Are the Cardinals really going to hit into a billion double plays like they did last year? Molina is the king of GIDP.
Mozeilak interview before tonight's game said Carp will undergo more tests in next week, and if all good, will start throwing sessions.

Like pickup of Beltrane. Guy can still hit the ball. Becoming more and more convinced that Freese is the real deal!!!
I must admit, I wasn't expecting the firepower to stay at a high level after Pujols left but it's still there. With the rest of the division so weak St. Louis should easily punch their ticket back into the post season.
I think the biggest change for the cardinals is that boneheaded Larussa is gone, Matheny appears to be a better judge of talent then old ****** haircut. Cardinals may have never seen Albert Pujols unless Bobby Bonilla got hurt in spring ball in 2001. I have had little faith in his ability to judge talent since then...best hitter in baseball for a decade and he couldn't see it!!!!
Jeeeeeeeez, despite the disAstros being within 2.5 hours of here the DJ on the local alt rock station was even ripping on the Cubs. He was saying it would be nice if teams would just forfeit when playing the Cubs.
Go Cards!

LaRussa is one of the greatest managers of all time. But Dave Duncan will be missed more the LaRussa. Matheny was a great hire.

Carp wont be back until at least July. But Lynn was a starter in the minors. And based on his 1st appearance and the fact that Lohse is pitching for his next contract, should counter that loss. Tommy John doesnt take 2 years anymore. Wainwright will win 18-20.

Losing Pujols was disappointing, but a real good thing. Freed up money to resign Yadi. And Wainwright. The Cards, basically, traded Pujols for Beltran and Wainwright. A great trade.

Winning 4 of 6 from our rivals to start the season was huge. And now the Scrubs come to town. Time to get fat, boys.
The Cubs have no business taking any of the 3 games in the coming series but I'm sure they will steal at least one. Oh well, we win 2-3 all season long and we win this division by 20 games. :)

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