Oglesby Will Be Back Sunday

Hopefully he shoots more like his freshmen year.

Wonder how many minutes Jok will get in Big 10 play with Oglesby back. I doubt he averages 5 min per game in conference.

Jok will still be part of the 11 man rotation. I will be shocked if he averages less than 5 minutes per game. There is too much upside there long term and there should be some blowouts.
I'm not buying this...at least in the open ended way it was presented. At best it is out of context.

Why wouldn't you buy this? He said he's disappointed, which, if you aren't playing alot, is generally how I would expect a player would feel. He didn't say he's Mad about it or is thinking about ransferring over lack of PT.
Why wouldn't you buy this? He said he's disappointed, which, if you aren't playing alot, is generally how I would expect a player would feel. He didn't say he's Mad about it or is thinking about ransferring over lack of PT.

Again, I would ask, where did you read or see this? I'm not saying it's false, I just haven't seen or read it.
Josh has said he's limited to about 4 minute spurts in practice at this point. I don't look for him to be on the floor for 15 minutes Sunday and if he does "clank" 3 or 4 shots it's no big deal. Give the kid the same break we gave to others in the early games of the season. We know he's played against Big Ten teams and has had some solid games for the Hawks. He doesn't have to be our only threat and let recognize the asset he can be for the Hawks.
Again, I would ask, where did you read or see this? I'm not saying it's false, I just haven't seen or read it.

I just read it in the earlier post. I don't think anyone has said it was in an article or that Jok actually said it publically...I think it was just an observation.
Why wouldn't you buy this? He said he's disappointed, which, if you aren't playing alot, is generally how I would expect a player would feel. He didn't say he's Mad about it or is thinking about ransferring over lack of PT.

Because I know better. I also mentioned it may have been taken out of context...which is possible. That's pretty much what you said as you bumbled through your post. You seem to be debating yourself.
Because I know better. I also mentioned it may have been taken out of context...which is possible. That's pretty much what you said as you bumbled through your post. You seem to be debating yourself.

See CPHAWKS post #24. I pick up on the undertones and I can see where you were going and where he was going before you even went there. So stop being Mad and stop Hating. Hater.
I just read it in the earlier post. I don't think anyone has said it was in an article or that Jok actually said it publically...I think it was just an observation.

So why are you taking a position on this exactly? It makes no sense based on this post. Never mind. Your next response won't be any better.
So why are you taking a position on this exactly? It makes no sense based on this post. Never mind. Your next response won't be any better.

Awesome. Rubby hands rubby hands. I can't wait for his 1 for 6 shooting performances! All kidding aside. Good to have him back. It will be interesting to see how well he does on D, especially coming off a foot injury. That's where I think he can be exposed early on. Moving & playing D on that leg. that & his stamina will dictate how much PT he gets these early stages.

People need to lay off Jok a bit. He's a freshman playing in the best conference in the nation. He's not just 18, I understand he's a really young 18 as he could have started a year later. the game will come to him. They just need to figure out his role for this year & he needs to work on his D. He'll be fine. Looks who he has to practice against on a daily basis. This is also another great luxury of having quality and athletic depth on a team. Often overlooked.
And I'm trying to get to 6000 poasts so stop hating and move on. Hater.

You are in for a treat, the screen turns all kinds of funky colors after that 6000th post. You instantly get a letter of appreciation emailed to you along with a free HN truckers hat.
Agreed about Jok - give Jok a break, he's a true freshman. He's going to be a great player. He CAN do more than just shoot the 3. His defense will get better, and then he's going to turn into a huge asset for this team.
And great to have Josh back. His 3 point % can and will only go up from last year. This year's team is way better than last years, and so many options on offense. McCabe's 3 point shooting will take some of the pressure off Josh to feel like he has to carry the load for 3s. If Josh's foot isn't 100% yet, just get him a few minutes vs Ark Pine Bluff to get his feet wet for game action, then rest him. We need him for big ten play...when this team will then go ELEVEN deep!! Time to wear out the big ten with our depth, and then use that depth to make a DEEP run in the dance!!!
The more I think about it, the more I hate the pre-conference schedule. Teams in the teens or the 200's and not much in between. Huge open stretches and games packed together. Just really no rhyme or reason. Could see it hurting come conference time.
I think it is great to have Josh back. Worst case scenario, he comes in and plays solid defense, does NOT turn the ball over, passes very well, and hits a few key 3's, though not as many as we would like. Best case: He solves his mental block on the 3 and wins some games for us. Also, I think this will, in the long run, be good for Jok. He will have more competition for playing time; he will have to improve his defense; he will have to find multiple ways to contribute. This is NOT a knock on Jok. I really like this kid's skill set, his attitude, and he will have a great career at Iowa. Let's just not rush him. And, Josh is under valued.
Oh Josh is back...that's just great. Did someone let the Carver maintenance people know? They will need to make sure they have plenty of that orange paint for the rim as there will now be many more bricks being thrown at them. Man, with the Olgelthree coming to town, orange paint prices go way up...supply and demand. I'm definitely long Sherman Williams.

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