Officiating Tonight

Actually Burr is a good official. On the downhill side of his career but he can definitely call. Wish we saw more of him and less of Valentine.

Idk how good of a ref Jim Burr was during the covered wagon years or in 1959 but in 2013 he needs to hang them up. Have you ever just watched him during a game? I was at the Mich. St. game this year and his ref job was terrible....god awful and shouldnt happen in a big ten game much less highschool. If you need examples from that game ive got a couple..
With all due respect people feel this way because they have no ******* clue how difficult it is to officiate basketball. It's difficult because contact is expressly allowed in the rule book. Absolutely everything is a judgement call.

On virtually every whistle an official must be able to determin is the defender verticle, did he get to the spot first, who initiated the contact, was the offensive player in control, did the contact disadvantage the opposing player. All that has to be done in a split second and it has to be done up to a dozen of times each possession. A crew can get 99% of that right and still miss a call every other possession. On top of all that a good official has to also be able to manage a game. When do you let players try to play through stuff? Who can play physical without throwing cheap shots? When can you try to talk players through stuff and when should you be quick with a whistle. Then of course there is managing the two guys in the boxes.

With all due respect you can def tell where your passion is Duff which i dont have a problem with. I never see you type huge paragraphs unless its related to refereein'.
I see refs tighten things up or loosen them after halftime all the time. They might have talked after the first half and realized the game was getting a little out of hand. They might have got a call about the missed flagrant. Coaches might have approached them.

Teams need to recognize this and adjust.
With all due respect people feel this way because they have no ******* clue how difficult it is to officiate basketball. It's difficult because contact is expressly allowed in the rule book. Absolutely everything is a judgement call.

On virtually every whistle an official must be able to determin is the defender verticle, did he get to the spot first, who initiated the contact, was the offensive player in control, did the contact disadvantage the opposing player. All that has to be done in a split second and it has to be done up to a dozen of times each possession. A crew can get 99% of that right and still miss a call every other possession. On top of all that a good official has to also be able to manage a game. When do you let players try to play through stuff? Who can play physical without throwing cheap shots? When can you try to talk players through stuff and when should you be quick with a whistle. Then of course there is managing the two guys in the boxes.

With all due respect Duffman, with the money these officials make every game, if they can't handle the pressure of managing at the college level, maybe they better go back to officiating High School ball. In any other job, when you can't do it right, you get fired. Pretty sad too when head of officiating in a conference is offering trips and money if they give technical fouls. Explain that one Duffman.
With all due respect Duffman, with the money these officials make every game, if they can't handle the pressure of managing at the college level, maybe they better go back to officiating High School ball. In any other job, when you can't do it right, you get fired. Pretty sad too when head of officiating in a conference is offering trips and money if they give technical fouls. Explain that one Duffman.

He did something really stupid? If better refs were available they would be working.
First half was good, few fouls called, a lot of flow to the game.
Second half, they called it completely different.

Really sucks for the players, as they don't know how to play through it sometimes.
the refs were inconsistent. Either call a tight game (2nd half) or let them play (first half).

You can't change the way the game is called at halftime. It's not fair for both teams.
Maryland was in the bonus 4 1/2 minutes into the 2nd half... yeah.

It's not where they made any horrible calls that stick out, they were just very inconsistent.

Was there and don't remember all the details but there were a couple times in the second half when Iowa players going for rebounds on the defensive glass were totally mugged and no call. Len got away with throwing elbows all night. The officials missed a couple clear double dribbles and travels, although that probably is the case for most games.

Iowa was whistled for a very poor foul about midway through the second half. Maryland had just attempted a long shot; the deep official by the Maryland bench whistled a foul on an Iowa player under the basket (I'm thinking White) but very late, after the ball had been secured for what appeared to be a clean rebound. The baseline referee had a clear view of the play and did not call anything.
I find it funny no one is talking about the worst call or non call of the game. That was absolutely a flagrant foul against May. I can't believe they didn't even look it. Dracich nailed it when he said they didn't cause May didn't go down or complain, he jut took it. Fran's gotta do a better job coaching in that situation. He's either gotta force the officials to review it or he's gotta coach his players to draw attention to it so they review it. Tom Izzo would have probably done both.
I find it funny no one is talking about the worst call or non call of the game. That was absolutely a flagrant foul against May. I can't believe they didn't even look it. Dracich nailed it when he said they didn't cause May didn't go down or complain, he jut took it. Fran's gotta do a better job coaching in that situation. He's either gotta force the officials to review it or he's gotta coach his players to draw attention to it so they review it. Tom Izzo would have probably done both.

Remember that. A lot of people in the Iowa section next to the floor were yelling flagrant. Pretty obvious when it happened and on the replay.
I find it funny no one is talking about the worst call or non call of the game. That was absolutely a flagrant foul against May. I can't believe they didn't even look it. Dracich nailed it when he said they didn't cause May didn't go down or complain, he jut took it. Fran's gotta do a better job coaching in that situation. He's either gotta force the officials to review it or he's gotta coach his players to draw attention to it so they review it. Tom Izzo would have probably done both.

I was more surprised that they didn't review that foul on A White when the guy jumped and kicked the back of his head, considering that he made a little scene as if he'd been poked in the eye and couldn't see. That seemed like one of those situations in which they review it but don't issue a flagrant foul.
First half was good, few fouls called, a lot of flow to the game.
Second half, they called it completely different.

Really sucks for the players, as they don't know how to play through it sometimes.

This was my only complaint--the inconsistency from half-to-half. Aside from that, I didn't see anything that was uncommonly egregious.
I'm not naive in the least. The guys working post season games are doing so because those are the guys the coaches and NCAA officials want.

I know the NCAA officials are selected based on their season performance grades. How about NIT? Are the NIT games getting officials who grade out higher during the season, or are they like the teams themselves, who couldn't make the NCAA but are still getting a chance at post-season play?

Considering how many Iowa games he's done, I was surprised to see Jim Burr in the house last night. Thought the NCAA would try to avoid that.
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Officials end up in the NIT The same way teams do, By not quite being good enough to be in the NCAA. They are still among the best officials out there however when you consider how few Officials work tournament games.
The fouls that stuck out the most to me were;

1. McCabe getting called for the blocking foul when he was set for at least two counts. Absolutely should have been a charge.

2. Woodbury called for a foul on the rebound when Len was completely over his back (I'm not sure how you foul a guy during a rebound when you have your back to him).

Overall, it felt like Len got away with whatever he wanted but the refs seemed to give him the call whenever an Iowa play got close to him during a shot.
The fouls that stuck out the most to me were;

1. McCabe getting called for the blocking foul when he was set for at least two counts. Absolutely should have been a charge.

2. Woodbury called for a foul on the rebound when Len was completely over his back (I'm not sure how you foul a guy during a rebound when you have your back to him).

Overall, it felt like Len got away with whatever he wanted but the refs seemed to give him the call whenever an Iowa play got close to him during a shot.

1. Don't know if this was the foul but there was one on Zach midway through the second half to the right of the basket (looking from behind) near the baseline where Zach ran out and gave a pretty good bump to the Md offensive player. Iowa fans around us laughed -- classic Zach foul. Good call.

2. Should have been called but wasn't.

Len was using his wings a lot against any opponent. He got called for it once, a clear push in Woody's back. But that's about what I recall.

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