Olaseni to Redshirt next year?

So why would we want to do this?

Next year Woodbury will still be raw and I am expecting Meyer will not be ready to contribute much. Utoff can maybe play some 4 I guess but it isnt like we have a lot of front line depth right now. Olaseni has played some good minutes for this team...I am not seeing where we have the luxury to sit him for a year.

What am I missing? Maybe I am underestimating Meyers ability
I don't see Uthoff playing any 4. He is just rail thin.
I have no idea when the London National squad would get picked but I do recall Gabe stating how much he would like to represent his country in the next Summer Games so perhaps it's a mutual decision between player and staff. This scenario would give him 5 solid years of formalized coaching, strength & conditioning and some outstanding competition. This would not only help the Hawks but just might also help Gabe pursue his own dream.

2013 - so
2014 - rs
2015 - jr
2016 - sr
Not saying Gabe becomes the same type of player but it worked out for the kid at Gonzaga, lot of players in their frontcourt and it has worked out well after losing some kids due to graduation.
Not saying Gabe becomes the same type of player but it worked out for the kid at Gonzaga, lot of players in their frontcourt and it has worked out well after losing some kids due to graduation.

No idea why why I quouted you in this but someone mentioned Gabe being similar to Cyrus Tate.. if he redshirts his upside is way higher than that.
Agree...but I don't see ingram ever being more than a small role player. He will get recruited over throughout his time...already happened with jok. Hopefully I am wrong but I don't see him doing much ever.
Well one thing is for sure...players never improve over the course of their 4 years, so I totally agree that we should project his career contributions now...

I also wanted Fran to RS Gabe last year. He was just too raw last year to justify the minutes he received. It's too bad that the team wasn't deep enough to allow him to do so. If he is willing to RS next year, that could do wonders for both parties for many reasons like others have already mentioned. There is no doubt that he is athletic enough to have the chance at developing into a really good player. You just can't teach that kind of size and raw athleticism.
No idea why why I quouted you in this but someone mentioned Gabe being similar to Cyrus Tate.. if he redshirts his upside is way higher than that.

Yeah that was me. Just went back and looked at Cyrus numbers and for some reason thought I remembered him going for more than 7 and 5 his senior year.

Guess I just was remembering a couple of the big games he had that year (26 vs MSU)
Yeah that was me. Just went back and looked at Cyrus numbers and for some reason thought I remembered him going for more than 7 and 5 his senior year.

Guess I just was remembering a couple of the big games he had that year (26 vs MSU)

7 and 5 lick ball translates to 12 and 8 Fran ball
Something I haven't seen mentioned here is the fact that Gabe started far later than anybody else in basketball. He didn't even start looking at a basketball till he was 14 or 15 years old. He benefits far more than anybody else from a redshirt year.

He is still a little uncoordinated...bigs growing into their frame more than often exhibit this trait. Couple his late start with him being a 6' 11" and he benefits from a red shirt year more than anybody on the team.

The question is if he can take that next step.
Something I haven't seen mentioned here is the fact that Gabe started far later than anybody else in basketball. He didn't even start looking at a basketball till he was 14 or 15 years old. He benefits far more than anybody else from a redshirt year.

He is still a little uncoordinated...bigs growing into their frame more than often exhibit this trait. Couple his late start with him being a 6' 11" and he benefits from a red shirt year more than anybody on the team.

The question is if he can take that next step.

People have mentioned Cyrus Tate, but for the above reasons Gabe actually reminds me of Kurt Looby. Looby only really started to figure things out his senior year after not playing organized ball for that long and he ended up in the NBA D-League. Would have been nice for him I think to have had a few more years in college.

As for Gabe redshirting, I think it only makes sense if it's his idea and he's excited about it. It'd give him a chance to space out his studies and grow as a player to his maximum potential. If he had this idea, or a coach suggested it to him and he liked it, I say why not? Considering that McCabe and Basabe will be seniors next year I imagine they will get a lot of the minutes at the 4 and 5 anyway unless Olesani is good enough to take the minutes away from them.
This makes no sense to me. I see it as an admission the staff doesn't think they can recruit someone better in here after Basabe graduates. Lots to like about Olaseni's athleticism, attitude, etc., but if he needs that much development, then the staff should not have offered in the first place. Two years in the program and he has shown improvement, but he still struggles to finish like a guy his size should. There were three occasions when he should have ripped the rim off the basket yesterday and instead he crotched weak layups. We need more guys like Basabe who can finish.
Terrible idea. Anything that delays freeing up his scholarship is a bad decision. He can't play on the offensive end of the court. This new competitive IOWA team doesn't need kids that can't catch the ball.

Get him through the system as fast as possible, let him ride pine for the next two years and save him the embarrassment of not being able to finish unguarded layups.
Rick has a very good relationship with Fran, so his word means a lot.
That said, I don't understand why Gabe would RS as a jr.

Spank, couldn't this simply be a numbers game? Can we assume that Olaseni and Meyer will be competing for the same minutes that Olaseni is getting this year? If you didn't R.S. Olaseni (Meyer has used his) then doesn't it equal wasting a season for Olaseni; not really going to take minutes from Basabe, Woody, McCabe?

Plus, Olaseni could maybe put on 10-15 lbs and become an athletic bruiser that can also shoot from 10-15 feet?
Rick is well-connected in the athletics department and his info is usually solid, so it's likely the staff is looking at this.

It's not obvious to me what redshirting Gabe accomplishes, either for him or for the program. He seems to be contributing valuable minutes now and improving each game. Won't the team need that next year to spell Woody or (shudder) replace him should he be injured? I also don't know how Gabe improves by taking a year away from games. Seems to me there's some value in continuity -- preparing and keeping in game shape throughout the year. Also, if the staff is putting their eggs into Gabe's basket, does that take attention away from finding an even better 5 in a year or two?
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Fran sees the log jam and this makes perfect sense. With Woody, Basabe, White, McCabe, Uthoff, and Meyer coming off a redshirt, there is plenty of size to handle any scenario. It would certainly tell you that Fran thinks Uthoff and Meyer could more than handle Gabe's minutes. Let's face it, Gabe needs serious development on the offensive side of the ball. If he truly wants to be more than a defensive fill in, he needs time to develop on the offensive side of the ball. He's already made great strides to be a little more instinctive, but it's not necessarily natural yet. You can tell he's a freakish athlete though who would greatly benefit from another year of getting stronger and developing post moves on the offensive end. My god, with his athletic ability...a baby hook would be pretty sweet. Personally, I think Gabe has an NBA body with more development. This may help him to that end.
I believe this would be a win-win situation. I really think Gabe could be a beast in two years. A redshirt next year would be better than his freshman year because of the experience he has built up. He knows Big Ten basketball now, what he can do, what he can't do, and what he needs to improve on. He is one of those players you might say "if he only had another year." The redshirt gives him that extra year, and I really feel he would make a huge impact his last 2 years. I don't feel he would go pro early.

As for Meyer, don't underestimate. He is a good shooter for a big. He seems to be mobile and fluid. I think his game is more like Aaron White's. Good on the baseline. Finisher on the break. I think he will benefit from this year's redshirt, and it would be great to get him some of Gabe's mini next year to develop him.
Terrible idea. Anything that delays freeing up his scholarship is a bad decision. He can't play on the offensive end of the court. This new competitive IOWA team doesn't need kids that can't catch the ball.

Get him through the system as fast as possible, let him ride pine for the next two years and save him the embarrassment of not being able to finish unguarded layups.
Too much "wrong" here...cannot keep pace...


-pulls the cord-

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