scores though), thus get off the field quickly. We are moving in that direction.
unless we have a qb no one knows about or the qb wasnt taking the snap and it went right to a wr/rb then it isnt a wildcat. probably just shotgun with a different setup for rbs/wrs than we are used to.

Thanks. That was what I was asking. One back only. And I think they can fake the run, and roll out and hit a TE underneath with it.

Anyway, they ran underneath drills quite a bit. And they did the weird looking thing also. Passed out of it at least once, but it was a broken play.

I'm not an expert about all of this stuff, but it's looking pretty new to me.
The defense played significantly better than I thought they would and that is true of many of the two deep players. I REALLY liked the secondary and how tight they played as well as being physical at the line. Their play really disrupted the WR and their routes. The offense was further behind then I thought they would be but they are learning a lot of new terminology and several players were held out.
Weinke is definitely in the punting race and signs seemed to point to him with the inside track.

From the Morehouse link:


John Wienke — 39

Jonny Mullings — 46, 41

Notes — Wienke is the first-team punter. Mullings’ form remains fairly slow.
Heard the same thing. Weinke should focus on punting there's no chance of him getting qb action.
Iowa has been fortunate to have good punters over the past few years with Donahue, Guthrie. One of them needs to step up.

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