Officiating really hurt Iowa in this game.

I doubt many teams are going to go Chris Kingsbury on us like we saw last night. RDM needs to knock down the free throws and Aaron White needs to play the 4. Do those two things and we'll be fine.
This is one game where officiating was a huge factor. Actually, the calls against Iowa has been pretty unbelievable in this tourney. How many charges did they call on us tonight? And how was that last foul on McCabe a foul when he clearly had rebound position?

Iowa deserved better throughout this tourney and tonight.

I wish Frantastic would've unloaded on DeRosa after that phantom call on McCabe. And how about the phantom hook call on Marble when he was trapped on the sideline late in the game.
Either way folks these are good games to play through because if you think we are going to get calls in Columbus or East Lansing or Purdue even think again. Nice comeback and fight to sent this thing in to overtime.
Villanova played with more intensity on defense in the second half. I thought that was key to their comeback and eventual victory.
I wish Frantastic would've unloaded on DeRosa after that phantom call on McCabe. And how about the phantom hook call on Marble when he was trapped on the sideline late in the game.

I don't think I've ever seen so many offensive fouls called on one team in a game before. And that includes BEFORE the rule changes were in place. Did Nova have any called against them?
Oy. It's the ISU defense.

What really hurt Iowa in that game was 'nova suddenly getting hot from 3 point range. Long range 3's, contested 3's, long range contested 3's and then Iowa going cold and not being able to hit anything.

Yeah, the officiating wasn't stellar. But it's not any worse than what Iowa will face at sparty or OSU.
I don't disagree atx. What really did Iowa in was the lights out shooting that came out of nowhere for Nova. Iowa was comfortably ahead until Mr. Clanks McGee hit 3 ridiculous threes in a row to wake them up.
The refs were terrible but we didn't deserve to win that game. We got out-rebounded by a smaller team and kept doing the same stupid stuff that makes it easy for the refs to call fouls on us. Note to Aaron White: You can't use your off arm to elbow the defender out of your way, when you are driving to the basket! 2 stupid fouls, right there.
Note to Devyn Marble: Make your freaking FTs! Make your FTs and we win in regulation.


The White at the 3 spot thing needs to end. Its hurting the team.

I dont even know what to say about Marbles freethrow shooting. Also hurting the team big time.
I'm out for the night... Enjoy your night of blaming the officials.

I'd only suggest to take a look at free throw shooting late. Marble missed some big ones.

I'm concerned moving forward cuz we have found in this tournament that if you can limit fast break opportunities and force iowa into the half court and not let marble beat you, we struggle.


Maybe Uthoff will end up picking up some of the slack, but, if you truly/honestly look at this team, outside of said Marble/Uthoff, nobody brings an offensive game to the point they can win one for the team. It is what it is. Teams will try to box us into that corner....our staff will try to keep us out of that corner.
White at the 3 and Woodbury starting are both questionable decisions. If you feel the need to start Basabe, id prefer a lineup of Basabe and White at the F spots (5/4 respectuvely) and let McCabe start at the 3 with Uthoff backing him up. Let Gabe be the first one off the bench for Basabe.
I understand Fran wanting to do what the players want, in terms of what positions they play and who wants to start but you cant do it at the expense of the entire team.
I always find it amazing when the team that is behind by double digits starts playing suffocating defense and can be in the double bonus for 5+ minutes before the team they are defending even reaches the single bonus. Same thing happened to Iowa in the MSU game last year.

And you 'Holier-than-thou' guys who say don't blame the refs, they just need to overcome it make me retch. They shouldn't have to overcome it.
I always find it amazing when the team that is behind by double digits starts playing suffocating defense and can be in the double bonus for 5+ minutes before the team they are defending even reaches the single bonus. Same thing happened to Iowa in the MSU game last year.

And you 'Holier-than-thou' guys who say don't blame the refs, they just need to overcome it make me retch. They shouldn't have to overcome it.

There were two of Marble's drives late in the game in which I felt the Nova defenders did a good job of staying straight up and we got the foul calls.

The point is pretty simple, throughout a basketball game you're gonna have calls go both ways.

We were up double digits and give credit to Nova for never giving up and they caught a hot streak and rode it to victory.

I think this will be a game that keeps both Fran and Devyn up the next couple nights. Starting SG and our best player who has dreams to make it to the next level has got to shoot better than 50% from the line.

As for Fran, I said with 4 minutes to go in the first half, I wanted him to go back to the 2nd lineup but he never did. Also, Gabe was terrific in the first half but rarely used in the second. There are advantages to being deep but one of the challenges is having to play with so many options rather than just going with your best guys and letting the chips fall where they may. We also went away from the press which I seemed to be effective and forced a lot of turnovers in the first half which was really what allowed us to capture the lead in the first place.
I always find it amazing when the team that is behind by double digits starts playing suffocating defense and can be in the double bonus for 5+ minutes before the team they are defending even reaches the single bonus. Same thing happened to Iowa in the MSU game last year.

And you 'Holier-than-thou' guys who say don't blame the refs, they just need to overcome it make me retch. They shouldn't have to overcome it.

You wanna know how to avoid having to overcome foul calls?

Don't ******* foul.
The officials were very inconsistent, sure, but no call in that game changed the outcome. In fact I think you were very lucky one of the officials decided not give McCabe a T which was probably warranted if the game hadn't been on the line.

Word. McCabe shoulda been T'd and wasn't. Referees did not lose this game. Iowa did.
1 point would have changed the outcome (in regulation), and the terribly inconstant officiating contributed. What was most glearing was that the blocking/ charge calls. When a nova bum had the ball it was a block, where as in the same situation the Iowa guy had the ball it was called a charge time and time again. They need to atleast be contestant.
That officiating crew will not grade out very well for post season opportunities. So they got that going against them. I'm sure that makes some of you feel better.
1 point would have changed the outcome (in regulation), and the terribly inconstant officiating contributed. What was most glearing was that the blocking/ charge calls. When a nova bum had the ball it was a block, where as in the same situation the Iowa guy had the ball it was called a charge time and time again. They need to atleast be contestant.

Which block/charge calls dd you not agree with?

I remember McCabe and White both being called for charges which I thought were both good calls.

I did think McCabe was set on one and called for a block that should have been a charge.

Hardest call in the game, no surprise 1 is missed in a game. I've already listed a couple calls that went in our favor on Marble.

The worst call of the game was on the block out.

But again we got some calls, they got some calls... That's basketball.
Were they called for a single charge all game? If so it was not often. The game was not called consistently. If they let things go on one side then do so for the other. If they don't let things go then do so on both sides ie call charges on both teams. The total fouls is an obvious indication.
Were they called for a single charge all game? If so it was not often. The game was not called consistently. If they let things go on one side then do so for the other. If they don't let things go then do so on both sides ie call charges on both teams. The total fouls is an obvious indication.

How many charges did we attempt to draw? I don't recall many and as I mentioned I felt they did miss on one call that McCabe got called on that should have been a charge.

And If you want to go by total foul count, we should have lost in the first round to Xavier because we were in the double bonus before they were in the bonus both halves.

So safe to say you agree Xavier got screwed by the refs and we should have been playing in the loser bracket??

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