Officially "had it" with Cowherd

When 90% of the board misses your point maybe it's time to admit your point sucks.

Losing to Iowa is not embarrassing. Losing to Iowa by 30 points is, especially when you are a top ten team with national title hopes. Any B10 team beating any Iowa team in the last twelve years is a quality win. Any B10 team losing to Iowa by 30 in the last twelve years is an embarrassing loss.

Lastly the thought that you can't compare in conference SOS is ducking fumb. Of course you can. It might not be under the schools control, and it might not be fair, but guess what prole. Life ain't always within control, and life ain't always fair.

Grab a tissue, wipe away your tears, and man the **** up.

Huh? What's with the "tough" act? ARe you THAT much of a tool that you have to resort to name-calling and blasting a nonsensical point?

Admit it: comparing schedules from two different seasons, citing conference scheduling that is out of a team's control AND using our schedule for 2007--when we were 6-6 and NO arguments were being made for our inclusion in ANYthing--is pointless and groundless..."prole".
That's a lie. Cowherd has always hyped soccer. His immediate family is British, and he grew up with soccer. He has been talking about it for years. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

This ^ is completely true.
Cowherd started talking soccer about 3 years ago because studies showed that certain highly populated areas had high interests in soccer. He thought it would improve his ratings.
I caught bits and pieces of what he said that started this thread a couple of days ago, he did state that he would rate Iowa the 19th best program in the country the last decade or so. Which is about right.

Cowherd is an elitist snob, but I like listening to the guy. His "take the emotion out of it" line is just dead on about a lot things in life not just sports.
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So, yesterday, he is discussing the 2010 scenario (if "new" system were in place).

He DQs 11-1 MSU because of an "embarrassing" loss to Iowa, while touting OSU and Wisconsisn because of wins OVER Iowa.

Today? He is raving about LSUs 2011 schedule. It was tough, but you have to throw out conference opponents, IMO, as those games are a "given", whether either team is good or not. You can't "cancel" a series with a conference opponent!

So, who does he use to make a "joke"?

"Look at Iowa's schedule in 2007 or 2008. They didn't play Michigan or Ohio State!"

Does this turd not understand that Iowa didn't "choose" who we played during conference schedule? Worse, did he look at LSUs schedule for those same years? LSU had TWO FCS/1-AA opponents each year, and one MAY have even been an in-state D-2 team. Sure, we played some Florida Internationals and MAC schools. We have also played Big 12 and Big East schools, Pac 10/12/14 schools, etc. Worse than that, in 2007 and 2008 NO Iowa fan, coach or administrator made ANY sort of claim that we got a bad bowl slot or got left out in favor of a less-deserving team. So Cowherd railing on our 2007 and 2008 schedules has no merit vis-a-vis any other team in those seasons.

What is his hard-on for Iowa? He is getting to be as bad as Rome, and that's saying something. Rome, for his numerous faults, possesses a modicum of intelligence. Cowherd? Not so much.

Only you are responsible for what you listen to. Change the channel. It took me listening to him twice to realize he was an a$$, like Rome, who gets under your skin simply to insight a reaction and build his ratings...It's not about if they are right or wrong, it's about how many they can get to react to what they say. Good or bad, it's ratings.
Why are so many people here operating under the fallacy that the way to have success in broadcasting is to irritate and alienate your audience?

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