Officiating really hurt Iowa in this game.


Well-Known Member
This is one game where officiating was a huge factor. Actually, the calls against Iowa has been pretty unbelievable in this tourney. How many charges did they call on us tonight? And how was that last foul on McCabe a foul when he clearly had rebound position?

Iowa deserved better throughout this tourney and tonight.
Gotta learn to play through it. Games will be even tougher on the road at ISU and in the B1G.
I dont mind if they call a close game and i dont mind if they let things go. Heck, i dont even mind if they let things go in one half and then call it close in the 2nd half. What i am SO freaking tired of though is how something is a foul for one team, but not for the other or how something is a charge for one team, but a block for the other. Is it really to much to ask to just call the same things for both sides? The crappy thing is we were the aggressors in this game and we still couldnt grt the calls!
With all the talk around the media about how charges will be seldom called, tonight they were the impact player of the game. (Along with missed FTs)
I think the first charges of the season were called in favor of Villanova in this tournament. Just watch, one of the refs will be a Villanova grad or something. Bush League. Absurd.
I'm out for the night... Enjoy your night of blaming the officials.

I'd only suggest to take a look at free throw shooting late. Marble missed some big ones.

I'm concerned moving forward cuz we have found in this tournament that if you can limit fast break opportunities and force iowa into the half court and not let marble beat you, we struggle.
I'm out for the night... Enjoy your night of blaming the officials.

I'd only suggest to take a look at free throw shooting late. Marble missed some big ones.

I'm concerned moving forward cuz we have found in this tournament that if you can limit fast break opportunities and force iowa into the half court and not let marble beat you, we struggle.

Oh yes, Iowa has their things to shore up, but it is also hard to win a game when you are playing against 2 opponents at the same time. Iowa wins this game if it is called half-way competent.
Remember that one play, I think in the Xavier game, where Zach was in position for a rebound and some guy hooked both his arms and lifted him on his back? No foul. Zach is in position for a rebound and gets it cleanly, foul on Zach. I don't get it.
There were really only two calls tonight that I took exception too. The blocking call against Gesell when 2 min earlier it looked like the exact same thing happened on the other end an was called a charge (was mad NBC didn't show replay of that play) and obviously the call against McCabe on the rebound where he had good position and it was a 50/50 ball that the players should be allowed to decide the outcome. Both these players end up fouling out so it definitely had a baring an outcome.
Iowa did a lot of stupid things in the 2nd half when Nova went on their run but that call on McCabe when he fouled out and the one on White when the guy missed the dunk in OT were inexcusable. Really poor calls that dictation momentum and a portion of the game.
woody, i hear what youre saying, but when it's a call with 1 minute or less in a tied game, it has a huge effect on the outcome....i mean the bias east coast commentary even acknowledged how horrible it simply can't make that call at that point in the game, it has too much weight towards the outcome, period.

Gotta learn to play through it. Games will be even tougher on the road at ISU and in the B1G.
you're exactly right, with the exception of two of your top scorers fouling out on completely wrong calls within the last 2 minutes of the game, i highly doubt that happens again, and thus the outcome would be different.

I'm out for the night... Enjoy your night of blaming the officials.

I'd only suggest to take a look at free throw shooting late. Marble missed some big ones.

I'm concerned moving forward cuz we have found in this tournament that if you can limit fast break opportunities and force iowa into the half court and not let marble beat you, we struggle.
The officials were very inconsistent, sure, but no call in that game changed the outcome. In fact I think you were very lucky one of the officials decided not give McCabe a T which was probably warranted if the game hadn't been on the line.
The officials were very inconsistent, sure, but no call in that game changed the outcome. In fact I think you were very lucky one of the officials decided not give McCabe a T which was probably warranted if the game hadn't been on the line.

OK, if the ref didn't call a foul on McCabe (which was clearly b.s.) he wouldn't have fouled out, which in turn he wouldn't have thrown his mouth piece on the floor (which was what he would have been t'd up for) Iowa would have had the ball back down by 3, not putting Nova at the FT line taking an even bigger lead. Nova got an advantage from the horrid officiating, but Iowa should have not let Nova back in it.
OK, if the ref didn't call a foul on McCabe (which was clearly b.s.) he wouldn't have fouled out, which in turn he wouldn't have thrown his mouth piece on the floor (which was what he would have been t'd up for) Iowa would have had the ball back down by 3, not putting Nova at the FT line taking an even bigger lead. Nova got an advantage from the horrid officiating, but Iowa should have not let Nova back in it.

Did you lose the game on that call? Apparently that's how it works.
Jesus. There were only a couple calls I had a problem with. White was charging all over the place today, and I can't think of one that wasn't a legit charge. The charge called on McCabe was the right call.

Officiating didn't blow a 15-point lead (twice).
Officiating did not cost us the game. i agreed with the charging calls. We were trying to hard to initiate contact and get to the free throw line (probably based on how season has been called) instead of just playing.

FT's, Off Reb, and some late game execution is what did us in.

Very good game in November and that will help us down the road
I'm out for the night... Enjoy your night of blaming the officials.

I'd only suggest to take a look at free throw shooting late. Marble missed some big ones.

I'm concerned moving forward cuz we have found in this tournament that if you can limit fast break opportunities and force iowa into the half court and not let marble beat you, we struggle.

It doesn't matter when a FT is missed. It's always crucial to make them. I believe Iowa and Villanova had the same FT percentage as well. Nova just shot more FT's
The refs were terrible but we didn't deserve to win that game. We got out-rebounded by a smaller team and kept doing the same stupid stuff that makes it easy for the refs to call fouls on us. Note to Aaron White: You can't use your off arm to elbow the defender out of your way, when you are driving to the basket! 2 stupid fouls, right there.
Note to Devyn Marble: Make your freaking FTs! Make your FTs and we win in regulation.

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