OK to stand, possibly blocking others' view, during entire game?

Is it OK to stand and cheer virtually the entire game?

  • Yes. Show your support. If your view is blocked, get off your butt and cheer, too!

    Votes: 60 60.6%
  • No. I paid good money for these tickets. You're blocking my view and detracting from my enjoyment of

    Votes: 39 39.4%

  • Total voters
I have never told somebody to sit down in front of me and I never will! And if I ever get to the point of telling somebody to sit down, I will stay home. I'm not going to be that A-hole in the stands telling people what to do. I am all about creating a home field advantage. The fans truly are the 12th man.
Yep, my thoughts as well. Have an older couple in front of us that don't like to stand during much of the game but will for the big moments. Have a family of 4 behind us with 2 younger daughters, so I try to not stand too much otherwise they can't see the game. Just be considerate people. It's not hard to do.

Why can't the people that are sitting be considerate of people that are standing? It works both ways!

This truly is a Lazy, fat society. Extremely sad!! If you are too old to get up and down the steps, then I think you need to stay home and watch the game in front of the big screen.

With that being said, I stand when people in front of me stand. I sit when people in front of me sit. But I wouldn't have a problem with standing most of the game.
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I do agree it should be situational, but last week there was an older couple (not season ticket holders) getting mad at my buddy and I for standing on 3rd downs or big moments. We did not stand the entire game, but every time we did we got grief. My thinking is if you don't stand during those moments, why even go? Or at least be accepting of those that do. I spend $700+ a season for my wife and myself, so I'm going to get my money's worth. That means getting into the game and cheering and standing when called for. If it really is that annoying to you, stay at home and watch from your couch.
Why can't the people that are sitting be considerate of people that are standing? It works both ways!

This truly is a Lazy, fat society. Extremely sad!!

No, if you're any indication, it is a selfish, self-entitled society. Everybody has the right to watch the game, despite what you think is the right or wrong way to do it. It seems odd to have a multi-page discussion on this when the solution is as simple as showing strangers common courtesy and respect.

If the situation on the field calls for it, stand and cheer. If not, stay in your chair and enjoy the game along with everyone else.
No, if you're any indication, it is a selfish, self-entitled society. Everybody has the right to watch the game, despite what you think is the right or wrong way to do it. It seems odd to have a multi-page discussion on this when the solution is as simple as showing strangers common courtesy and respect.

If the situation on the field calls for it, stand and cheer. If not, stay in your chair and enjoy the game along with everyone else.

You are correct. Everybody has the right to watch the game, sitting or standing. Couldn't agree more. We definitely should show strangers common courtesy and respect and not tell strangers what to do!! We should respect people sitting, standing, crouching ect...

If we can't respect others wishes at the game, then please STAY HOME!
I do agree it should be situational, but last week there was an older couple (not season ticket holders) getting mad at my buddy and I for standing on 3rd downs or big moments. We did not stand the entire game, but every time we did we got grief. My thinking is if you don't stand during those moments, why even go? Or at least be accepting of those that do. I spend $700+ a season for my wife and myself, so I'm going to get my money's worth. That means getting into the game and cheering and standing when called for. If it really is that annoying to you, stay at home and watch from your couch.

Excellent, Excellent post. Fantastic. I agree 110%. We need to respect others in the stands, sitting or standing. If you can't stand during big moments, then stay home. Somebody else will gladly take your ticket.
While I feel bad if I get seats in front of old people because during key moments I am standing whether the people behind me are standing or not. I have young kids and if the people in front of us are standing then I will have my kids stand on the seats with me holding them. You take away a BIG part of the game if you just go and sit the entire time. I realize you are entitled to that but you are paying big money to go watch the game become part of the game by getting into it with the crowd! If you must sit the entire time relax in the comfort of your own home where these new flat screens give you better view then in the stadium.

Now on the other hand the last time I went to a game there were some young people that were down a couple of rows from us that were standing the entire time, slipping drinks out of their flasks (I was looking for 2Star), and dropping the f bombs at every chance they could. That was rude and inconsiderate!
Excellent, Excellent post. Fantastic. I agree 110%. We need to respect others in the stands, sitting or standing. If you can't stand during big moments, then stay home. Somebody else will gladly take your ticket.

This is a better way to phrase it than your last post. It's pretty stupid to want people to stand the entire game. If it happens in certain sections and people around don't mind, fine. But if you stand from the first play of the game to the last play, and the people don't want it...have some courtesy. But if those same people can't stand on a 3rd-5 from the 15....GO HOME.
Stand when the situation calls for it (3rd downs, 4th downs, etc), sure. But to stand for the sake of standing is idiotic. It seems like people that do this think this will win the game for their team... it won't. You are a fan. If you want to win the game for your team, tryouts are in August.

