OK to stand, possibly blocking others' view, during entire game?

Is it OK to stand and cheer virtually the entire game?

  • Yes. Show your support. If your view is blocked, get off your butt and cheer, too!

    Votes: 60 60.6%
  • No. I paid good money for these tickets. You're blocking my view and detracting from my enjoyment of

    Votes: 39 39.4%

  • Total voters
It depends on the game and situation. If I want to sit the entire game I would do it from a temperature controlled environment in a comfortable seat. If you are at the game you're wanting to be part of the environment, which you can't do sitting.

Ultimately the entire game for either or is a no. Situation call for standing up. Maybe their should be a sitting and standing section.
It depends on the game and situation. If I want to sit the entire game I would do it from a temperature controlled environment in a comfortable seat. If you are at the game you're wanting to be part of the environment, which you can't do sitting.

Ultimately the entire game for either or is a no. Situation call for standing up. Maybe their should be a sitting and standing section.

Great idea, 25% smaller "seats" and 25% cheaper.
Would you agree that they were not your typical "standers" Im sure there are "sitters" that complain even when 3/4 of the stadium are on their feet.

they weren't your typical standers, I guess I'm a typical stander...when the situation calls for it and when it's not a continual nuisance for the people behind me. I stand more than the normal person...or mostly when the people in front of me are standing.

I agree with the assessment, don't go to the games if you don't want to stand for a considerable portion of it...that's just the way it is.
Question: Can the people that stand during "Big Moments" complain and yell at the people that are sitting during these critical moments? Isn't the crowd there to create a home field advantage? So if you are sitting and not saying a word the entire game, I feel it is ok to get on those people then too.

I just don't complain to anybody at the game. But if the sitters can bi*&* and moan the entire game about the standers, it is only right that the standers complain about the sitters. Otherwise it is a double standard.
I stand the entire game...because I yell/cheer on every single play. What happens on 1st and 2nd down on defense should be just as important as 3rd down to the crowd. Never understood just getting into it for 3rd down.

Everyone around me keeps renewing their season tickets so apparently not everyone is a negative nancy if you stand up all the time.

When its a blow out, I try to sit but usually end up standing and crouching over...too much adrenaline to sit and watch a game of Hawkeye football in Kinnick.
The poll is worded "bias-ly" because the people who stand paid just as much good money for the game and if they want to stand they have every right to stand. Furthermore, the people who are standing are typically the ones yelling the most. Getting the stadium rocking is an actual benefit to the home team on defense, not to mention it looks great to recruits. There are certain sections of the stadium designated for those individuals who are physically unable to stand.

Some social self-awareness should be expected and the standing individual should sit at the applicable times (timeouts, offense, etc.), and not be a jerk about it. What I've witnessed is that the sitting individuals telling the standers to sit down are typically the bigger jerks.
What I've witnessed is that the sitting individuals telling the standers to sit down are typically the bigger jerks.[/QUOTE]

I agree completely. The standers are not the negative whiners that the sitters are. The sitters are usually the bigger complainers and are so negative it is hard to be around those kind of people. The standers typically cheer our beloved Hawks onto victory and are positive people outgoing, energetic people!

The sitters are always the first people to complain and be negative.
Question: Can the people that stand during "Big Moments" complain and yell at the people that are sitting during these critical moments? Isn't the crowd there to create a home field advantage? So if you are sitting and not saying a word the entire game, I feel it is ok to get on those people then too.

I just don't complain to anybody at the game. But if the sitters can bi*&* and moan the entire game about the standers, it is only right that the standers complain about the sitters. Otherwise it is a double standard.

I see that happen all the time. Every time the crowd gets into it you always have those idiots that think its their job to turn around and wave their arms up and down and tell people to get on their feet.
I see that happen all the time. Every time the crowd gets into it you always have those idiots that think its their job to turn around and wave their arms up and down and tell people to get on their feet.

Are they idiots or just great fans?

It's ok. I will bring some yarn and a crochet hook for the Northwestern game for you to crochet your Blankie. I will also bring a book for you to read. That way you can sit the entire game and not even know what quarter the game is in.
Are they idiots or just great fans?

It's ok. I will bring some yarn and a crochet hook for the Northwestern game for you to crochet your Blankie. I will also bring a book for you to read. That way you can sit the entire game and not even know what quarter the game is in.

Just curious, did you have basketball season tix a couple years ago? ;)
I see that happen all the time. Every time the crowd gets into it you always have those idiots that think its their job to turn around and wave their arms up and down and tell people to get on their feet.

Oh boy. Maybe those people are just cheering and trying to get others into the game? Thanks Andy.

There is a perpetual conflict between fans who feel it necessary to stand while watching and cheering the team (or booing the officials and opponents) and those behind them, or to the side, whose view may be blocked. In almost every stadium it leads to frequent yells of "SIT DOWN!," occasional arguments, even fights.

The friction is often between younger, more exuberant (perhaps inebriated) fans and older ones seated behind them. In Cleveland, a Browns season ticket-holder of 25 years was even booted from the Dawg Pound for standing too much.

What's your view? Is it OK to stand virtually the entire game, especially if you are cheering and making noise? Or should fans show courtesy to those behind them and remain seated until only big plays or crucial third or fourth downs? Are you in favor of 2StarStan taking those who stand too much out of their seats and booting them from the stadium?

If you are a season ticket-holder at Kinnick, what's your experience?

Been in these arguments before. I am sure many others on here have. My thoughts are students only allowed to sit end of quarters and timeouts. Stand the whole time. Other seats standing should be allowed, but while trying to be courteous to those little midget whiny ppl behind us. Big plays= stand I always figure..... makes sense.
Stand up or go home.

Agreed. I remember being a kid and always sitting in the aisle (even though my seats have always been in row 1, on the aisle) and the people around us letting my dad cram as many young Hawkeye fans down there as possible. My friends thought it was the coolest thing ever to sit that close to the field (Dallas Clark about killed one of them once crashing into the wall). I have returned the favor to the kids in our section, if they can fit down there, they are welcome. I remember being a kid and how awesome it was seeing the game from literally ontop of the field. Plus it gives me a reason to stand the whole game....so my agenda is somewhat cloaked and the sitters stay off my ***.
Just curious, did you have basketball season tix a couple years ago? ;)

No. I didn't but I heard there are some Knitting Ladies at Carver Hawkeye. I really don't want Kinnick Stadium to turn into Carver Hawkeye. Iowa Football is a very proud tradition with great fans that create a great home field advantage. Let's not let that end with a few people that want everybody to sit down at the game and stop cheering.
Question: Can the people that stand during

Well, I happen to be one of those idiots. I enjoy firing up the crowd around me, and have never had anyone complain about it once. In fact, everone who sits around me loves it and feeds off my enthusiasm. I assume by your handle that you sit in Section 136. I've had season tickets in Section 136 for the last six years. I must really **** you off then.
People that tell people to stand up are idiots.
People that tell people to sit down are idiots.

I don't like when I can't see either but if there are 5K fans in my section standing up in front of me I really don't have much choice.
Hate idiots who get mad at me for standing up. Hate idiots who stand the whole damn game. I am 6'5". If I stand the whole game then the next two rows are SOL. If you want to stand the whole game, find a standing-room area and go there.

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