Oh Boy....

You could provide stats and reasoning to support your position that May is a positive (which I agree with) and have a nice debate about it with the poster. It would be better than the belittling the poster that has said opinions like so many in this thread have done.

Thank you Go hawks....kind of what I naively expected. Stormin', Justin, whatever, May had a bad game. That's my opinion.

Jon maybe you're sure you are right in this instance. Funny, so am I. One of us must be wrong.
Of course you're entitled to your opinion. It's just you provide no competent basis for your opinion. Your OP was May was a negative, nothing more. Other posters provided stats that didn't support the opinion. You have not provided any stats, or any other argument to lend credence to your opinion. It's not surprising people pounced on such an opinion. It doesn't make you an idiot, but it does affect your credibility.

Ok Homes; May was credited with 3 turnovers. He had 3 others that he didn't get "credit" for. And he didn't handle the ball that much, relatively speaking.
He missed shots down the stretch that may have turned the outcome. His defense was non-existent. He provided no leadership, but then neither did anyone else, with the exception of maybe Cole. Adequate?

Some of you want to make a fight out of everything. I'll be pulling for May as much as any of you tomorrow night. Bad game. Disappointing performance. period. Move on.
Ok Homes; May was credited with 3 turnovers. He had 3 others that he didn't get "credit" for. He missed shots down the stretch that may have turned the outcome. His defense was non-existent. He provided no leadership, but then neither did anyone else, with the exception of maybe Cole. Adequate?

Some of you want to make a fight out of everything. I'll be pulling for May as much as any of you tomorrow night. Bad game. Disappointing performance. period. Move on.
You said he was a negative. Not that he had a bad game. A negative. That, somehow, him being on the floor was a net negative to the team overall and they would have been better if he hadn't been out there at all.
Thank you Go hawks....kind of what I naively expected. Stormin', Justin, whatever, May had a bad game. That's my opinion.

Jon maybe you're sure you are right in this instance. Funny, so am I. One of us must be wrong.

Chris Bosh didn't have a very good game on Saturday. I suppose he's a negative too. One bad game doesn't make a guy a negative. If May is still forcing some stuff when it's no longer necessary for him to do so, THEN you could make that argument. But he still went 8-16 from the floor, with 4 boards, 2 steals, and a block. Yes, he had 3 TO's. We had 18 as a team and only played 8 players. He was on par with the rest of the team in that department, and a positive in just about all others.
Jon maybe you're sure you are right in this instance. Funny, so am I. One of us must be wrong.

When one of us holds the opinion that Eric May is a negative for the Iowa basketball team, and the other holds the opinion that he is not a negative, yup, one of us is wrong. Very wrong.
When one of us holds the opinion that Eric May is a negative for the Iowa basketball team, and the other holds the opinion that he is not a negative, yup, one of us is wrong. Very wrong.

Well when 6 turnovers lead to 14 points, you're defense leads to another 10, and you score 20.......you do the math......How long do you want to perpetuate this?
Well when 6 turnovers lead to 14 points, you're defense leads to another 10, and you score 20.......you do the math......How long do you want to perpetuate this?

Oh, there is no need to continue. I will put the over/under on how many times this thread is bumped this season at 21. I will end by saying Abraham Lincoln was right.
Ok Homes; May was credited with 3 turnovers. He had 3 others that he didn't get "credit" for.


Credited 3 turnovers, but had 3 others that he didn't get credit for? How does that work? Did he pay the statistician to fudge the numbers? Maybe the statistician just forgot to give him those 3 others.


Sometimes when I am losing an argument, I just stop and admit I am wrong.

My suggestion is you do the same.
Well when 6 turnovers lead to 14 points, you're defense leads to another 10, and you score 20.......you do the math......How long do you want to perpetuate this?

Can you prove that May's 3 turnovers (and the other 3 fake turnovers he supposedly had) turned into 14 points?

I'll help you out. SDSU had 15 total points off turnovers in the game. Are you saying 14 of the 15 points came off of 6 fake Eric May turnovers? SDSU had 13 in the first half and 2 in the second half. Math is fun.

Can you give me examples of May's defense leading to 10 points?

Last I recall Eric May was in Sargent's jock all game and forced Clint to shoot contested shots. He wasn't perfect, but please, by all means, tell us about the 10 points that were put up on the board because of his defense.
Uh, sorry, but I don't know how you got that out of his post.

I'm the one in the wrong because the poster said I'm and idiot? That is actually a violation of the rules of the board....more so than mine.

IT is clear to everyone what Jon Meant. Saying May is a negative is one of the dumbest things I have read on this site. He is a very athletic SOPHOMORE with a big upside. He shot 8-16 from the field and is strong, quick, a good jumper and an improving shooter. I wish we had 3 more of him.