At the Iowa/Iowa State game There is an old couple that have seats in front of me, and the ol 'guy can't move around that well. The (sorry) Iowa fan and his girl that had the seats the next row down stood in front of the old man (and me) the whole game. There was NO ONE standing in front of the Hawk fans. While I could stand and see over him, the poor ol' guy had a lot more trouble and pretty much gave up after a while.

Oh, does Iowa State have open tryouts? Iowa doesn't.
Ummm in my last ticket section it was a night game and the whole crowd was electric and cheering and the older people behind me within two minutes told me to sit down and not cheer my heart out. In my newer tickets, there is an older gentleman who cheers and almost stands the whole game. If a person doesn't feel like being the 12th man and having some interaction with the game, don't buy tickets and stay home. Just my honest opinion.
If I didn't have a bum knee from playing football, I wouldn't have a problem standing the whole game. As it is, if I have to stand for long periods of time my knee hurts so dang bad that I won't be enjoying the game much anyway and might s well stay home. I stand when the people in front of me stand and hope they sit down before the knee starts screaming.

I say sit or stand depending on the situation. Those who insist on standing the entire game (the "if you don't want to stand you should stay home" people... student section excluded), are simply d&^%$#bags.
I think 80% of the non-student "standers" do acknowledge the "sitters" and only stand on kickoffs, 3rd downs on D, bad calls, etc. The poll is flawed.
Funny story, took my wife and daughter to their first game and they weren't quite prepared for the standing. Three minutes into the first quarter (we were on the 35 yard line, row 15) my wife asks, when are these people going to sit down? I said, in about 3 1/2 hours. Not a good day for me.

I'm all for standing and cheering, but moderation people...take the seat when it makes sense. Believe it or not, you can still sit and cheer/make noise.
we were on the 35 yard line, row 15

Its pretty hard to see sitting in the first 5 rows without standing. The next 5 rows usually stand because the 1st 5 stand, etc...
No, if you're any indication, it is a selfish, self-entitled society. Everybody has the right to watch the game, despite what you think is the right or wrong way to do it. It seems odd to have a multi-page discussion on this when the solution is as simple as showing strangers common courtesy and respect.

If the situation on the field calls for it, stand and cheer. If not, stay in your chair and enjoy the game along with everyone else.

Excellent post.

There is no need to stand the entire game. It is rude, selfish and inconsiderate. On the other hand, fans can and should stand during crucial plays or situations. That should be expected and those that don't want to stand also need to understand that.

Maybe I was raised differently than some of you.....I always try to be considerate of others and recognize THEIR right to see the game, too. I'll stand when appropriate and sit the rest of the time.

Showing common courtesy (and common sense) is not really that hard, nor that big an inconvenience.
Excellent post.

There is no need to stand the entire game. It is rude, selfish and inconsiderate. On the other hand, fans can and should stand during crucial plays or situations. That should be expected and those that don't want to stand also need to understand that.

Maybe I was raised differently than some of you.....I always try to be considerate of others and recognize THEIR right to see the game, too. I'll stand when appropriate and sit the rest of the time.

Showing common courtesy (and common sense) is not really that hard, nor that big an inconvenience.

Like i said, Mother Theresa, the poll question is flawed...
we were on the 35 yard line, row 15

Its pretty hard to see sitting in the first 5 rows without standing. The next 5 rows usually stand because the 1st 5 stand, etc...

Agreed, but these guys were standing during timeouts, breaks...the entire time. Trust me, I was ok with it. As a matter of fact, I like standing during the game. However, for the non-Iowa graduate spouses, who think we are a little fanatical in the first place, it kind of crossed the line to absurdity.

I honestly thought I was going to have to defend her honor after her repeated requests for the guys in front of us to take a break at least once in awhile. It was a little ridiculous and then they decided to make the point that they paid for their tickets and they would do what they wanted...blah, blah, blah.

I'm sure the No voters know exactly the situation I'm referring to.
Agreed, but these guys were standing during timeouts, breaks...the entire time. Trust me, I was ok with it. As a matter of fact, I like standing during the game. However, for the non-Iowa graduate spouses, who think we are a little fanatical in the first place, it kind of crossed the line to absurdity.

I honestly thought I was going to have to defend her honor after her repeated requests for the guys in front of us to take a break at least once in awhile. It was a little ridiculous and then they decided to make the point that they paid for their tickets and they would do what they wanted...blah, blah, blah.

I'm sure the No voters know exactly the situation I'm referring to.
Would you agree that they were not your typical "standers" Im sure there are "sitters" that complain even when 3/4 of the stadium are on their feet.

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