
Huge get! Gives this class a fighting chance. A lot of ‘projects’ in there, but potential. Here’s hoping these guys all over-achieve and we look back in a couple years and marvel at Fran’s ability to find diamonds in the rough.
I bet Fran screws this up anyway. Will probably have him be Garza's backup instead of just starting them both like a twin towers scenerio.
I dont know if their games would compliment each other very well. Last year when we had both Cook and Garza on the court at the same time, they got in each other's way and created easy double team opportunities. I'd rather he fills the role of being the backup to Garza and potentially we have them play 5 or 6 minutes per game on the court at the same time.
Thanks for posting. I couldn't find any highlights of the kid. I'm picturing a similar player to Adam Woodbury except much more athletic. Also has some good quickness for his size.
He's left-handed.
I dont know if their games would compliment each other very well. Last year when we had both Cook and Garza on the court at the same time, they got in each other's way and created easy double team opportunities. I'd rather he fills the role of being the backup to Garza and potentially we have them play 5 or 6 minutes per game on the court at the same time.
If he can’t beat out Nunge for the 4 spot what good is he?
His body type is a lot more Nick Ward than Aaron White ... I think it might be kind of strange to see in a Hawkeye uni.
Nick Ward was the first comp that came to my mind as well. I'm honestly not sure how Josh will fit in with Fran's scheme but I'm willing to take the wait and see approach. It'll be strange indeed to see his body type in an Iowa uniform, I'm kind of excited to see how it all plays out.
Big body, slow feet, he should fit into this group just fine.

How many guys with big bodies have fast feet? Not many of those guys out there.

Also, I watched some of DJ Carton play last night. He's really, really good and he's a much bigger recruiting loss than XF will be. I would have rather have gotten XF over JO, but would have taken DJC over XF any day.
How many guys with big bodies have fast feet? Not many of those guys out there.

Also, I watched some of DJ Carton play last night. He's really, really good and he's a much bigger recruiting loss than XF will be. I would have rather have gotten XF over JO, but would have taken DJC over XF any day.

Yeah Carton is going to be a stud.
Nick Ward was the first comp that came to my mind as well. I'm honestly not sure how Josh will fit in with Fran's scheme but I'm willing to take the wait and see approach. It'll be strange indeed to see his body type in an Iowa uniform, I'm kind of excited to see how it all plays out.

I'd love to see it. I like guys that have some meat to them and do something other than shoot the three. I'd love to see some bigger bodies that can bang down low.
He'll contribute for sure but I don't think he start.

I am not familiar with ISU's roster make up - but isn't there a lot of question or at least appear to be minutes up for grabs in their front court next season? I mean, imo, it would appear to me that more PT immediately is up for grabs at ISU then there was at Iowa.