Official PSU next loss to IOWA game thread.

Uthoff has been the lone bright spot in terms of competent, all around play. Whitey doing his thing but is a step slow and missed a couple bunnies. No worries about those 2, tho, they'll get it going in 2nd.

As for everyone else ... might as well just send out JU and AW to go 2 on 5. It's basically played that way so far.
You could say Gabe needs more minutes or Woody needs less. But Gabe seems like a better fit right now.
NICE BLOCK!!!!!! Come out and play turnover free basketball with alot of hustle and put psu out of their misery!
Uthoff with sweet fade/hook combination.
Iowa 27-19.

Yeah, don't understand why last possession didn't go to uhtoff, he is feeling it. Clemons has to run the team better when he is in. Really don't understand running down strategy there at all, just work and get a good luck. There was a 10 sec differential.
Iowa defense should win this game. Control Newbill. Offense is out of sync Do not know why...maybe Fran fixed at halftime