Credited 3 turnovers, but had 3 others that he didn't get credit for? How does that work? Did he pay the statistician to fudge the numbers? Maybe the statistician just forgot to give him those 3 others.


Sometimes when I am losing an argument, I just stop and admit I am wrong.

My suggestion is you do the same.

No. On three occasions he got a steal, had possession, and lost it back.

I've personally never seen you admit you were wrong, so I will follow your lead.

I've followed this team, heart and soul for longer than you've been alive. I call a spade a spade.....feel like I'm entitled to it. apparently you disagree. Fine. Disagree. Just don't berate me. That chafes my balls....and it reflects poorly on your character.
How does pointing out when someone is wrong reflect badly on their character? You sir are wrong about May. Just because you are entitled to an opinion, does not mean that that opinion isn't wrong.
I dont respond much on here - but johnashawk - you need to chill out man - make your point / argue your point / and then be done with it - most of your responders were just trying to get you to validate your point (IE: point - counterpoint) - no need to get your balls in a tizzy because of it. As they say - if you cant take a little heat - get out of the kitchen. I went to the game and Iowa has alot to work on - one thing I did enjoy that I do disagree with you on was Cartwright's intensity on defense. I havent seen that from the hawks for a while. There isnt one player on this team that has any game day experience running Fran's system - give it time.
No. On three occasions he got a steal, had possession, and lost it back.

I've personally never seen you admit you were wrong, so I will follow your lead.

I've followed this team, heart and soul for longer than you've been alive. I call a spade a spade.....feel like I'm entitled to it. apparently you disagree. Fine. Disagree. Just don't berate me. That chafes my balls....and it reflects poorly on your character.

So the answer is, "no", you can't provide the evidence.

You must not hit up this board often because when I am wrong, I'll admit.
May was far and away the best player on the court for us yesterday. Did he force some things, yeah. Did he miss some shots, yeah, but you can't hit them all. His ball handling still needs work, but everybody knows that is his weakest trait. He wasn't perfect by any means, but he definitely wasn't a negative. It was clear in the second half that whenever May got his hands on the ball, SDSU would bring a defender to help out and not allow him to have any space to create his shot or drive. We really need Gatens in there to have another proven scoring threat to take the pressure off May. Gatens is also the leader of this team. May will become a leader, but he's is only a sophomore and has not yet had to take on the leader role in college. Leadership comes with experience.

There were a lot of turnovers in the game that I would have classified as team turnovers because of the horrible spacing. That is a direct result of a team playing its first game of the season, with young players, and a completely new philosophy.

Basabe is not polished on the offensive end, but is no doubt athletic. He has good potential, but never really got into the flow of the game. He looked frustrated even before the 1st half was over. That is going to happen to a most young players who were used to taking over games in high school.

Marble has great potential too, but I would by no means replace May with him. Marble and Cartwright switched off guarding the leading scorer for SDSU and I would say that it was a wash on who was the better defender. Not to mention there were instances where they had a hand in the guy's face, but he had the hot hand.

I like McCabe as a player as he will definitely be a role player for us the next 4 years. I'm willing to wager that he will average just under a double-double this season. I'm not convinced that he will be able to defend well this year against some of the players he is going to go up against. He had some issues yesterday guarding the smaller/quicker guys. What is it going to be like as the season goes along and he starts getting matched up with guys his size that have the guard-like quickness? He still deserves a starting spot though.

I expected more out of Cully. I really don't know what to say other than he looked rusty. Everything just seemed kind of out of sync for him. I guarantee though a game like this was an anomaly.

Once Gatens comes back we will definitely be a better team. As of right now, I would expect to see Basabe lose his spot in the starting lineup instead of McCabe. Right now, Basabe needs to be brought in off the bench so he can be eased into the flow of the game.
IT is clear to everyone what Jon Meant. Saying May is a negative is one of the dumbest things I have read on this site. He is a very athletic SOPHOMORE with a big upside. He shot 8-16 from the field and is strong, quick, a good jumper and an improving shooter. I wish we had 3 more of him.

Great, you want three more negatives on the court???:)

By The Way:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But...if it's wrong you're entitled to have it ripped to shreds. I've seen people start off rather clueless on this board and learn enough to formulate well thought out opinions over the years. So there's still hope for ya johnas. Rather than taking things personally, you should reevaluate your first post. If you're objective, you should be able to tell how ridiculous it was. Learn from it and move on.

Just thought I would bump this to remind everyone how May's 13.5 ppg, 4.3 rpg and 2.6 spg are a negative impact on the team...


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