Officially "had it" with Cowherd


Well-Known Member
So, yesterday, he is discussing the 2010 scenario (if "new" system were in place).

He DQs 11-1 MSU because of an "embarrassing" loss to Iowa, while touting OSU and Wisconsisn because of wins OVER Iowa.

Today? He is raving about LSUs 2011 schedule. It was tough, but you have to throw out conference opponents, IMO, as those games are a "given", whether either team is good or not. You can't "cancel" a series with a conference opponent!

So, who does he use to make a "joke"?

"Look at Iowa's schedule in 2007 or 2008. They didn't play Michigan or Ohio State!"

Does this turd not understand that Iowa didn't "choose" who we played during conference schedule? Worse, did he look at LSUs schedule for those same years? LSU had TWO FCS/1-AA opponents each year, and one MAY have even been an in-state D-2 team. Sure, we played some Florida Internationals and MAC schools. We have also played Big 12 and Big East schools, Pac 10/12/14 schools, etc. Worse than that, in 2007 and 2008 NO Iowa fan, coach or administrator made ANY sort of claim that we got a bad bowl slot or got left out in favor of a less-deserving team. So Cowherd railing on our 2007 and 2008 schedules has no merit vis-a-vis any other team in those seasons.

What is his hard-on for Iowa? He is getting to be as bad as Rome, and that's saying something. Rome, for his numerous faults, possesses a modicum of intelligence. Cowherd? Not so much.
So, yesterday, he is discussing the 2010 scenario (if "new" system were in place).

He DQs 11-1 MSU because of an "embarrassing" loss to Iowa, while touting OSU and Wisconsisn because of wins OVER Iowa.

Today? He is raving about LSUs 2011 schedule. It was tough, but you have to throw out conference opponents, IMO, as those games are a "given", whether either team is good or not. You can't "cancel" a series with a conference opponent!

So, who does he use to make a "joke"?

"Look at Iowa's schedule in 2007 or 2008. They didn't play Michigan or Ohio State!"

Does this turd not understand that Iowa didn't "choose" who we played during conference schedule? Worse, did he look at LSUs schedule for those same years? LSU had TWO FCS/1-AA opponents each year, and one MAY have even been an in-state D-2 team. Sure, we played some Florida Internationals and MAC schools. We have also played Big 12 and Big East schools, Pac 10/12/14 schools, etc. Worse than that, in 2007 and 2008 NO Iowa fan, coach or administrator made ANY sort of claim that we got a bad bowl slot or got left out in favor of a less-deserving team. So Cowherd railing on our 2007 and 2008 schedules has no merit vis-a-vis any other team in those seasons.

What is his hard-on for Iowa? He is getting to be as bad as Rome, and that's saying something. Rome, for his numerous faults, possesses a modicum of intelligence. Cowherd? Not so much.

Did you watch that game? It was embarassing for Mich St. He's not saying it was embarrassing because Iowa wasn't any good.
Did you watch that game? It was embarassing for Mich St. He's not saying it was embarrassing because Iowa wasn't any good.

My point is that he cites Iowa as "good" wins for OSU and Wisconsin on the heels of the MSU DQ.

<<Did you watch that game?>>

Are you serious? I don't miss IOWA games, sport.
He spouts all kinds of crap that doesnt make sense. I try to listen to him every once in a while but it is just painful to listen to.
My point is that he cites Iowa as "good" wins for OSU and Wisconsin on the heels of the MSU DQ.

<<Did you watch that game?>>

Are you serious? I don't miss IOWA games, sport.

I understood your point. I don't see a problem with calling the MSU loss to Iowa embarrassing while calling the wins over Iowa for OSU and Wisconsin good wins.

FTR, I hate Cowherd and think he's a moron.

To the bolded: Let's simmer down now, it was a rhetorical question.
Cowherd is a self proclaimed front runner. He wants to see all the big name schools in the mix every year and can't stand some "lower tier" school coming in and messing up the match ups he'd like to see. In other words he considers all schools in the B1G not named OSU, Mich, M. State, Wisconsin and Nebraska inferior.
Cowherd makes outlandish statements because its sports radio.

Yes, it gets people talking, and listening. It's part of the circus.

I always wonder why people consider anyone with a microphone an "expert."

Football ain't that complicated.
This is the same blowhard that was annointing the Knicks NBA Champs once Anthony was back from injuries because Lin was all that.

He is entertaining at times, but really take most of what he says with a grain of salt.
You do realize, that just the day before he said Iowa was his #19 football program in the last ten years and talked Iowa up for a good couple minutes.
I'm not defending him, I just take him with a grain of salt most of the time.
I like Cowherd. He is entertaining, and frequently funny, which is the whole point.

Also like:
SVP and Ryen
Dan Patrick in smallish doses

Do not like:
Mike & Mike
jack arute (zomg turrble)
There's nothing outlandish about saying that a team that loses 37-6 to a 7-5 Iowa team shouldn't be in the mix for a national title.

Having said that, I'm not a Cowherd fan, and sports radio in general is pretty much a wasteland.
Why would anyone listen to Cowherd when its on at the same time as Dan Patrick?

That is the only reason I don't listen to cowherd or else I may tune in every once in a while, but not over Patrick. Same thing with Rome who I listen to as well because the alternative to that show is Garmon and Cotlar....Seriously, who listens to Garmon and Cotlar?
Cowherd is the best guy in radio and it's not even close.

He tells it like it is, and the reason people don't like him is because he doesn't pander to your ******** insecurities.
Cowherd is the best guy in radio and it's not even close.

He tells it like it is, and the reason people don't like him is because he doesn't pander to your ******** insecurities.


Cowherd has said a few times that he actually does respect KF and Iowa as a program. He also states that he is a homer for the bigger schools like USC because it generates higher ratings for his show

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